Kick the Buddy User Reviews

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  • A note to devs

    So it’s a good game but there's pros and cons. The good things are there’s tons of things to do like ACTUALLY tons. But the bad things are my hand has missed the arrow multiple times and accidentally bought something with my gold. So I think that maybe you could add a thing so that when you try to buy something it pulls up a menu that like says “are you sure you want to buy this?” And you can say yes or no. So yeah.

    And when you’re trying to get an item by watching ads sometimes it makes you wait before you can do it. And that gets kind of annoying \: so maybe make it so that when you are a part of the diamond membership you don’t have the time limit when you’re trying to get things by ads. Now I haven’t bought the diamond membership, I just got the free trial. So I don’t really know if when you buy it maybe it gets rid of the ad break and everything. So yeah I don’t really know but no hate on this game, I love it. This was just a suggestion.
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  • Why ‘‘tis game is so good

    I think this game is amazing because he can let you take out all your anger on this cool looking dummy you can use whatever weapon do you want to and they are really fun to use like my favorite would be the spike ball that you go to smash them with it would be really awesome if they added some new games like this on Apple but I think this game would be the best even if they did I did not give it five stars because I didn’t think you deserved it but I think it did deserve for stars which is very good if I could I would give a flying half staff because after I start playing a little more if you came a little more interesting now I think you should go by this game this game is free so you don’t have to buy which is the good thing you should always never take out your anger on real people and you could also use dummy for that this is why the game is so good thank you for reading this and this is why the game is so good
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  • A Dead Memory

    I can’t say how much I enjoyed the old game, but this has just become EAs version of the game and all it needs is loot boxes. In the old game you only saw ads about a tenth of the time you played but now every second of he game is filled with ads, and to access some of the weapons you have to watch around five million ads or pay with gold. I knew the old was kind of harsh on your wallet but this takes it to a whole new level. Half of the weapons require you to spend gold to get them and another 1/4 offer you to spend it instead of watching ads. The diamond subscription is the worst of it offering you to get it for a large $8 a week giving you supposedly all these things each day although I when I tried it out for the 3 day trial I never received anything, and getting the weapons locked behind the diamond membership sign never get unlocked during the free trial from what I experienced. I didn’t play the game after the free trial ended so I may be missing s few things but if this is how the game is going to react to new players I don’t think the game would get any better. If you remove the watching ads for weapons, the diamond memberships flaws and the harsh ads maybe this could be a solid game.
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  • God help the fools who go premium...

    This is one of my favorite games of all time. The only problems I have with it are the ads and premium. It got to the point where I just put my phone on airplane mode to turn the ads off without paying for it... which leads to BOOM!: eight bucks for a week of premium. There’s only seven days in a week. So why would any sane person pay that much. I’m a bit of a game whale and I still wouldn’t spend THAT much money. I mean I just want this one teeny tiny torture instrument that wasn’t that expensive when the game first was out. But things like a baseball bat are premium. Is the bat also a nuclear powered laser sword that hits grenades for baseballs?? No it’s a bat. But I’d consider the premium if you guys would just lower the price on VIP. I mean you give away some one hundred gold a day all I need to do is watch a video. And if I’m not mistaken don’t you get paid per ad? Idk but you guys seem to have a lot of ads and a lot of high prices... otherwise it’s the best game in the world.☺️ I enjoy guillotines
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  • It hurts

    This game.... I remember years ago I used to sit around with friends and play this game for hours. We would unlock all the weapons and powers and find hilarious and awesome ways to use them. Sure we were annoyed that some costed gold that we had to buy but it wasn’t that many and we didn’t really care. After downloading this game again, all it is is a big cash grab. Probably 70/80% of all weapons either
    A. Cost gold which can’t be earned, just bought
    B. Can be unlocked by watching 5 or more ads which is frankly the most despicable and sellout move I’ve seen in a mobile game in a while
    C. Can only be unlocked by a VIP pass that costs 7.99. A WEEK
    Let’s just put this in perspective here, if you subscribe to humble bundle, for just 12$ a MONTH, you can get games that can be 60 dollars BY THEMSELF. so either you pay 144$ a year and get over 80 FULL GAMES for a computer, or pay 416$ A YEAR and get some gold and weapons for a MOBILE GAME. Greed has completely ruined this game which I used to really hold dear. It’s irreversible and disgusting and frankly I’ve lost quite a bit of respect for the publishers as a result
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  • Ads!!!!!!

