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  • Faith & Devotion

    I have faith and devotion ever since I was a child. From Saying my prayers at bedtime to showing up at church on Easter Sunday to give thanks for Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for all of us! Amen!! I’ve been through a lot in my life including a lot of car accidents. I walked away from those incidents and moved on is truly a miracle of God! Showing up in church, giving praise to my neighbors to try to help them as much as possible is what the Lord wants all of us to do. I am 61 years old and in the past decade, I lost my parents, but I know they’re with me in spirit. I pray that God, Jesus Christ, and my family in heaven will look over me and protect me from evil and guide me through my life as best as they can. I am not quite ready to die to meet my family in heaven just yet. I have yet some work to do in praise of God and in praise of my good neighbor and to try to help myself. I am dealing with great poverty right now, and I pray to the Lord that everything will work out for the better very soon. I am handicapped, but I still persevere and move on and also try to help out my neighbor, especially the Homeless. Thank you God and thank you Jesus for being there by my side and tell my family in heaven, as I am telling you to keep watching over me and protect me from evil and guide me into a good life. I love you & please forgive my sins. Thank you!! Amen!! ❤️✝️🙏😇♿️🆘👌👍😁
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  • How I feel today

    Dear god
    I am having trouble trying to recover from the hospitalization, I went through being an ICU for two weeks has put a very strong toll on my body
    God, I would like for you to help me with my recovery. Make me feel stronger every day and also help me with my kids. I sometimes feel like I let them down. Sometimes I feel like I’m being pulled for more sides from the people. I love to my kids, my kids are selfish. They rather see me not be happy. I think I’m not sure but i’m asking you got to help me. I need more money so I could do more for my family and my kids and the people I love. I feel like I’m stuck. I wanna work. I wanna make money. I wanna help my family and friends, but it’s hard Lord you say your scriptures to ask and shall give a mask your Lord God to help me with financial means that I have I am hoping and I will keep praying that you can make this possible for me, Lord God, please Lord my father God you have promised that you will take care of us and all our needs. I am asking you, Lord God to help me with my financial needs so I can help my family and friends and better my situation. I’m asking you God give me a good job. I want to work so I can buy a house by the car that I need to get to work, I am following your guide so please Lord guide me in the right direction. I am giving you my body and soul do as you pleased with it. I need your help Lord God. Amen
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  • God is my everything

    Great encouragement prayers coming forth with my son passing away not a month ago. Thank The LORD Blake was saved and loved the GOD at an early age seeing angels and knowledge about how loving The Father is and bringing souls to JESUS in his 34 years on earth, with the last 17 years bedridden from a massive stroke at the age of 17 from doctor prescribing the wrong mixture of medications. He thrived at home with me and his siblings afterward learning to blink again and eventually speaking with past memories. The pain from the part of his brain for pain was so heavy, suffering through countless procedures that only made it worse. For the last couple years Blake had been asking me to let him go and be with God! Broke my heart, Blake did pass away june 11th..I’m so heavy laden with sorrow even though I know he is with The Father..the singing ding has helped me with scriptures and a reason to go on..thank you and all who support this app, after being a 24/7 caregiver it’s hard to rearrange your life, I’m still mourning but thankful Blake isn’t in pain any longer, has all his facilities again and happy..prayers are what’s keeping me sane, please keep them coming..I’ve become a recluse for 17 years so I don’t have many people around me and have used my tv for church with my kids so I’m grateful for this app.
    Thank you and God bless all of you
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  • The love of my Life

    Thank you, heavenly father for waking me up this morning and allowing me to see another day. I realize without you I am absolutely nothing. I ask if you have any follow to continue to hold on to me and continue to forgive me for all of my sins known and unknown. I ask if you have any other to continue to protect me strengthen my armor keep negativity away from me allow me to have peace and serenity in my heart allow me to help those you have placed in my life to share with the love I have for you. I would rather stay with God and be judged by the world than the stand with the world and be judged by God heavenly father you will always be there love of my life because without you I am absolutely nothing thank you for all that you have done for me and continue to do for me, and thank you for your love, grace and infinite mercy, heavenly father. And thank you for allowing your beloved son to die for my sins and the rest of the world sins. I am very thankful and I am very grateful father please keep all negativity away for me continue to strengthen my armor and heavenly father please continue to protect each and every last one of my family members, my immediate family member and my extended family members and heavenly father you already know my oldest son Junious Roberts continue to work on him to know to have him to learn you all the light and you are the truth and you know what is best for him. Thank you Heavenly for all you do
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  • Gotta Love You Some God (a bit long )

    I really love God no matter what happens. I love God..not because people tell me to or because people tell what will happen if I am not perfect enough for Him to accept me as me.. I love God because I love God.. There is no meaning to it. Just love God. How else do you think people get sick and 0.3 milliseconds later they get better( not all people get better because it is their time to go home btw ) God. How else do you get saved from flabbergasting situations including robbery, kidnapping, pervs etc… GOD. If you do good for God… God will do good for you. Miracles happen when God is there. A lot of people think they won’t make it into heaven because of their past experiences that aren’t so…good but trust me if You change and make a difference between you and God… trust me He will be there. So let’s talk about the times you’ve done bad… Did you wake up the next day? Did you wake up the day after? The day after that and after that and so on??? That means he isn’t done with you. Most of the time it means there is a Bright Future waiting for you. ( one time a saw baby Jesus in the clouds…. srsly ) But anyways…. Just remember if you wake up the next day and so on…He is not ready with you. Also if you are wondering if he forgives…YES, in my opinion i think you should pray more’ll get closer to Him..not immediately But that is all I hoped that helped Love You Guys Stay Safe And PLEASE Pray🤗
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  • How I love my God. 🙏🏽

