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  • I had a good day

    God I’m asking you to open my eyes and let me see the good in things not bad I want to get closer to you lord I want to be able to people about without feeling that I’m saying something wrong lord I’m asking you to keep me and my family protected by angels and let all evil leave I’m asking to forgive me for all my sins I know I say this all the time then commit one again but I’m really trying I really love you Jesus I want the life style I’m living in Jesus name things will get better god give battles to his strongest soldier but sometime I don’t want to be one of his strongest soldiers it’s so much happening in once and I fight n fight n fight and have faith that we will get throught this I’m praying everyday every night on this app I really want to get closer to my father and I believe I will in the name of the lord in Jesus Christ name everyone who have this app will get to there point they will succeed in what there trying to be in life where there trying to go and how close they want to get close to you Jesus I pray at this moment lord god may u bless all of us and our family watch over us and lead us to your way let us see the good and not the bad let’s help each other out and for those that are struggling I pray we get throught in I pray we will have a place a plate a bed clothes shower to sleep eat n live on I pray
    In Jesus name amen
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  • My life is in your hands lord

    I been thru so much n I ask myself why me going in and out of jail that have to stop I got a son nhe look at ever I do 11/15 I don’t know if I might be doing time or not and it hurt cause I don’t want to be away from my son he all I know and my mom sisters everybody I have to much stress anger and hate and I don’t like how it make me feel as a man my father was there but was not there the drugs got him so I had to learn to be a man by myself I got 7 sisters I’m the only boy it was hard growing up no father really turn to the streets started gang banging in and out of jail like I’m done with this god I can’t take no more my heart body hurt from all this pain stress I beg u god plz put your hands upon me and bless me o lord I’m yelling and calling out for help I need someone to talk too lord I have so much going on in my mind I don’t know where to start my mom told me to download the app before but I did not listen at all I just told her I will and never did missing my mom birthday yesterday 11/02 was the worst feeling ever I just hope and pray I don’t do time I can’t take being away from my son and my mom they need me to most just plz lord watch over me n Guide me to the path of righteousness in father name I pray amen🙏🏾🙏🏾
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  • The love of God is a real deal

    There are times when we are puzzled by the very nature of our neighbors, whether they be television, internet or actual living next door types. We look at ourselves and tend to judge others on what they are not doing… God will judge, it is not for us, for us and our own, it is helpful to be ready to help these neighbors when they seek God. In my opinion, an app like this goes a long way to provide this assistance to our neighbors, to find God for themselves. Though piety is not for those who look at us, it is our personal relationship to god, and an app like this will inevitably strengthen our understanding of our God given roles.
    Lest we pretend to be, lest we shoulder the articles of what we seek to impress our fellow man, lest we forget our communion with God is ours alone… Will shadow our purpose that is to bring others to a level that reflects our personal belief in God.

    An app like this will help us bring others to God without worrying that our “help” be mistaken for stolen Faith. Like stolen Valor where a man wants the respect of other men with faking they are war heroes, stolen faith is the presentation of faith without the work that goes into self enrichment. And, an app like this goes a long way to provide both assistance to our neighbors, and self affirmation that we Love God as much as God loves us, 😀thanx for reading
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  • I am nothing without GOD

    I lost my incredible GODLY husband in December 2021, a few days before Christmas after a non-COVID related illness.
    After his passing, I quickly learned that no one wanted to be bothered unless there was monetary gain for them. His children and siblings would only come to take things from the house and when I stopped that, the calls and visits completely stopped. I am not one to beg people to be around me, so that was fine. Prior to the reading of the WILL I would get messages asking what he left each of them. When, they realized it wasn’t what they thought they should get things got ugly and I stopped responding to any messages. During my husband’s illness, none of them called or came to visit him unless they wanted something. Cancer is ugly, but family acting entitled is truly awful.
    GOD showed me how strong I am with HIM and where my strength comes from! GOD has been here through my tears and my sleepless nights. Most of all, GOD showed me who IS in place for me and that my neighbors are my family. Though these past difficult months, GOD has been my STRONG TOWER!! I LOVE GOD with all that I am. My GOD my KING of KINGS
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  • The Stress I am under

    Dear God….. please hear my plea….. I have a part-time job that I am treated like I don’t matter. It’s hard to go to work even just 3 days a week to put in 8 hrs. Work and try to remain a positive attitude. I don’t even make the minimum wage that is required be each state to be paid…. I’m reminded of the Bible verse that has the phrase “the laborer is worthy of his hire”….. but apparently I’ve fallen short of receiving a descent wage… and as if that’s not bad enough to have to live i with….. I don’t get enough rest during the night…. Sometimes as little as 2 to 3 hrs. Maximum…. I’m also involved in a relationship that is stressful because she doesn’t seem to have any affection towards me …. And I’m not talking about a relationship where fornication is involved…. That has not happened… I’m only referring to the way she presents herself to me… I buy her flowers, and I always ring her surprises when I Vito see her…. And just yesterday she sent me a text message saying that I don’t need to bring her “stuff”…….That really hurt me because I got great pleasure in doing these things for her… I just don’t know which way to turn anymore…..Please help me Lord…… With all my Love…..Your Eternal Servant, Stephen
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  • How much I love God? How much Do i Love God O lord And Mother Mary.

