Bluetooth Finder User Reviews

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  • Incredible

    So clever, way too accurate
  • Thank you based Bluetooth gods

    I typically don’t take my iPad out of the house so it was a little strange when I couldn’t find my Apple Pencil. I decided to fork over the $5 for the app in the hopes of locating my $130 accessory. The app picked up a lot of Bluetooth devices but urged me to shuffle things around where I thought it might be in an attempt to wake the device. It did take me a few minutes but it didn’t take much more than a good nudge to the couch before I saw that it was being picked up. A little meter filled up the closer I got to it and lifting the cushion brought my stylus back to me. #worthit
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  • This saved me $100 today!

    I work from home and only ever use my pencil at my desk during the day, and my couch in the evenings. I’ve had it for months now, and only ever lost it to the couch cushions. So, after flipping my couch inside out twice, and tossing my office like the DEA on a drug search, I googled ways to find it. I assumed it had a find feature like the rest of apples products. Of course, the easiest thing to lose is the one product they make without it. I did find this app though. After opening it and not seeing it come up in the list of devices nearby, I had almost lost hope. Then I gave it one last try. I looked insane, walking around shaking and kicking everything. Then, in the final 100sqft of my house, it finally popped up on the list. Bad news is, it showed up when shaking the trash cans. I found it! Covered in coffee grounds and last night dinner scraps, but nothing a container of Clorox wipes couldn’t fix. Thanks for creating this app! Best 4.99 I’ve ever spent in the App Store, and I’ve been using it since my iPhone 3s!
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  • extremely grateful

    So I was gonna be mad at this app because it seemed like it was telling me my Apple Pencil was in a bag that I had checked like 5 times and I was getting extremely frustrated. I had been searching my room for half a hour before I googled if there was any way to find a Bluetooth device. I had just enough iTunes credit to buy this app and I spent around 20 more minutes searching. I was on the verge of tears checking the same bag over and over again until I realized the bag was right near the trash can. I was seriously about to throw away my 90 dollar Apple Pencil!! So thanks for saving me a lot of money
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  • Bad@$$ app!!!

    I’ve had to use this app twice to help me find my Apple Pencil.
    You have no idea of the excitement it brings to see the meter increase as you get closer to your lost device. It’s like the app is telling you when you’re getting hot or cold and reminds me of that old school game. I don’t generally take the time to review anything, but the gratefulness I feel & the time this app has saved me warrants at least 5 minutes of my time to simply say THANK YOU! Oh... and did I mention how much money it also saved me by not having to buy a new Apple Pencil? I’ll be loyal to this app for life! If there are copycats out there... well... I guess I’ll never find out!!! Thank you to the creator of this app! YOU ROCK!!!
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  • Found it!

    Seems pricey at first but when you need it, it works; at least for the Apple Pencil, I have not tried it on other devices. I was having a senior moment and could not figure out where I had left the pencil. Could it have fallen into the recycle box? Maybe under the couch (painful for some seniors to get down on their knees)? Between the seat cushions? Anxiety sets in “Will I have to buy a new pencil? No, I know it is around here somewhere as I can see the battery charge”. Finally, in desperation I did a internet search for “find my Apple Pencil”. It led me to an article that told me about this app. I choked a little at the $4.99 price, but decided what the heck. Glad I bought it. I am sure a techie could figure out how to search the signal for free, but that is not me.
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  • Worked Flawlessly (and saved me £120!)

    I lost my Apple Pencil 2. After trying several free (and paid competitors), I was almost ready to give up. They all led me on a wild goose chase (after a couple of frustrating hours searching the house. Then I stumbled upon Bluetooth Finder and thought I’d give it a try. Like the app suggest, after a quick five minutes jumping around each room in my house, Apple Bluetooth finder located my missing pencil and within 30 seconds I had found it. I can’t thank the developers enough. Saved me basically £120 shelling out for a new one.
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  • $100 RICHER

    This app literally saved me the cost of purchasing a second Apple Pencil. I have been “non-functioning” without it for over a couple of weeks. Looked everywhere I could think of and assumed it must have rolled off the side table into a waste basket and been thrown out by the housekeeper. Since I need it to do artwork for a non-profit Foundation I had resigned myself to purchasing another. As a last resort I down loaded the app and it worked perfectly. Found the pencil with 1% battery remaining. This should have come with the purchase of the pencil. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
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  • Absolutely Necessary

    I got an iPad Pro for Christmas this holiday and Alf course got an Apple Pencil. I keep it in the same place when not using it and this morning I woke up and couldn’t find it. I checked a million place and nothing. I googled and found this app and figured the price tag was worth finding my Apple Pencil. When it found nothing in my apartment and seemingly nothing in my car, I got a bit worried and decided to get in my car and drive to all the places I went yesterday with the app still going. As I was driving Apple Pencil finally popped up. I clicked and ashamedly watched as the little blue GPS dot followed me. I felt relief also cause this meant it was in my car. Turns out it was in the trunk. I guess it must've rolled out of my purse and underneath a bag of clothes I have in there for goodwill. Thank you so much Bluetooth finder!
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  • Waste of 5 bucks

    I just spent an hour of my time and 5 dollars of my money out of desperation when I couldn't find my Apple Pencil. Not only did it fail to register even when my iPad could read its battery life, but when you get a bad search and tries to reconnect, it doesn't allow you to cancel it. I had to restart the app just to end it.

    Maybe it's because I had been searching at the wrong time, but when my iPad can pick up the pencil when the app can't, that's a major issue.

    EDIT: This issue is especially apparent for someone like me who might set the pencil down somewhere and not notice it's missing until long after the app will be able to find it. All I'm saying is that if my iPad can pick up its battery life at that time, the app should be able to find its location as well. Don't make it so the app can only work best if you've just lost it. It might be hours before I realize I can't find it and by that point, this app is completely useless to me.
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