Rise Up! Protect the Balloon User Reviews

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    Helllllllo! I came here to well obviously talk about the game. This used to be my go to game but then I deleted it and here’s why.
    The first reason is I got this weird new update and I’m not sure if it’s just on my device or if other people got it but it’s where whenever you died if would give you progress to start working on getting a prize but once I finished those it would give me something and that thing would stay for like the day! I would get a new balloon that I really liked and sometimes it would just get rid of the prize but other times it would just replace the balloon I got with a different one. And this happened with the shield too but usually my shield would just disappear.
    My next reason is the music. Yeah I guess the music was ok but I couldn’t find anywhere to mute it if I wanted to listen to my own music. It might have just been I didn’t look hard enough but if the creator see’s this message please help.
    The last thing is some of the obstacles were absolutely almost impossible. Which would also bug me if I was on my high score. Oh yeaaaah the score. I think sometimes also when it said “high score” somewhere it got it wrong. Anyways that’s all my reasons
    Sorry this was so long. I just needed to talk about my reasons I guess. Welp. BAI PEEPS! p.s. hey I’m back, get this game if you don’t really care about my reasons. ok now for serious, bai🎈
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  • Finally a game that’s hard🤓

    First of all I woke up five minutes ago and I’m using the speech button so things seem a bit… offDon’t get upset I’m one of those people I don’t mind ads and I like the games whereThey are nice and easy like fun race 3-D tie dye stack ball bike hillBecause they’re fun and easy but I’ve always wanted a challenge this game I thought would be like the others because it always says “ only 1% can reach the top” I was like oh another of these games guess I’ll just get it it is so hard! I love it that way oh and one more thing about the ads i’ve heard complains about them don’t stop the number of Ads coming in I love them and if you don’t like them turn off your Wi-Fi or by the no ads if not those work for you you are a stupid stuck up jerk that is selfish and thinks they should have a life perfect

    Developer response
    thank you for giving your wonderful feedback we love it when people like you give wonderful things like that it improves our business thank you very much and what you said about the no ads and buying them and stuff we agree with you
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  • Amazing ❤️

    This game is SO fun the challenges are hard but it’s still amazing!!! I have seen some bad reviews on this game because of the adds or the levels are too hard. But come on guys, there are many games with more ads than this. And to the people who think this is hard. I totally agree with you, it is hard. But that is the point of the game! I was at level 45 and I died so, I felt worse pain than you. But I still love this game because, this game is a lot better than you think! It’s simple, but just as fun as as the newest video game. Well, at least for me it’s fun.. to all those people who did not like this app, please rethink this and see this game in another way. Everyone deserves a second chance... Even if it is not a person 😆
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  • Not bad overall

    Rise Up is a game about moving an bubble-like object to protect a balloon from various obstacles. There are 45 levels, but they are randomized. There are ads, but they aren’t overwhelming. Play on airplane mode if they bother you. There is enough of a challenge to stop the game from immediately losing effect, but there are definitely improvements to be made. For one, there should be more modes that are free to access. The main game isn’t enough content to keep you interested for long. And there aren’t updates at all. Once you know the levels, it gets boring over time. I also feel the atmosphere would be better with a soft music soundtrack. Overall, not a bad game by any means, but a bit too minimalistic. It can afford more content and music, in addition to frequent updates. If you haven’t played, I would recommend playing for a little while to enjoy it, but don’t expect it to be your favorite game.
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  • doesn’t deserve all this criticism

    This is my favorite game to play. There is a large variety of challenges so it doesn’t get repetitive, but just enough that you can get good at each challenge. They just added music and it made the vibe 1000% better... great move. There is one or two ads at the end of each round but if you’re good enough at the game it’s not too bad at all.. also just play in airplane mode. The ads are not THAT annoying. Also maybe i’m just really good at the game but i don’t think it’s that hard at all. In fact I would say it’s a perfect combination of challenging but still possible and it’s just perfect. I love this game the vibes are so nice and sweet and i’ve played so much that i have special ways to get passed each level... it’s so fun. still trying to get to level 45... i usually get about 20 and my highscore is maybe 30. The good vibes that are this game don’t deserve this hate and i take personal offense from the one star reviews. Thank you.
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  • I don’t know what u r going 4

