MMX Hill Dash 2 User Reviews

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  • Too hard, have to pay to progress

    I enjoyed this game up to about level 6 or 7, then it get frustrating. There is little chance of progressing past this point without stumping up cash. You are forced to repeat the same track over and over to earn more points for upgrades which help very little. Its a shame cos i do pay for games that look like they have long term appeal. This one looks like it would be a money pit for little in return. Disapointed, i deleted the game but miss it, certainly dont miss the frustration though🙄🙄🙄
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    Developer Response

    We are continuously monitoring where people are getting stuck, and it's possible we'll roll out an update soon which makes things slightly easier. :) - Hutch Games
  • Fun BUT...

    This game is really fun but the glitches need to be sorted out it’s really annoying if you fix glitches I would give 5/5 but at the moment it’s like 3/5 😬 yeh love the game still

    Developer Response

    What can we do to help? Send us a message in game via Settings; Help and Support or via email and we'll see what we can do. :) - Hutch Games
  • Garbage !!!!

    You developers make this game sounds so great how fun it is you should be ashamed of yourselves it’s a disgrace !!! This game is nothing but click bait, Another app developer that’s greedy greedy pigs that take a vantage of the younger kids it’s funny 36,000 diamonds which is $9.99 to upgrade to another vehicle really !!!! The upgrades are a total joke upgrade your stability, grip, power, it’s all BS and it doesn’t do anything Even with stability and grip maxed out the vehicle still bounces around like if it was never upgraded in the first place !!!

    The game is unplayable is boring and if you’re not spending money trying to get to another vehicle will take forever !!!! There’s plenty of free games in the App Store that are better than this, before I give you $9.99 I’ll go spend it on the game that’s worth spending my money on instead of this click bait game. Here’s what you get for asking me for $9.99 You get a recommendation to my 30 friends not the play your crappy game and on top of that,,,,,, uninstalled !!!
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    Developer Response

    We're very open to feedback, so if you have any suggestions send us a message in game via Settings; Help and Support or via email and we'll see what we can do. - Hutch Games
  • Goodbye old friends

    I do like this game, but I have several problems with it. One: there is now a second special currency, and while you can’t buy it for real money, it is hard to obtain.
    Two: My old favorite cars are gone. The new Micro looks like a dollar store rip-off Jeep, the Monster is now and old truck(happily they kept the “old car theme”), the tank looks like it’s been hit on the head with a wrecking ball, the Racer.....wel the racer looks pretty nice now, but then......The APC. Oh sweet baby Jesus what happened? It is clearly supposed to be the APC (both are 6 wheeled troop carriers), but now it looks like a fish that’s been run over! Change the names so the cars we loved dont look fugly, or keep the names, but add a toggle switch that gives you “legacy shells”. This would be in the settings and would change the Micro, Monster, Tank, and Amphibian back to their original body’s. I want to see the old vehicles again.
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  • Promising, but more frustrating than anything

    It’s nice they redid this and came up with some new features, but what handcuffed the original version is exactly what makes this version just more of the same. Skill/ability does not factor in this game as much as it should. If you aren’t going to buy your way into qualified vehicles/upgrades, your forced to replay the sales levels over and over again inching slightly farther than your last dozen attempts as you inch your way up the upgrade ranks to finally beat the levels. You can’t beat the higher up levels unless you upgrade the vehicles to comparable levels which take skill and ability out of the equation, so your forced to replay the same track over and over and over again nickel and diming your way through the upgrade component to finally complete the track. It’s the same problem that existed with the first game only now there’s more chances to spend your real money with a multiplayer component, but even with that it’s the dreaded fuel usage issues with games that require you to either pay for fuel just to play, or wait 2 hours for your fuel to refill to race one more time. A lot of potential, just not executed with the player in mind.
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    Developer Response

    Sorry to hear that the game was not what you expected. If you stick with it you may find it surprisingly fun, or you probably just need to upgrade your car and keep trying, but I'm sure you'll manage to win sooner rather than later. Also, we are continuously monitoring where people are getting stuck, and it's possible we'll roll out an update soon which makes things slightly easier. - Hutch Games
  • Love it except for one thing

    I liked the last game and this game but I can only get around 30 fps most of the time. Maybe add a "low graphics mode into the game.
  • Level times are silly

    I have fully upgraded monster and bought credits and watched ads to do so - and as other reviews state it still flips out or can’t go uphill where the bots just glide up
    Worse - the target times are just silly
    Even if you get a fairly clean run you are (5 to 10) seconds off the pace - hard is one thing , but this becomes tedious very quickly - and even having essentially paid to get a pass I’m stuck. Madness from the developers , at least lure us in gently !!
    I can’t even pay to get past this level even if I wanted to !
    Fun for 5 mins then delete - sadly you should avoid , even though it has real promise... the developers surely need to keep us playing not force us to quit
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, sorry to hear you got stuck on a particular level. If we can help or give you any hints at all then please do contact us via settings - help and support. We'd love to chat to you more about this. In the cases where you are really struggling to get past a level, it is in fact possible to pay some gems to unlock the next one, but if you persist we're sure you will be able to unlock it without needing to do so. We feel your frustrations though, it can be enraging, but we think that 'one more try' quality is what makes the game so great! Thanks - Hutch
  • Too much grinding

    Excellent graphics and great gameplay. I would love to give this game 5 stars. The only problem is you have to spend way too much time trying to pass one level by just playing over and over again to upgrade your vehicle. The goals are set so high that you practically have to upgrade your vehicle all the way and have a perfect run to move to the next level. I’ve been playing for about a week and am still only on level 9. There’s a lot of potential here and I’ll keep checking for updates but it’s getting old real quick. Hopefully something will be done about this.
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  • Yet another dull freemium game

    The only thing this game has going for it are the visuals. Otherwise, it is boring and grindy to play. There are no rewards for doing flips, and the coins that are available on the tracks are often placed in such a way that you either can't get to them or will miss them. The highway to wealth is a stupid gambling game that doesn't even work properly: I would choose one card and the one next to it would be the one that is revealed. Instead of this why couldn't you try making highway to wealth something that was actually REWARDING to play, by for example making it an adventure mode where the further you got, the more difficult the road would get with the rewards getting better the further you went. There are tons of bugs, like the ghosts your race against floating above the track. Ads are played way too often and are unskippable; there are "rewards" you can get by watching more of them. I'm not even going to get started on the multiplayer mode. Don't waste your time on this game and definitely don't waste your money on it either.
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    Developer Response

    Sorry to hear that the game was not what you expected. If you stick with it you may find it surprisingly fun, or you probably just need to upgrade your car and keep trying, but I'm sure you'll manage to win sooner rather than later. Alternatively you can check out some of our other games. - Hutch Games
  • Five minutes of OK

    Game is ok and moderately amusing for maybe an hour or two. After that there’s just too many ads, too much do the same level to grind an upgrade. Not enough variation to keep it interesting. Had it on the ipad for a day then got bored and deleted.

    Developer Response

    You shouldn’t see any more than two video or interactive ads per hour, per session. If you restart the app that will reset the counter. We’re looking at addressing that issue, however note that making any purchase will disable ads for you permanently. Need help with anything else? Please get in touch via Help and Support in the game Settings. - Hutch Games

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