Delicious World User Reviews

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  • Love the game but Coins are a hassle

    Delicious is a fun game with many different levels and dishes to create as u advance. The game is set up into chapters with multiple episodes you need to complete in order to get further into the story. With so many levels, earning money becomes more and more important because it is what allows you to upgrade your equipment, improve how ur restaurant looks, and how much ur dishes will be worth. However, things continually become more and more expensive as u progress and ur money doesn’t transfer over when u complete a chapter. Which means you might have to replay levels multiple times in order to gain enough coin for just one upgrade. Sometimes, u absolutely need that one upgrade to complete a level and it makes it tedious having to replay so many different levels in order to gain the coin. Other than this, I really do enjoy this fame and the details that have gone into it!
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  • Incredibly wholesome and brilliant

    After I returned from an impromptu break from obsessively playing this wonderful game I was delighted to notice a new cute updates including more personalized customers and I even believe it’s been better optimized for the iPad which I enjoy playing it on...what can I say? I love every aspect of this game and considering I’m not an avid game player it’s a feat to get me absorbed in something like this. I’m really happy I discovered this game and tbh y’all gonna enjoy all the cash I’m throwing atcha because I can’t seem to stop. My only grip is the insane upgrading prices that gets crazier as the seasons go by but it’s one downside to an otherwise expertly done app. Everyone involved in creating it are geniuses I love you guys and I appreciate all the effort and love put into it <3 you have new lifetime fan :)
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  • Too Repetitive

    I love this game. I’m on season 3, episode 1, level 8. I haven’t spent any money and I completed all other seasons 100% but the more I play, the more annoying it gets. I find it absurd that the money I collected from the previous seasons don’t transfer over to the next season after all the work I put in. You have to play each level 3 times to completely pass an episode, which is around 120 times you have to play over and over again, plus you still need to play the bonus levels to gather more coins because you won’t have enough for the upgrades. I understand some type of “system” has to be put in place to make the game playable but the work and time of the player is not being recognized so in the long run you’ll be forced to spend money even though you’ve worked so hard to save money to make upgrades. Nobody has the time to be playing 24/7 to gather coins while the coins gathered from the previous seasons just sit there.
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  • BEST Time management game

    I usually don’t write reviews (too lazy) but I wanted to share how much I love this game! I play it when I get off off to decompress and transition into my evening. It’s the best time management game out there and the story line is super cute and interesting. It’s better than the Cooking/Diner/Garden Dash Series games from years ago. Plus the graphics are amazing on this game. I like that the levels get harder in each episode and I feel like you really don’t need to buy anything to play this game. Just watch the 30 sec ads to get your double coins and keep playing!

    This game has the BEST graphics out of all the other games this company releases (the other games look extremely cheap and poor quality)... developers, please make the quality of the graphics better on the other games you release that match Delicious Emily! And developers, as episodes increase, make the levels a bit harder vs super easy then harder for each episode. Starting a new episode is kinda boring because the levels are easy.
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  • Cute, Fun, and Lovely—Not Pay to Play!

    I don’t often write reviews, but I feel the need to do so here. So many of these games are impossible to play without paying out the nose for power ups, continues, etcetera. Delicious World has buying options, but they are in no way necessary to be successful. My favorite thing about this whole game is that I can play as many levels as I would like, and that I can even go back and play prior levels to earn coins if I want to upgrade things on my current level. I don’t have to wait for hours for my lives to recharge. I think that mechanic may be active, but I have yet to see it impact me as I play.

    The game is just as pleasing aesthetically. The art is gorgeous, the game is easy to navigate and learn, and the levels seem to build nicely on each other. There’s definitely a rise in difficulty as the game goes on, but it’s balanced well so that it’s challenging without being frustrating.