    This game is really just meh to be honest with you. I mean it’s just kinda boring. The levels are either to easy or to hard no in between. Also there are so many adds it is like most of the game is just an add because you get one every time you die
    (which is a lot because I’m pretty sure almost nobody can actually get past more than 6 obstacles). And also it is almost like the funnest part of the game is picking out the color of the balloon (sorry but it’s the truth). I mean it is really just boring some of the obstacles are impossible and it really doesn’t feel like it is worth it to have the game on my phone anymore (after 4 days). There is no sound and nothing really going on in the game. Also I can only get the protectors it comes with because the adds for the protector won’t work no matter what I do. And nobody really knows this game it is just kinda unpopular with kids of any age. So sorry you had a cute concept but it didn’t work in my eyes and I will be deleting mainly cause all the adds I would keep it if not for that but yah overall really the game was Meh!
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  • 👎👎👎

    I saw this game in an add and it look really fun! But after downloading and playing it for only 5 minutes I was angry and frustrated while playing. First of all, levels (even early ones) are incredibly hard and nearly impossible to beat! Also, let’s say you are at level 4 and you die, it takes you all the way back to the beginning to level 1! If you die you COMPLETELY have to start over! It mad me immediately angry and I didn’t want to play the game. Its annoying to have to click continue and watch an add for every single level if we want to pass. Also there is a lot of lag. Idk if it’s just the WiFi I’m using or if it is the actual game, but if it is that needs to be fixed. I do think that this game had a lot of potential and it could be fun if these things were fixed, but at the moment I do NOT recommend this game. I have seen other comments saying similar things so it’s not just me being picky. I really do want to play this game but I just can’t deal with the current problems. It may or may not be different for you so if you want try it out but definitely for me a one star review. Thank you for reading and I hope that this is helpful. And if the developers are reading this PLEASE take note of what I said and FIX IT!!!
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  • Some stufs to be fixed

    Hell this game is pretty good! But,…sadly some stufs made it boring i will number them

    1- aloooot of ads ( when i play i really like it but when i see an ad i really deleted the app these ads made many people to delete this game i hope there wont be more ads )

    2-i really like the game but the starter is vry bad why there is a starter when people want to go by number in this game the leveles are like this :-
    Starter : very very very easy
    Level -1-: very easy
    Level-2-:kinda easy
    Level -3-: impossible
    Level -4- easier than anything
    Level -5- : i really dont know what to say about this level its really like “what the heck is this “

    So these make people to find this game horrible

    3-i really like the challenges but the same color in the background always makes me to loose like i really hate the color or stable backgrounds .

    4-there are no music ! Why? Put a nice music or sound effectes for the game

    5- or there is nothing to achive where you win the game you can do this :-
    Achive money or gems when wining
    Put nice background for gems to buy where you get while winning
    Then the thingy where you use to protect the balloon the colors or the others can be bought by money or gems where it will be pretty fun to play !!!!!

    So thet’s it for now i hope these will be fixed bye !! Have a good time !!
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    I think this game has a ton of problems that I you can fix that will make this game a whole lot better...... a lot better so number 1 is the ads I mean like after every 2 levels there is at least one ad at least which makes the game really boring and it’s super annoying so u need to fix that number 2 ..glitches sometimes when the game goes to ad again at the end when I’m about to exit the game freezes then glitches then in order to play again I have to restart my phone and it is so annoying when it happens number 3 bugs this is kinda like the others one but when the game goes to ad and I’m about to exit the ad doesn’t let me and this has happened to me multiple times so please fix it number 4 the game is so hard like I get that the game needs to be hard but this is so hard for me to the point where it’s frustrating like not even fun I’m not trying to be mean or anything but this game is horrible please fix these four problems and then I might like this game and others might enjoy it more thanks
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  • The adds are no problem just press the right button

    Okay so if you read any of the other reviews you can tell that a lot of people are complaining about ads... well they are really no problem. On the screen after you die if you wait a few seconds under the continue button (with the add symbol) it says “NO, GIVE UP” well if you press that you won’t have an add. But if you press the continue button it will give you an add but the game will give let you go right back where you were and you won’t have to go back to the beginning. Now all games give you adds but you won’t have an add after every death. (The adds are also not that long) As I kind of mentioned earlier the continue button has an add symbol next to it indicating that you will have an add. So saying that pressing the continue button always gives you an add and you can’t get around it is not okay because the add symbol is there saying that your going to get and add for crying out loud!!! No besides the add issue this game is really fun and challenging.
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