Monster Hunter Stories User Reviews

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  • My thoughts

    I really like the game, and I mean a lot for a mobile game, but it’s not perfect like the network battles don’t work and Every time my boyfriend calls me it ends up closing the game for some reason? And unless it auto saves right before, I’ve had to restart missions or battling bosses and I hate doing that.+ the game doesn’t produce any sound, and I’ve tried going to options and nothing. Other than that I hope you guys could add more to the game in the future. This is my experience with the iPhone XR
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  • Amazing

    I absolutely love this game! Been playing nonstop since download! Only thing I’m concerned/disappointed about is that there isn’t another update for it.. I don’t know if one is in the works as I tried looking it up. However to pay 20$ (which is worth it) I just expected there to be a little more post game, more rideable monsters, and hopefully in an update add more special tournaments and more story!! Really hoping for an update!
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  • Love the game... possible update?

    I’m a really big fan of this game- super excited when I saw it available on the App Store. Thanks for making this possible, game developers!
    Then I saw that the DS has DLC and new Monsties. Would it be possible to bring them to the phone? Unless they’re already here and I’m being hasty. Either way, could you bring Glavenus, Rajang, Kushala and Teostra’s eggs to mobile? If you do then I’ll be the happiest player. If not, then I’ll keep playing with a lingering sadness that we won’t get the other Elder Dragons as Monsties.
    Thank you!
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  • WHAT THE Heck!?? 🤨😕😐❓

    This Game was really good at first and I’m not saying it isn’t but it just that I don’t speak Japanese AND it’s not just me here I’m speaking for everyone that plays this game. Tell me have you ever thought of well... I don’t know..PUTTING IT IN English?😟😩 listen love this game and I think everyone else does to but I just what to feel what they’re saying there feelings, there happiness, there anger there sensitivity, there heart. I love this game and I’m not saying you shouldn’t to but I still think it would be nice to know what the characters are saying.
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  • Great game, just a few gripes

    So I’m a long time monster hunter player and have been playing since Monster hunter Tri. So it goes without saying that I’m a huge fan of this series. This game is really fun in my opinion from the wide monster base it has to the concept of finally allying with all our favorite monsters. Well if you’re Japanese that is. My main gripe is that not all DLC was released to the U.S. player base including the inability to befriend some of the bigger and stronger monsters like Kushala daora, Teostra, and Rajang which are some of the strongest monsters in the game. Then the game teases you by making you fight these mighty foes with a dismal reward in comparison to being able to recruit them. Further more the game taunts U.S. players by only allowing the elder dragon, Kirin to be befriended which any long time Monster hunter fan knows is way inferior to fighting beside something such as teostra. If it’s gonna be released for Japan it should be released for everyone! Other than that, this game is almost a perfect monster hunter game and overall I recommend it!
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  • Love but want the last big update

    I have played the game for a very long time now and have loved every minute of the story and the characters plus the hard and challenging boss fights the only thing I would ask is that the final update that is on the Japanese version to transition over to the English version so I can have fun with Rajang Kushala and Teoastra as monsties. But other that this I adore this little gem of a game and hope you guys keep making more fun games for everyone to enjoy
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  • Does quick match work? And more

    Me and my friend always have to do custom match but I want to verse random people and see how good they r, also if your versing random people(if there’s a way to do quick match). Can u add text, so if the other player wants to say “need to switch my guys” u have to leave the hole game and try to join the same guy. Please tell me if it works. But that’s the only thing I’ve been having trouble on so this game deserves a 5 star. Just because the art work and how good the game is built.

    Also is there a 1.2 and 1.3 update coming out? Please respond if not I’m bring the rating down. I NEED TO KNOW!
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  • Amazing game, but needs more content

    Just finished the game until tower of illusion for over 50 hours. However, they should update it to play with other players and added multiplayer quest like the other MH games so it could have more end game content because there were no point to lvl up all the others monstie and making the perfect gene except for just one that I used (Deviljho) to beat the game.

    Overall, fun game to play and to spend your time!
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  • Just got this for my iPad Pro

    Runs beautifully, the graphics are gorgeous too. I have this game on 3DS but couldn’t resist getting this version since it’s much higher resolution.

    One issue though is that it doesn’t seem to have been updated for the 11-inch iPad Pro. It’s not using the entire screen. An update for this would be great, or perhaps it’s the same on all iPads?

    Anyway, that’s a minor nitpick. This game is well worth the purchase price. It’s one of the few iOS games that I think is worth playing, it’s not freemium crap.
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  • Great mobile port

    This game is monster hunter with a pet system and the combat is like playing Rock Paper Scissors. The characters are lovable and I love how the village elders talk. Each monster has a cool/cute unique super move that I adore. I’m still going through the story so I can’t summarize it, but so far it’s been captivating.

    $20 upfront seems steep but you get the full game, no random gotcha rolls or whatnot. There’s no network connectivity needed after the initial download.
    If you look at the bottom with “more made by this developer” there is a free demo that goes up through the starting area and right to the end of part 1 of the story. If you decide to pay for the game after playing that demo version you can port over your save file.

    All in all this is a great port and easily one of my most favorite monster hunter games.
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