Rise Up! Protect the Balloon User Reviews

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  • ADDS!

    Rise up is a very unique and wierd game. That is a complement. I have never seen a game like it where with other games they copy and copy! How many dragon games are there? It is very fun and if you scrolling threw the reviews to see if the app is good or not then you should get it (or maybe not) but first look at the next paragraph.

    There is one problem though. ADDS!!!! Everyone understands. You need to pput them ( Money/sponsoring ) but there is no need for so many! When you first get the game there are barely any adds but the more you play the more adds you get. You can still put the adds but randomly. After everytime I play I get an add. The bad part is it is the same "angry birds" one every single time. Why?!? When I die and the "watch an add to continue" thing comes up I press "no thanks" but I still get put threw an add! When I press no thanks, it means I do not want to watch an add! I looked at the other reviews others have this problem. You are just choosing not to pay attention to this. You are going to have to at some point and it might as well be now. So please, the game is really fun but I am going to have to delete it if this problem isn't solved.
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  • You have to get this app!!!

    It is super fun and addictive and it doesn’t glitch that much. I think you should not put so many adds on the app though because it gets really annoying. I mean yeah you can skip the adds but still you have to watch like, half the add. It is just annoying so please take away the adds. But about the glitches, I think that is not true because it glitched like, once and that’s nothing to get upset about. And for your information, this game is not impossible people, it is a little challenging but hey, don’t we all like a good challenge once in a while? I think it is not the games fault. This game is super fun and addicting and I have been playing it nonstop. So people if your reading these reviews and you think, oh only 1 person said it was good I’m not getting this app, then it’s your loss because this game is awesome and it totally makes up for the adds. #loveit
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  • Disappointed

    Rise it is a... good game. Although the game has its pros, it has a lot more cons. One pro being that the game is challenging. Many people out there are competitive, making it so they keep playing this game until they’ve finally reached the final level. That’s about it for the pros. The first very obvious con I’d like to point out is the extreme amount of advertisements. Every time you fail a level, it brings up an advertisement. I’ve played for about 5 minutes today and every time I failed a level, the same two advertisements played. I know, I know. You have advertisements so you can profit off the game, but do you really need that many ads? You could just make a “skip level” option that could make you just as money as what you’re making with these ads, and you’ll leave less people angry with the amount of advertisements. Speaking of advertising, I’ve so far only seen two different videos. Keep in mind that I played the game for about 5 minutes, failed multiple times, and saw about 30 ads. Could you, at the very least, play different ads? If I have to watch an ad, it might as well be pleasing to the eye. My overall review of this game: it could be a great game if it wasn’t for all the ads! -Ashley
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  • This is the worst game ever

    I hate this game soooooo much! I always keep trying to beat the levels but sometimes they are actually impossible. Plus, the demands to get the different balloons are extremely difficult. The only ones that I have are the normal one and the skins that require you to play a certain number of rounds. Also, the ads are very annoying. Whenever you lose, one will pop up. I think that the ads are a major part of my frustration as well as the poor level making. As well as this, I have some issues with the controls. I believe I would play this game a lot more if you could 1: see the difference between your protective circle and the other random things floating around; and 2: be warned when the next level is starting! I can not tell you how many times I have failed a level because I was not aware that the next one was starting. If anyone looking to download the game is reading this, please take into account the summary of what you just read: this game is very bad.
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  • Pretty good but needs less ads. The game also needs to be more predictable.

    First, the ads. Every two plays you have to watch an ad to continue playing. I’ve heard from other people that sometimes it shows an ad in the middle of your gameplay. That hasn’t happened to me yet but I hope it won’t anytime soon. The ads don’t bother me SO much that I would delete the game and never play it again, but you should have an ad like every ten plays. Second, whenever I play this game, there’s suddenly pillars or obstacles coming from the sides and behind me. It could make people (and me) mad when you get hit by one of those. When it’s a noob’s first time playing the game, on level two he or she could die straight away because of those long triangles that come out from the sides. Maybe the game should have like a mode where the obstacles are always the same so people won’t be as surprised. I mean, the surprises shouldn’t really be considered as BAD, but sometimes you just don’t want to be surprised like that. With the ads -1 1/2 stars and the surprises-1/2 stars I think this game should get a 3 star rating.
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  • Potential, but hard to improve your skills, and the ads

    Ads are definitely a problem in this game. I don’t have problems with ads in general on free games, that’s why they are free, but they have to work correctly. Most of the time, the game continues on BEHIND the ad, so if you choose “watch ad” to continue the game, the game just goes on without you as the ad plays so by the time you sit through the ad, you’ve lost again without any opportunity to play. So don’t bother to continue.