    I love my God because everything he has done for me. He saved me, He made the whole world for me, He made me, He loved me even when I did wrong, He forgives me, He listens to me, He answers me, He loves me, and he knows me better than anyone else does. He made the world beautiful just for me and everyone else. Even though people have done at least something very bad, he always forgives. 🙏🏽
    I got baptized and gave myself to him🙏🏽. I did bad things and lost my path to him, but now I am praying every day, and reading the Bible everyday. He’s helping me heal myself and find the path to him again🙏🏽. He is answering my prayers and listening to me and helping me with my problems. He is always comforting me to do better. He knows me better than I even know myself. When I am doing something bad he makes me remember on who I am and what I’m trying to be. He is helping me achieve my goals and helping me do better in school and home. He is helping me find better friends and better people to be in my life. I have prayed for him to remove the friends/people from my life if they are not the right people to be around with. I am have also prayed for him that if my boyfriend isn’t the one for me than he knows what to do. I love my God for many things. When I knew God I wasn’t as happy cause I didn’t know him very well as much as I do now. I am still learning my way to him and finding his paths.
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  • Solid Change

    Father God I keep taking detours every time I rinse myself of any past burden by supplication of devotion and intermediate prayer fasting, it takes my wonderland well my body as I would know it’s anatomy through a number of obstacles which in this day and time we call it a trip down memory lane. I usually feel overwhelmed defeated and incompetent for the daily works as to having so many unknown trials father I confess my sin consistently I open the door of my heart for your presence to come and show me how I can be humble show me how I know I can take my life to another measure which is overcoming outstanding father god help me to quit refusing to apply myself to find my meaning father I know I have a purpose and I need you to be here with me as I struggle to release all the things that I have let build up inside of me because I just couldn’t make myself ready for whatever father god I love you I know you and I will never have to need for you because I know that you are with me all this time father god I just need clarity transition and a hopeful continuation of this life father god I love you and I am very blessed because I do know you and I thank you so much! For every single day of my life and for every single person who has been a helping hand in this difficult understanding father thank you for this life! It is in your sons holy and precious name that I declare your almighty name!
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  • Solid Change

    Father God I keep taking detours every time I rinse myself of any past burden by supplication of devotion and intermediate prayer fasting, it takes my wonderland well my body as I would know it’s anatomy through a number of obstacles which in this day and time we call it a trip down memory lane. I usually feel overwhelmed defeated and incompetent for the daily works as to having so many unknown trials father I confess my sin consistently I open the door of my heart for your presence to come and show me how I can be humble show me how I know I can take my life to another measure which is overcoming outstanding father god help me to quit refusing to apply myself to find my meaning father I know I have a purpose and I need you to be here with me as I struggle to release all the things that I have let build up inside of me because I just couldn’t make myself ready for whatever father god I love you I know you and I will never have to need for you because I know that you are with me all this time father god I just need clarity transition and a hopeful continuation of this life father god I love you and I am very blessed because I do know you and I thank you so much! For every single day of my life and for every single person who has been a helping hand in this difficult understanding father thank you for this life! It is in your sons holy and precious name that I declare your almighty name!
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  • 🫶

    I never used to live for god for a long time now , i have been living for the world and ignoring ,stalling on jesus. I used to ready my bible everyday and pray to him before i went to middle school. I have changed very much in middle school, i used to want to please people to make them like me. But now i am finding my way back to jesus christ and starting all over again. One night i had my phone taken away because of some reasons, i never went to sleep for awhile and when my mom told me i had to get ready for bed i was just laying down on my bed. I was thinking about how much i’ve changed in my spiritually i stopped praying before everything i never went to god anymore i didn’t feel connected. So i prayed to God to save me i did not want to live like that anymore. I cried and cried i cried for me to be healed to be saved to help me find my way to jesus christ. Lead me through his paths, i had also prayed for my mom and family too to help them find their way too because i want them to be able to be happy again and so they live for God. While i was praying I felt him speaking to me, it was so magical it felt so good to feel his presence. Words js flipped out of my mouth i started crying even more. I said to him i know if sin again most likely but help me please and he continued helping me. I am so thankful for him for everything he’s done for me done for us. He’s my father , my savior and father i’m so glad i have him.
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  • My love for god and how I became a Christian today

    Dear God

    Thank u for giving me a today because not all of our brothers and sisters were able to make it today I just thank u lord for giving me life today and giving me another day to worship u lord Jesus I now feel like I am ready for ur coming, and I will do everything in my power to wake up all the Christian’s and non Believers to come to you and pray that u help them and teach them ur ways lord Jesus, I ask that today the people that are reading this right now learn a lesson and how if they are not saved before ur second coming they get ready because it will happen any of these day because the rapture is happening and is almost over so the second coming will happen, and if the non believers are not saved by the they will experience bad pain suffer and very very very horrible and horrific torture and torment i pls ask lord Jesus u open up their eyes to see that the rapture is almost over for ur return at first I ignored this hundreds of times until I had a dream it was finally time all my loved ones disappeared after that loud sound coming from the sky, haha it’s was like a melody but I finally decided to give my life to u lord Jesus I finally opened up my eyes today and I’m so happy that you sent ur secret angel to come and help me thank u almighty lord thank u for ur works and thank u for giving me a 2nd chance!
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