Rise of Kingdoms User Reviews

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  • Addictive!

    This is one of the most addicting games I’ve ever played. I literally spend about 8 hours a day playing this. 😂 there’s so much you can do, from rearranging your city the way you want it, sending scouts to explore, farming recourses, scouting enemies, rallying attacks on other kingdoms/alliances, and lets not forget all of the rewards you get for completing daily challenges! They bring new things to the game all the time so you’ll never be bored! Right now they have a ‘Wheel Of Fortune’, where you can win legendary items, training speed ups for your troops, commander XP... ect. The only time you’ll ever feel bored while playing this game, is when you’re upgrading your buildings and have sent all of your troops/scouts out and there’s nothing left to do. 😂 Now, if you’re reading my review and you’re still unsure of if you want to download ‘RISE OF KINGDOMS’ because you saw someone give it one or two stars along with a bad review, just remember that no one will ever be completely happy with any game. You’ll always have people ‘b!tching’ about things they hate about the game or how it needs ‘FIXED’ 😂 but you won’t know until you see for yourself. So download this game, and come join us on ‘R.O.K.’ 🙂🤷🏻‍♀️
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  • Why is Everything so Insignificant?

    I absolutely hate resource management games such as this one, because of how common they are and the fact that they are all the same game but with a different skin. Mafia City, Rome Fire Age, Vikings, Walking Dead the game, Clash of Clans, Boom Beach, etc.. are all pretty much the same game, so is Rise of Civilizations. However it did get me addicted to it.
    Why is everything so insignificant? When I unlock a perk from the skill tree on my hero, the perk is +0.5% to health of all units. This never makes a difference in war. Having an army go from 200 warriors to 201 changes almost nothing.
    The gem mines are also insignificant in this game. Gems are essentially the special resource that can be traded for other resources that are useful. The gem mines are rare and have only 10 gems in them and takes 2 minutes to mine each gem. This is ridiculous when you know it takes 3 gems for a minute skip. And takes nearly an hour to buy 10k corn which is lying around everywhere and normally takes 5 minutes for just as much as taking from a farm.
    Helping players is almost pointless for the same problem; it’s insignificant. Your friend could be on a timer for several and all you could do is reduce that timer be a few minutes.
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  • Great, but not perfect

    You know what makes a game great? If it gives you that feeling that you’re escaping the outside world. Because, I mean, isn’t that what you’re trying to do? This game of course accomplished that tenfold. However, there are a few things I think could make this game even better (seriously good game if you enjoyed KoC, Hobbit KME, etc.). Such as ; if rallied army capacity is reached, the mobilization staged should be immediately cut off and begin waiting/marching. That is probably the most annoying thing, and it isn’t big at all so that shows how great this game is. Secondly, I think you should be able to allow another alliance to be able to use your pass. It would help out with allies and such. Thirdly, some of the amounts of resources you need for upgrades are insane. Like I get that it’s because you’re supposed to invest time in it, but in all reality it just makes you spend money. Yes I know that that’s what the developers what, however for a more user-friendly experience I’d employ lower resources needed for upgrades. Other than that I mean, y’all got it on lock. I love the game. Can’t wait for the new Civs to drop!!
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  • Addiction

    This game is the best I’ve played. Not because of graphics or small things that surely will be improved in the future. Because of the base of active players and how serious this game is taken. It takes you to another level, you will find friendship and camaraderie, it involves high levels of strategy, and truly gives a place for leaders to be born. It is a whole other world that Will envelope you and your time. If you don’t have several hours a day to dedicate to the teamwork involved, you will likely not succeed and become part of the bigger picture. I love the game mechanics, however I would say there are some downfalls. Things are so expensive that, the ones with big pockets are the ones that succeed best. You will see a mix of power players, those who are not wise and strategic who only succeed from the money spent, and those who dedicate completely to the game and put effort and hard work in rather than their wallets. I wish that we would get more for the money when making purchases. I also wish that members can share items and gems with other members, maybe make it only so leaders and officers can share, this way the leadership of the alliance truly picks the members up.
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  • Amazing game but...