    This game is great and all, but the ads r getting old! Seriously people nobody's going to play a game infested with ads!! Yet, u do it anyway. The game is not enjoyable, bc of the ads, their everywhere!! At the bottom of the screen, in the corner of the little box he's in, they even make you watch an ad to unlock prizes!!! This makes me want to completely delete the game bc now, u can't even play it without getting at least 20 ads when u first get in the app. And I'm not exaggerating, they make u pay like $5!!! To get "rid" of ads, this is rediculous!! Nobody's going to pay tat much money, and if they do, they won't find any change in it bc it doesn't even work, that's right, it doesn't, there's about the same amount of ads. If u think about it this is just more for the money them for the fun of playing a childhood game that was much better than this ad infected childhood memory, and If you think about that, that makes a great deal of people sad bc u ruined their favorite game from childhood. FIX THIS!!!!!
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  • Too much “limited” ads

    I thought this would be kind of entertaining at first, and it might actually be a really cool game, but only if you are willing to spend either a lot of money on a ridiculous subscription system, or sacrifice a lot of time watching videos of 30 seconds each. I understand that developers need to win some money, and this is usually OK with me, nevertheless this is way too much.

    If you don’t want to spend money (just as me) then you will have to watch a series of videos to unlock a few things to use; depending on the “quality” of the item, they ask you to see certain amount of ads (there were some items that required me to see 20 videos to unlock). Ok, I was willing to accept that, when I found out the app has a limit of videos you can see to unlock stuff, and when you reach it, you have to wait a couple hours to unlock more videos. I mean, you have to wait to be able to see advertisement. That’s ridiculous! I’ve already deleted it. You literally spend more time watching videos than actually playing the game.

    On the bright side, you can say this is entertaining and definitively funny, but this flaws I mentioned kind of ruined the experience. In other words it’s a pay-to-enjoy kind of game. I barely rate something, but I thought this was worth my opinion, hope it might be useful to someone.
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  • Ideas for kick the buddy

    Please reduce the ads Like my god there’s a lot and buying no ads don’t help ether which is Dumb, and Bring back Favorites, it’s useful for pulling off item combos or Reviving buddy with the angel, with out it you just waste time, and why do I have to Buy blood like now your pushing it, and this new Diamond Member Vip crap is just awful, like I’m fine with paying for it one but for Every MONTH! No no no, and now for ideas about buddy’s clothing, add the original buddy cloths that you can Buy like this new one just feels like crap, and why is there less back rounds? And what happen to the Cool revive animation, now he just wakes up, Boring add that in the options. And no, don’t bring back the original cloths for buddy man aka the cloths you start with in Buddy man kick 1 and 2 for Real money I will buy it with game cash not real money, there’s a lot of things to add or bring back but what I Mention are some very bad things about this “good” game. This is Jamesgames and I’ll see you next time, see ya
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  • Too many ads

    This is a good game. I enjoy it, and it’s a fun distraction from my chemistry homework. That said, there are far too many ads. The page always has an ad on it, which is very easy to click by accident as it is near the menu. Whenever you knock out buddy, you get a reward box-which you open by viewing an ad. You can’t opt out. You have to watch the ad to proceed. There’s a little guy who pops up in the corner who I suspect is an ad. You get an ad when you open the app. Also, the game froze on the box when you knock out buddy, wouldn’t give me my reward, and proceeded to only play ads while I tried to fix it. I never got the reward. Only sadness and more ads. If you hate ads, stay far away. I’ve typed the word “ad” so many times, it’s ceased to look like a word anymore. You get ads when the cardboard rips. You get ads randomly, just because. And to top it all off, there’s STILL in-app purchases (Other than removing the ads- which is $5- very overpriced IMO). You spend more time watching ads than actually playing the game. Take notes, developers. If you need money that bad, maybe just make the game 99 cents?
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  • This is the real thing

    People review other apps saying "this has the most ads in history I can barely play it, it's like a hundred ads everytime I play"
    But of course they exaggerate, but if someone says that about this game, they are really not joking, this game is ridiculous and has extremely unsatisfactory content.
    First off, some glitch has happened where you can't hear anything but the doll speaking or screaming, and ever since I've discovered that glitch, it wouldn't go away, second of all, the subscription, it's completely blasphemy and pathetic, who's gonna pay over 5 dollars just for some unlockable weapons, weekly? You are truly not right In the head if you think that would work, I can't imagine such scam and cash grab to fail. Now the worst for last, the ads, everyone has complained about them, and for obvious reasons, this game is literally infested with adds, you get un-skippable ads for almost every time you knock out buddy, you have to watch at best, 5 or more adds to be able to use most weapons in the game. Not only that, you have a little banner at the bottom, meaning you can't ever remove it unless you are lucky and don't get it when you open the app, it's extremely bothersome and block a lot of the screen, doesn't help when you have to play the game horizontally. What a let down of an app.
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