Monster Hunter Stories User Reviews

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  • Lose progress with every phone call ; (

    This is a game played on a cellphone. Like most cellphones this one recieves calls from other cellphones or perhaps landlines. You can only save at your bed in the main village at the point I'm at so I'm getting about half hour to an hour of play in before I get back to a save. Every phone call kills my hour or so of progress because after the call the app has shut down and restarts itself. Major oversight for a mobile game...... On a cellphone. Otherwise a fun and great game.
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  • MH stories is awesome

    I love this game, its a good game that makes you feel like your on an Nintendo. I always try to find games like this and I live that this game has i want! You don't need Internet to play this game and makes you feel like... You can really do anything in the game! I MEAN COME ON!!!! You can ride monsters and be there friend who doesn't want that!! The only reason I would not rate this 5 stars is because the category is only adventure but I WANT ROMANCE! I Locke these types of games the most but if they put romance in the game it would be 10x better. And in Japan they already have the 1.2 and 1.3 update and we don't have that yet! They have better graphics and more stories to go on!! I want that bro!! I love this game and ive played it more that 200 hours already!! I recommend playing this game forever !!

    P.S. Ok so the way to save in the game is ether at the catapost or when you go to your personnel room/bed and sleep in it. But there is a moment in the game where you have to go and click to sleep in a TP! So look out for that! Well thats all this might seem tedious but I mean we get a cool game for this kind of action and not have a concern like this??!! I mean I think its pretty fair.
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  • More monsters please!!!!!!

    I was skeptical at first and didn’t trust it, but then I watched a couple of videos and tried it and now I am hooked, please add more updates with new monsters, I really enjoy this game and I actually deleted most of my games because I constantly play this. It is the perfect game and I like how you don’t need WiFi unless you want to play pvp. But I advise you to add more monsters and constantly update it. Please think about it.
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  • Game Issues?

    I really loved the game but I had a couple of issues later in the game once I reached number 1 and 2. After finally defeating the ex I got to the new village but then tried to fight the blighted and I don’t know if it’s supposed to happen but the blighted monster kept double attacking and I’d keep losing a heart in a single turn.
    Please can you weaken the monster because it’s ridiculous trying to even fight with the gear I have. Anyway I love the graphics but please weaken the blighted monster
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  • Try it!

    The price is a bit intimidating, not gonna lie. However, this game, Monster Hunter Stories, makes up for it with it’s sheer awesomeness and vast content. I’ve heard that the game initially had a higher price on the DS devices ($30-60 I think?) as well, so compared to that, the mobile version is a bargain! If you were wondering just how much gameplay is contained in this app... well, I’ve been playing for 13 hours and still haven’t uncovered more than half of all the regions/towns displayed in the world map. Other than that, as long as you’re able to enjoy Pokémon-type games, this game will—without a doubt— satisfy your entertainment needs. Give it a shot!
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  • A Fantastic Port, Still Missing Content

    Let me preface this review by saying that this game is incredibly fun, and I have already sunk nearly 120 hours into this mobile port, and over 400 hours on the 3DS. This game is much more beautiful with this port, has a better UI, and is cheaper than the original 3DS game.

    What I do not appreciate, however, is the incredible amount of content that is missing from both the game and its ports in the USA, content that the Japanese versions have had for well over a year now.

    What I do not appreciate is Capcom's complete refusal to comment on when, or if we are ever going to receive this content, leaving many fans in the dark with more and more asking about it everyday.

    I'm talking about updates 1.2 and 1.3. The postgame, the new monsties, the vastly expanded customization options, and all of the little quality of life changes. We still don't have them.

    I do not write this review out of disrespect, or even anger, but rather from exasperation. I feel as though I can speak for all of us when I say that we, the longtime fans of the game, do not appreciate the silence on this matter. We all really want these updates to land in the U.S. Or at the very least, we want a public announcement that says we are not receiving them.

    The game still is and will always be a ton of fun. But it's incomplete, and it's been this way for a very long time here. All we can do is continue to reach out to Capcom, and hope that we'll get an answer soon.
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  • Love. It.

    Let me start off by saying I’m not a huge monster hunters fanboy. It never immersed me enough. Everything about this game on the mobile platform is fantastic though. From the simple, yet well scripted story line (which i normally don’t waste my time reading especially in mobiles), to the combat which becomes increasingly challenging by post-game in the labyrinth/tower... requiring you to legitimately learn the monsters patterns rather than face smash your way to victory. Multiple fun little collect ‘em all mechanics to keep you interested. Reasonably fun/simple, massive series of side quests. Logged about 80 hours on it and can see myself logging at least another 30-50 before I’ve exhausted all the content.

    10/10 from me. :)
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  • An Amazing Mobile Game

    Monster Hunter Stories has proven to be a thrilling experience in its repurposed versions for mobile phones. The graphics look good, the story is fairly engaging, and the gameplay is entertaining. Some minor complaints are that some dlc has not yet been made available, and the Network Battles function doesn’t seem to work properly, for IOS at least. If the latter issue could be resolved, then the game would be even better.
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  • [Fixed]Can’t played free save on different devices

    Looks like the only way to transfer save is to use the SAME iCloud account. It would be really helpful if you can save via facebook or gamecenter. Hope this help.

    I first played the free one on iPhone. When I wanted to move to iPad, the save doesn’t come too. The game is ok, great graphics, but it lacks the flexibility to play the save on different devices. The support site didn’t read my case thoroughly too. Will change the review when it is fixed.
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  • Edited Review, and Update

    Edited Review-Online service does not work. Customer service is not being helpful. Company is not being transparent or doing anything about a bug I found, and is not telling me what is going on or reimbursing me. Game cost $20 and I paid to have Network Battles. Emailed about the bug, waited 2-3 business days, nothing seems to be getting done about it. Will change review if issue is fixed.

    UPDATE: 8 days after a long series of emails and phone calls, customer support never answered me on if the issue was being worked on or when it would be fixed. Capcom Mobile pretty much said "contact Apple if you want your money back" and no answers on the actual bug.

    Don't purchase this app, because if you have issues with it, expect either no response, slow responses, or nothing to be done about your issue. Deleting this game and contacting Apple.


    I'll be honest, I haven't played this on mobile yet.

    I loved Stories on 3ds, and I love the Monster Hunter series so much! I am so excited that I can play this on my phone! Thank you for bringing Monster Hunter Stories to mobile!

    And a side note! Thank you for bringing Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate and Okami to the Switch! I'm glad you all are not forgetting to revitalize some of your fantastic older games. So thanks Capcom 😊
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