    This game is great, it has elements of other games I enjoy playing but feels almost original. I’m really only writing a review to give a suggestion on what should be put in the game. I think you should add some sort of indicator that tells us when someone is online and offline. I know it’s a small detail and we don’t necessarily need it, but it would definitely be helpful when developing our alliances. This is just my opinion and I hope you keep up the good work. 😁👍

    Side note: The pay to win crap that everyone is spewing is ridiculous. Sure, you can buy stuff that helps you grow at a faster rate than others but you can easily get there too if you make the right choices. I’m already a level 8 City Hall and I have only been playing for a few days, and guess what, I have not spent a single penny. What I did do, though, is join an alliance with experienced players who, by the way, gave me wonderful tips on how to get where you need to be before you start getting wrecked by stronger players. So developers, again, keep up the good work and don’t let what these guys say bring you down. 😉
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  • Surprisingly addictive

    I normally hate this type of game. They all seem to be the same. However, I find this one is incredibly addictive. It’s fun to play and you can get lost playing for a long time while you balance out all of the things you’re doing at once. What makes this game different is the easy access to boosters. Normally in games like these you’re stuck waiting for hours for one building to finish. This game actually makes it really easy to earn the boosters that help them along. At least it does at first (I haven’t played this game for very long yet). The one thing that bothers me is that your generals can only gain XP by battling people. I feel like any action they do outside the city should add XP. Gathering is a great example. If your general earned a lower amount of XP for gathering, but still got some, this game would be much better. The leveling system for the generals/heroes is extremely difficult. If they worked on that a bit, the game would improve immensely. There are also appear to be some translation errors. I’m not sure where the developers are from, but there are some broken English sentences every now and then. Overall though, very well done and addictive game.
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  • Really great game, but not complete

    Ok, so let me start out that I absolutely love the game. The game mechanics are amazing, I love the fog of war idea, and the fact that each commander speaks their native language and not English. And as a Roman and Byzantium history nerd, I love the fact that the Latin in the game is quite decent compared to other games (it isn’t perfect, but that is what you get from a dead language that doesn’t translate well into other languages).

    Now, I feel like the nations to choose from is very limiting. From a game about the ancient and medieval ages, Africa and the Middle East were left out, and they have some of the richest history during that time, from the African Empires that rose to power all the way to the Persian empire and the crusades.

    Specifically, I would like to see three more nations added: Ethiopia, Egypt, and Persia. Ethiopia rose to power after the fall of the Roman Empire and remained a powerful nation until after WW2. Persia created a very advanced civilization that grew strong and powerful and became one of the largest empires until the greeks conquered it. Then the Persian Empire reformed itself as the Sassanian Empire and conquered the remaining Romans and Byzantines to form the Ottoman Empire. I do not know much on the history of Egypt, but as one of the first powerful civilizations in human history, it should be obvious why they should be added into the game.
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  • Great

    TBH, this is a great time waster, although it has a few thins I don't like about it, firstly, the space in your city is somewhat small, making it hard to decorate it, unless if your a more ‘competitive’ person then just maximize the space you have. secondly, the chat is kind of funky, unlike other games, it has this ‘iMessage’ kind of feel to it. and lastly, the peace shields are kind of expensive(costs gems, an in-game currency), so much so, I feel more comfortable being vulnerable to attacks rather than spending gems to protect my city for 8 hours. Apart from these, This game is kind of unique, wherein it’s AI pathfinding is better than other games similar to this. It has quite a few factions to choose from, although choose wisely, as you can only pick once for free, if you wish to change your faction, you need to spend 10,000 gems on it. each faction has its own unique style of buildings, E.G. rome: more ‘advanced’ buildings, Japan: wooden. Each faction also has its 1 unique troop, like the roman legionary(called a legion in-game). I recommend that you should build and train regularly, as doing so will allow you to be ahead of some players. All in all, I think its a great game to pass time.
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