    As far as the game itself, it has potential, but there are soooooo many levels that come at you randomly that it’s very difficult to figure out how to deal with any given setup and improve your performance, since you may see it one out of 50 attempts. Also, some of objects react so randomly it’s tough to adjust game play. For example, some lines break when you hit them, some stay solid, and by the time you see what’s going to happen, it’s too late to do anything about it.

    I really wanted to like this game, but I really just can’t recommend it.
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  • Amazing, but room to improve

    I mean it was a good game for the 10 minutes I played it. I had to go to brunch and closed out the app when I left. Now when I try to get back in to the game the beginning screen where all it says is “Rise Up” is frozen. I can’t get back onto the game, it’s such a bummer because when I want to play it I can’t now. Another thing is that there is SO many adds! Like, I’m almost positive I’ve seen this Rover ad a gazillion times, same with the toy blast. The ads take all the fun out of this amazing game, and, being an adult, I know that you guys got to make some money, and I respect that. Just PLEASE reduce the absurd amount of ads in this amazing game, I really want to play this awesome game again so please fix this! Another idea is to maybe add some sound or a settings button to make this game more fun than it already is! I am giving you guys a three star because I feel that you have great potential, and this game will become an award winning mobile game in the US, the reason I gave you three stars instead of five is because you still have room for improvements to make this game the most addictive app ever. I wish the developers of my new favorite game luck in the journey yet to come! Good luck and Thank You!
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  • Cool it with the ads people!

    This game is great for those 2 minutes when you have free time or you are waiting for something. It’s pretty fun and challenging as well.
    However, the only reason this review isn’t 5 out of 5 stars is because of the ads. Every time I die another ad plays. Whether you select the ‘continue?’ option or not it plays an ad so it’s not even worth it.
    Now I know that most games have a bunch of ads all the time to make money or whatever, but surely there’s something you could work out where there isn’t as many ads or a no ad version. Just look at all the other reviews for this app that complain about the ads and you will see that there is definitely a problem.
    I have an idea for one solution and you can take it or leave it. Maybe there could be something where you can play for 15-30 minutes then it shows a longer ad that you can’t skip if you want to continue. Leave everything else the same including the ‘continue?’ option where you continue from where you died.
    That’s it. Everything else was good JUST KNOW THAT THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY ADS!!!!!
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  • Addicting Levels, Advertisements Galore...

    This is an awesome and addictive game to play, but a lot of disappointments... What I mean is that there are a lot of reasons that this game has had some hateful reviews. One reason is that literally, almost every single level I complete or fail there is an advertisement that pops up, which can get very annoying. Also, some advertisements are not exactly kid-friendly. Another reason is that sometimes when I complete, fail, or even enter the app, the game crashes, which is a bug you can HOPEFULLY squash. Something else I forgot to mention is the game either is very, very, very slow, or my device is slow, but the former might be more likely considering that my device has been running perfectly and has had no problems for the past couple years. Those are some problems I have found in the game so far. Therefore, this game is awesome but needs to be improved.

    To: Serkan Ozyilmaz (and people scrolling through the reviews)

    From: A fan of your game :]
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  • FUN! FUN! FUN!

    This game is so much fun I don’t really enjoy the adds but man this game rocks like the I can’t get past the first level but it still is fun! But the adds man why so many I’ve had an add interrupt my game I’m guessing you put the adds in so we will be in couraged to get these games but there are just way to many adds I know so many people are reporting on adds because yeah it’s a problem but what I’ve noticed often from games I play when your in the begging of the game like level one you get so many adds so I’m really really really really hoping that as I get into the game more that these adds start going away so I can play the game without adds messing me up! Also some obstacles are just impossible to get through for instance the balls they just won’t move no matter what I do I just can’t move them old I could find somebody’s day who good I would be so so so so so so so so so impressed so please I hope you fix these two problems if you do thank you so much! Otherwise I love this game

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