    I love Delicious World and hope the developers have similar apps coming out to try!
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  • Was great for a while

    This is one of those chaptered story games and I’ve played it into season 3. It definitely is annoying how at the end of each chapter the currency system changes (this making all the money you earned in the previous chapter invalid), but I still liked it. But I’ve encountered two levels now where side dishes don’t always match what you want (multiple people in line, side dish doesn’t get added to oldest customer first, as it should. Or even worse, the side dish goes to the wrong order entirely and you have to trash the plate and cook the side again. You can end up confused and frustrated with a long line fast that way.) And as of chapter 3, episode 2, it just feels unfairly rigged. Levels are getting harder to win, too many steps, too many orders than can be cooked in a short span of time even with burners maxed out, the side dish malarkey. I used to love this game but it’s not fun to play now. I don’t mind giving the devs money- I’m happy to. But not like this.
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  • Love This Game

    I’m going to be honest, the marketing for this game was awful. I didn’t enjoy the cheating gimmick and it was getting obnoxious but I got a little tired of a game I was playing so I literally thought ‘why not’. It’s hands down one of my favorite games today. The story is extremely cute and I’m not forced to pay ( unlike a few that doesn’t make you think you have to pay but it’s extremely difficult to move on from ). It’s nice to just zone out and spam the game and get coins that way.
    The only complaint I have, is the crashing makes me lose my progress, not by far. But it gets tedious when I’ve spent time grinding only for it to be gone. But honestly? The fact that I’m not paying money for the diamond and coins, doesn’t make me hate it. I just have to actually take a break when it does so I’m not frustrated lol
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    Okay, so here’s the truth. After reading “Bubbles’” review, I honestly thought there could be no way someone could enjoy a game so much that they’d leave this kind of feedback. I even went as far as thinking that perhaps the creators of the game themselves had written the review in order to attract more customers. So I thought I’d download the app and prove it for myself.

    Well, I must admit that I was completely WRONG! I concur with every single detail of Bubbles’ review! This game is awesome! It is so much fun and super addictive! And, AND, I haven’t spent one cent on anything! Yes, you do need to earn coins to get upgrades, but you do that by replaying levels and it’s a blast! The fact that there is no money required to play this game or to continue to different levels still astounds me! I LOVE this game and recommend it to anyone who likes this sort of time management style game. Hats off to the creators! This is a great game!!
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  • Love and frustration

    Thank you for helping me. I think the screen was frozen or something. I appreciate the assistance!

    Update: Thank you for your response, however I can’t contact you from within the game because it won’t let me play unless I’m willing to give up 100 gems to do so. Do you have a way around that aspect?

    I love the game! However, too much emphasis on needing gems in order to progress. Additionally, I’m very upset that they were asking for 50 gems to unlock the Christmas episodes (which I didn’t claim) and then the cost went to 100 gems for the New Year’s episodes, which I also did not claim but now I can’t play the game and the progress I made seems to be locked since I can’t get back to the game without ‘paying’ with 100 gems. I purchased the gems for the game; I should not have to sacrifice them to get the episodes using the costly gems, especially since it’s hard enough to unlock episodes as you progress through the levels, which is challenging and you need the gems for the levels. Love it but very disappointing with holding the gems and the game progress hostage.
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    Developer Response

    Thanks for following up! You can play the entire game for free, we won't ask for gems to unlock them. We did give away 50 gems to celebrate the episodes released just before Christmas, perhaps this was not clear enough? If you accept the free gems, the game should open and you should be able to play any episode you like. 😊 If you open the settings menu (⚙️) and then tap "Contact us", send us a message and we can clear up any other questions. Speak soon!
  • Incredibly well-polished game

    Everything from timing and upgrades to character movement and storytelling: this game is put together very well.

    Games like this have always been enjoyable to me, but this game really does top them all.

    - Art/Graphics: 9/10 animation is pretty fluid and believable enough, but the artwork is breathtaking

    - Story: 9/10 makes me care about the characters and threads together a meaningful narrative that instills value in each location of the game. Characters are full of personality and are genuinely fun to get to learn about.

    - Progression: 9/10 games like this can struggle with meaningful progression, but this game nails it! Coins earned from each day at work are pocketed and allow you to upgrade kitchens you work on. If you can manage to be a top chef without purchasing every upgrade (or are willing to grind some), you can take earnings from one kitchen to fund upgrades for the next! The result is that you never feel like replaying or performing well goes unrewarded

    - Content: 10/10 so much content, it’s hard to believe. For a mediocre game, I would be impressed, but this game really is AMAZING - and there’s ALSO SO MUCH OF IT?! It could easily get away with a quarter of the content it has and I’d still heartily recommend it!

    In this genre, there will be few games you can find that top Delicious World
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