Donut County User Reviews

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  • One Time Fun.

    To be fair, this is literally just a series of levels that allow a hole in the ground to drop objects through it to grow large enough for the next object, and so on.

    This game is fun, entertaining and memorable. The story is over half of the value on the first play through and then the entirety of the hindrance of any subsequent plays. It needs a creative mode, or arcade mode to keep its engagement. Played it, had fun and now it’s over. So I deleted it and never have to think about it again, and that feeling at the end is called disappointment. Good job, it’s almost perfect.
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  • Amazing concept and the visual design is amazing!!

    WE NEED MORE!! This game is so charming. It is has many cool aspects incorporated into the game that just stimulate the senses in a different way like puzzle solving, critical thinking, virtual escape room aspects. Each level is so cleverly designed and it never goes the way I thought it would and I love that. The music is perfect for relaxing after a long day and playing something that is stimulating yet not stressful. It is perfect to play with my 5 year old because he is just learning how to read simple sentences. The trashopedia is very clever and Donut County players can quote these witty and hilarious descriptions for years. This game can be taken very far with multiple bosses, a continued storyline, more levels, and gadget upgrades to solve puzzles with! This game is a vessel that can handle so much and developed upon even more and I hope the developers decide to continue the story! It ended too quickly for me. I felt like this was going in the direction of something like an old video game like Mario 64 or Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong, etc. My only complaint is that it ended much too quickly and I want to play this game all the time like Cooking Craze. We need Donut Country..! ...Donut WORLD!
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  • Visually amazing but...

    Ok, so basically the game is very beautiful with lovable, adorable characters and the game play is almost addicting BUT for a game that costs 4.99 you would expect it to last you a while, especially it being an indie title but that was not the case here sadly. The game is easily completable 2 times over in a single day if you wanted to. Not only that but the game play is more limited than i expected although i guess i should’ve expected that in story game. By “limited” i mean, i expected you to be able to free roam the whole town maybe after completing the story mode but that was not the case. After complaining the game you can replay past levels which are pretty short and not something i’ve ever felt like doing again. If a “free roam” feature was added, i think that would make this game something i could go back on and play every now and then. overall i would recommend this to a friend if only the price was much lower given its current version
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  • It was a good game but...

    But I honestly don’t think it’s worth $4.99. It’s incredibly short and doesn’t have any actual “game play” like there are different levels but there isn’t a way to fail or even to play your own way. You just have to progress in the story the way that they want you to. Also it’s incredibly short, i finished this game in like an hour, and all you can really do when you beat it is start a new game (and do the exact same thing over again) or you can replay the levels you’ve beaten (thus doing the same exact thing over again). I was just expecting more out of an app that is so expensive. It’s really pretty, has a nice soundtrack and is nicely animated but it’s definitely not worth the high price.
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  • Charming and worth your time!

    This smooth, charming, very short game is a great deal at $5. You can tell a lot of care went into every second of the 1-2 hours it takes to finish. Like many others, I wish there were more of it, just because the physics and mechanics are so brilliant. Replaying a level plays out more or less identically; it would have been great to have some kind of a sandbox mode that lets you swallow up objects in a specific time frame, or one that starts small and get ridiculously big across different environments, like the Katamari Damacy series.

    It seems like a small team, so they went quality over quantity, which I appreciate.

    I also liked the writing. It’s a little “millennial,” but so knowing about modern text parlance that you know the writers knew exactly what they were doing.

    For the record, that “other game” that cloned the hole mechanics of Donut County a few months back is a piece of garbage, like something the raccoons in Donut County would collect. There’s no comparison. Play this one instead!
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  • An exciting experience

    The game is polished, inventive, charming, humorous and fun. While I was playing, I thought of all of the time I put into Katamari Damacy back in the day. It has similar quirky vibes. If you’re okay with dropping some coin on a quality game, I recommend it. The entire experience from start to finish is under two hours. At the end of the game you can go back and replay any of the stages.

    I wish there were a bonus stage or stages where you can zen out and pick up tons and tons of objects. Anything to extend the experience beyond the original game. I had such a wonderful time in Donut County that I want more.
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  • Beautiful graphics, but extremely short for the money spent.

    I will say that this game had lovely graphics. However, for the price paid I was expecting a longer, more open ended game play. Perhaps the developer will add more content down the road, so far I haven’t seen that happen. I’m tempted to look into getting my money back and removing the game though due to the fact I kind of feel the amount was too much for such a short lived game play. I will give it a little while and then possibly ask for a refund either through the developer or through the App Store itself. Please be warned that this game can be completed in its entirety within a day or so depending how much time you have to play it. I do hope to see the game expanded on sooner rather than later.
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  • Great Game! I have Some Ideas! (Plz Read)

    You should add a Level Creator where you can use all the different types of trash you’ve collected and also connect to levels that other people have created.

    The game Is Amazing and I’ve played through the whole thing, which is why I came up with this, because there’s not much to do when you win.

    You could also add mini games like one where you can hold arrows with a catapult and shoot Moving targets above. When you hit a target it falls and you level up your hole to the point where you shoot bigger targets. This whole thing could have a time limit so you can see how big you can get.

    One more idea is an infinite mode where you can swallow the entire universe, I don’t know how this would work, because eventually it would have to stop. Unless your hole could fly.

    Well, thanks for reading my review.
    I hope you can add my ideas to the game.
    If you add any of my ideas could you please mention my me in the update log!
    Thank You!
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  • Great 4 hour game

    I beat and unlocked everything within 4 hours. If it wasn’t for the fact that the game was beautiful in every single way I would of given it 2 Stars. It needs and screams for more levels. You start at level 9? Where is the progress before that? I get that fits into the story but the story honestly wasn’t what kept me playing and I felt like there was just as much dialogue as there was gameplay. I was only mildly stumped twice on the last two levels but I didn’t expect much of a challenge anyways because the game has kind of a kid feel to it. All in all if your 8-14 this game is great, beautiful and comical. Not much of a time waister.
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  • Too Short for What It’s Worth

    For $5, you wouldn’t expect a game this simple, short, and actually disappointing. There were only a few challenges when playing the game and that’s where it starts feeling like a rip off. There’s no real challenge give or take a few moments. And because of this ease, you blast right through the game and it ends somewhere really far from what a $5 game feels like it should’ve ended. You’re left wanting more as you just roam around at the end only having NEW GAME as your next option to have the same fun that drew you in. But then you just experience the same game again. And again. And again. I agree with the other reviews—this is a $0.99 game, not a $4.99 one; it’s priced as a meal, but sadly it’s just a snack.

    The jokes are funny and relatable, but the overall finished product feels unsatisfactory like it needs more story and game content.
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