Bluetooth Finder User Reviews

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  • Found my 2nd Generation Apple Pencil

    I cannot stand when I can’t find something I know I just had in my possession. I was about to go to bed and realized that my Apple Pencil was no longer attached to my IPad. I search the trash and everything I had touch between 4 pm and 12 am. I google “how to locate my Apple Pencil” and I found a suggestion that recommended this app. I was very sceptical about spending money on an app ( I don’t usually purchase any apps) but I was desperate. Long story short, I found it in the reclining couch after figuring out what crevice it had fallen into. This app kept me from losing sleep over this pencil!
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  • Useless for finding Apple Pencil

    Don’t get sucked in by the one good (possibly suspect) review as I did - this app has proven totally useless for finding my 2nd gen Apple pencil around the house. Nudging items is impractical and location accuracy is very poor. You are much better off to just use your eyes - this app gave me no clue my pencil was hiding inside the couch as even giving the couch a decent nudge did not wake the (30% charged) pencil. These problems are likely not the fault of the developer - more the limitation of the pencil and Bluetooth itself - but it is a ‘find your Bluetooth device’ service they are selling and for the pencil it does not deliver. Shame as would have been very handy as I’m always losing the darn thing!
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  • Found Apple Pencil!

    Got this app based on another reviewer that lost an Apple Pencil. My son swore he last saw the pencil in the couch and we searched everywhere for it. After not finding it I started thinking he didn’t remember accurately where it was last. Got this app and took it near the couch, shook the couch a little and there it was, the pencil popped up on the screen! We had to really dig in the couch to find it since it had dug in to the recess of the recliner portion. This app let us focus on where the pencil really was instead of tearing the entire house apart. Without this app I don’t think we would have found it. It was dug so deep in the couch I never would have kept searching there. If you lose an Apple Pencil, get this app!
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  • Amazing!

    TLDR; sensitive enough to detect my poor apple pen buried in the depths of my outdoor bin. Shook individual rubbish bags until the apple pen was detected again- and dug for victory ! Thank god as the bin was due to be collected next morning- saved me £90! Cheers

    Wow so, never written a review before and was honestly extremely skeptical about this app- but as I’m sure you can discern from the rating I was absolutely proven wrong!

    I had a very lost Apple Pencil and had turned over my entire house to no avail. I had the thought that perhaps it had been accidentally thrown away and ended up in the bin- but was obviously reluctant to search through the stinking, full outdoor bin on the slight chance I might find it. I got 2 bags in and gave up.

    I tried again with this app in hand and kept a close eye on it as I shook the bin vigorously and saw the ‘apple pencil’ pop up in the devices! I employed an unfortunate soul to shake rubbish bags until the apple pen was detected again- the app was bang on and we found the pen within minutes instead of potentially hours.
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  • Saved my life! Apple Pencil showed up on app after a day!

    I was deep cleaning my room and by the end of it, I realized I could only find my iPad and not my Apple pencil. I thought I accidentally threw it away or it somehow fell into the trash bag... I downloaded the Bluetooth finder app, but my pencil did not show up on the list of devices. I even walked around my whole apartment three times, shaking various things. I was super discouraged, so decided to sleep it off. The next morning I decided to check randomly and Apple Pencil showed up on the list, but the app wasn’t able to locate a signal so I clicked out of the screen. When it refreshed, the pencil wasn’t on the devices list anymore. I was going to give up until couple hours later I decided to open the app and it showed up again. This time I made sure not to click out of the screen and kept walking around my apartment until the hot cold bar showed up. When I got close, the app picked up the signal that my pencil had 12%. While I was busy searching one drawer, the signal disconnected and the app said the device fell asleep. I slammed my drawers and then the signal popped back up (so definitely nudge things like the app says because your pencil can fall asleep)!! I eventually found it by going through all the drawers. If you’re about to give up, wait a day or two and leave the app open on your iPad until the device shows up. I’m a college student so I’m very grateful that this app saved me $100 😭
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  • Found my Apple Pencil

    So quick summary is I found my Apple Pencil using the app. Long summary is basically I tried looking for the pencil in my room and couldn’t find it. I downloaded the app and when the app opens, it starts connecting to Bluetooth. I had 2% battery left on my pencil since my iPad told me. Now the thing is, when it is searching for Bluetooth it showed one device on it already and it was something like “LWS0221”, while also it was looking for more devices. Since nothing showed saying Apple Pencil I assumed that was it, so I connected to find the LWS0221, but after spending 20 mins leading me downstairs to the front of my door and in neighboring rooms I gave up and came back upstairs. I took the advice of another reviewer who moved stuff violently. I decided to move all things in my room violently so that the pencil could give a signal when moved. Finally after moving under my bed random stuff, the iPad picked up the device “Apple pencil”. I connected to it and boom it gave a signal that it was under my bed with 100% certainty on the meter. And even though i checked under the bed multiple times prior I didn’t find it, but the app helped me find it the Gods will.
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  • Helped find my Apple Pencil

    Great thank you. I wouldn’t have found my Apple Pencil without this app. I had looked everywhere so was giving up hope of finding it. After much searching and moving objects about to hopefully get a signal from it, I plonked myself down on the sofa only for a signal to appear! It was down the back of the sofa! I had already looked there too and didn’t find it so didn’t think it was down there. It was worth buying the app as it was much cheaper to get the scanner app than buying a new pencil. The app works really well it detected all my other Bluetooth devices too. Many thanks.
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  • this was so helpful!

    10/10 would recommend! I was literally crying when looking for my lost Apple Pencil. It had been gone for weeks when I googled how to find a lost Apple Pencil. It led me to this app and I gave in an paid the 4.99. I shuffled around and discovered it found the device. I clicked on it and there was no signal yet. I looked near the place where I last was and noticed how many lost things were there! I found my Apple Pencil and other things that have gone missing! And, to prove it works, when i hold the pencil near my iPad, there was a strong signal!!! So glad I paid $5 to get back $100!
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  • Helped Find my Apple Pencil but..

    I have a terrible memory due to brain injuries and seizures, so losing things comes easy. After I lost my Apple Pencil, though, my anxiety went through the roof because I still had art to finish for a commission. The app was AMAZING at letting me know it was in my apartment but I felt like I was looking for stuff at a beach with a metal detector. I was shaking the couches and pulling cushions off, having my fiancé lift them so I can look under them. I looked EVERYWHERE, nudging everything. It kept saying it was nearby and it was causing me to panic a little more, thinking maybe it’s picking up the upstairs neighbor who might have one. But then I bumped into my laundry table (which I had already nudged before) by accident and the detector went almost to the top. I was digging through laundry like a maniac but found it lol. All in all, worth the money. I was happy to find this was a real app and am very satisfied.
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  • this works

    I better than nothing helps greatwas losing my mind I could not find my apple pencil and I knew it was either in my bedroom bathroom living or kitchen cause I just woke up and those were the only place I went.....I searched with my ipad pro cause that's the last dev to scan it around each place I was nudging a few things as I go and less I found it in the living room not under the couch but in the couch I would have never found it if it wasn’t for this because it wasn’t in the size of the couch for some reason it got actually under the recliner where the bars are. You can’t find it if you restarted the device you used it with after it was lost or if you restart it Bluetooth after it was lost so just remember that thanks guys definitely worth four bucks because I lose this all the time it already paid off the four dollars
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