Puzzle Page User Reviews

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  • OK game

    Addictive yet educational. Good variety of puzzles to satisfy most tastes however the long adds are a nuisance - 30 seconds is too long and you start to lose interest. The tokens used to unlock the puzzles do not add up quick enough either which is also a deterrent.
  • Great mix of puzzles and fun daily challenges

    Updated review: I don’t know if they have super fast tech folks or more likely they were working on the problem before I reviewed it, but it is fixed and I am a happy subscriber. I love all the great games and daily challenges. Thanks for you help.

    Old review before the fix: I love the mix of puzzles that is part of this game and the daily challenges. However right now there is a problem with the subscription. I started the subscription a month or two ago and it was working great for a time, but within the past couple days it acts like I have no subscription even though I can see when I look at “manage my subscriptions” under my profile in the App Store that it is still in place and should continue until July 27th. I tried on the subscription section in the app to hit “restore my subscription” but that just suddenly closes the app and doesn’t fix the problem. So I am planning on canceling my subscription until this gets fixed since right now being subscribed is no longer giving me any advantage. Developers if you want to continue to get my money and see me raise this star rating on this review please look into why, even though I paid to be subscribed, the app has suddenly stopped seeing me as subscribed. Thank you.
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  • Great puzzles

    I love this and it’s new look is much more eye pleasing and fun. Only thing I am not super fond of is you only get 10-20 tokens for logging in everyday and you only get 5 tokens for watching a video which you have to watch in between puzzles. The only other way to get tokens is by doing the most annoying surveys ever. You never get to the end of the survey and if you back out you don’t get the tokens or you have to purchase something. Spent 30 mins doing one before I was irritated and still didn’t get the tokens anyways. If I wanted tokens bad enough to by something I would simply buy them from the shop without having to jump through loop holes. If the purpose of doing that to your customers is to trick them into buying tokens because it’s to hard to earn them then I don’t want to buy tokens. If I’m simply tired of doing things to try and get the tokens then great but if I can’t even work legitimately for the tickets I feel like that’s a bad play. Other then the tokens the games are always fun and challenging and the switching them daily is a good balance too. You really only get coins from the achievements so you can’t keep playing without buying more tokens or paying for the membership. But if your good with buying the membership it’s great for you
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  • Great games, customer service is awful

    This is the only game I have ever paid for. The puzzles are great. However, the game keeps shorting me massive amounts of tokens (like, I earn 250 and get 20, or I earn 100 and get 15, and you don’t have many opportunities to earn them - every 50 to 100 games or so). I have emailed customer service, get a canned response and no follow up or fix.

    Reading through the other reviews, this is a long-standing problem that has been ignored. It irks me that I am a paid subscriber and get no response or correction. It’s bad enough that as a paid subscriber I still have to even worry about tokens - what am I paying for? But then to have the game consistently and severely short my tokens and no resolution is incredibly frustrating and insulting.

    Update: No, not caught by my spam filter. Nice of you to FINALLY reply to my multiple emails. But are you going to actually FIX the problem or just ignore it again? I am clearly not the only one having problems. The other problems listed here in your reviews - No quests, the daily challenges listing games already completed...you guys just ignore them. How about actually fixing them?
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  • Was a 5 star game

    First off I loved this game enough to by a year subscription in February. Then the updates started and changes to the layout of the game. It has taken a while to adjust to the changes. I can see where non subscribers have issues getting enough token to finish the pages each day. The rewards have gotten a great deal smaller since the change. While I don’t struggle with tokens to complete pages, I struggle with getting coins to buy hints. Even though running out of coins is annoying I find myself even more annoyed with the block that flashes the “subscribe now” junk on the main page for the day. I am subscribed and do not want to see that on my daily page screen. Also my quests have been stuck in “check back tomorrow” status for weeks now. That used to be a good way to gain coins. If I would have reviewed this in February I would have given 5 stars, however little issues (tokens/coins, quests and the annoying flashing box) make me give it 4 stars.
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  • Excellent Daily Challenges

    I really love that this app has free puzzles which are updated daily. There is a great variety between mathematical and word puzzles, along with some wonderful picture puzzles as well. You get to build up a nice stash of gems and coins which are used to unlock further puzzles or buy solutions and hints to help guide you through the areas you might find too challenging. You can also increase those gems and coins by watching some quick adverts - which helps support the app creators and keep things free for us players.
    The latest design overhaul has really increased the appeal of the app, as well. Keep up the great work on what is one of my top loved game apps!
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  • Puzzle page

    I love the variety of puzzles available. My main complaint is the addressing of issues that you may incur while playing the game. I have written several times to address failure to capture tokens earned from completing tasks. I receive a standard form letter back immediately, however there is no further follow up. I always get the feeling of being cheated! And now with the new format of receiving less tokens to cover the daily puzzles, your token supply decreases 5 tokens daily on the weekday puzzles and 15 tokens on the weekend puzzles. Do the math! Eventually, you will run out of tokens and be forced to buy, if you want to continue playing. I’m sure that is the objective. That would not be an issue if you were rewarded the tokens you earned. This is crazy. I tried to enter this review(which requires a nickname) and every name I entered (and I created many nonsensical ones) stated it was already used so I couldn’t submit the review! So I’m going to rate this a 5 star, to see if it will be accepted it then! In reality, I’m giving the this a 1 star due to another noted glitch. I had originally given it a 3 star, which it wouldn’t accept!
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  • Inappropriate ads

    I really have enjoyed this puzzle game!! It has been amazing. However, once again, I’m finding that the ads contain “Choices” or whatever which displays and promotes cheating spouse, lovers, etc....this is very wrong! I mean, seriously, it’s bad enough that we are exposed to it in day to day life, news, social media, etc. it would be great to actually unwind with a great puzzle like the ones you offer and not be blasted with game ads involving cheating. There could be children playing some of these puzzles. I even had seen an app that had an ad involving the cheating type scenario but with even more cartoonishly characters like you’d see in a children’s show. Come on!! Please, fix that. I barely have any puzzles, card games, etc I can even do without ads like these popping up. No, I do not wish to purchase ad free games either. These were to gain more tokens if you watch video. We barely get enough tokens to play. Again, other than the crappy ads, the puzzles and new update of the new layout are neat!
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  • Love this app

    I really love this app. It provides plenty of puzzle challenges but none of them are so hard that I can’t do them. I am so glad I subscribed. It’s great value for money and no ads! I have more coins and tokens than I can use. For those of you who don’t like ads or can’t get enough coins or tokens I would say definitely subscribe. If you love the app you won’t regret it. I wish I could spend my coins on something though. The number of them just keeps growing even though I often check for errors.
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  • Lots of fun, coins keep disappearing though

    Every time I open the game after closing it my coins go totally missing, I had over 3000 at one point and I came back to 0 left
    Very frustrating, please fix this ASAP

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