    I rather be rich Minded Than Famous To Sacrifice all things that I enjoy see and want to kill 4 die 4. I want no parts of the unbelievers whom would do anything just to get happiness for themselves and the own immediate love what automatic should possess no reward. I see that if I knew the ultimate sacrifice to express myself to answering this Question 100% Tru. I Guess i would know to do or don’t . Or if to endure such pain of what . I have my answer ready . To be crucified the whole 200%ratio. In Gesus I Trust! I am a Sovereign Servent /Serpent of the Lord. I am the light in Darkness. To Never see Or Learn about or Lack of interest of Something New to your mind body and soul can be strange weird uncomfortable to Be around. I am From a Loving Family Father Gehovah Mother Mary And
    Now O’Lord SonSun of God, Brethren Gesus Khrist. Hardware, Software & Motherboard . Computer Trinity.
    Being A Tru Player and not a CPU Ai of intelligence. Not Going out of the Manufacturer’s WorkShop Blueprint as is. As if tho the mission was to . But Timing of how quick you get out the Game by simply completing may get you the gold Medal of timing . But those who search will find gems Jewels unlocking powerful Brainstorming techniques and Treasures of value. And still end up with the Prize of Great timing for overstanding the reason why oooowowowo what did you bring back so much of a over looked tardy. As if tardy never existed.
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  • I had a good day

    It started out fine and although I was tried I still say it turned out fine with you to calm me down and open my spiritual eyes I can see what is going on thank you for bringing me back into your glory father

    Today is Friday the 16th I had a great day dad I went to work because you allowed me to weak up and do so I thank you for it and I be trying to read your word but I get sleepy and sometime my focus will drift off can you please help me with this because I know it is just a destruction from me getting to study your words I need help with also surrendering my complete will to you when I think I have things pop up in my thoughts that I know is not of you and I don’t like it I want to understand what I’m reading can you give me revaluation of what I’m reading open my spiritual eyes please I want to be able to break the things down like the meaning of what your talking about I know we all have our own gifts and talents can you show me mine show me my purpose and why do I hesitate when it come to me doing something for you I believe in you yes I want to tell people about you I think I’m just scared that I might not have the correct answer when they ask me something I’m so sorry because I’m not supposed to be worried about that I know you will give me what to say can I get help with this to dad I know I love you and I don’t want my faith to be dead with out works so please show me what to do I love you father
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  • How much I love God

    I am going through one of the biggest trials of my life I faced dying because the tumor was so big in my uterus it consumed the entire thing it was a risk to even try to remove it then to find out it’s one of the most aggressive rarest cancer ever seen so there was a necessity for double chemotherapy treatment or survival wasn’t an option I’ve only had two treatments and I’m so very very painfully sick the agony that a chemotherapy patient has is like no other they say their isn’t much they can do to help the symptoms even when crying out in pain begging for it just to stop I am seeking Gods answers during these times because if I suffer this much God is molding me into something more beautiful yet The most important part about this journey through cancer is being able to talk with so many about God you see when people are suffering their ears and hearts are ready to hear the good news about what Jesus Christ did for them and what God is about to do in their lives to directly start using them As a child I wanted to be part of something big and amazing so at the age of 6 I joined God’s family and started to study His word I have a deep intimate relationship with the Lord Heavenly Father because He will always be there He will never leave nor forsake thee He is my strength and my love and my joy I know my Redeemer Lives
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  • The Alpha and The Omega

    God is everything to me. Without Gid in my life I am nothing but a lost soul wandering about earth with no purpose. I am a greatly appreciative recovering addict. And my problem wasn’t the drugs it was that I was spiritually sick. No one can fix a spiritual sickness except God. I had to learn to accept that I was an addict first and then I had to believe that there was a Merciful God that could restore me to sanity if I just put some action behind it. Everything we do as people should be to honor and glorify his holy name. God wants to use people like me to be a fisher of men to win over as many souls as I can for the his kingdom we are all his children and he wants all of us to come back home to him isn’t that what we want for our children. We want the to be safe and happy and healthy, why wouldn’t god want that for his children. He gave his only Son up to be crucified for my sins son that all my transgressions and sins could be washed away. The ultimate sacrifice so that I could downs eternity in heaven with him. But I can’t get there without Jesus Christ in my heart and in my life. He keeps me vigilante in my daily maintenance so that I don’t get sick again and be right back wheee I was before.
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    ABBA YAH (God) I just want to tell you how much I ABSOLUTELY appreciate, love, honor, cherish, admire , adore you. Over the yrs you have revealed your divine self in many many ways to me and every reveal is more electrifying than the next. ABBA Yah I know I have fallen short of your glory daily, but yet you still love me the same and I just DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH THANKS in me to Thank You for Everything you have done, been, and is to and for me 🤲🏾🤲🏾🤲🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾. ABBA YAH the fact to know that you don’t need me, however you desire a relationship with me, that I am the apple of your eyes is EVERYTHING !!!!! You said in your word, that you inhabit the praise of your people is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS I LOOOOOOVE YOU ABBA PLEASE forgive me for my sins, transgressions, and iniquities that I have committed before you knowing and unknowing I repent of them Alllllll. I just want to please you and make you happy ABBA YAH (God) for you said that you knew me before I was formed in the womb and I want to remember you and what I was doing before that when I was in Heaven PLEASE PLEASE continue to help me father I vow to follow, worship, honor obey you and your laws statutes and commandments and by worshiping you on The Holy Sabbath 🤲🏾🤲🏾🤲🏾🤲🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😘😘😘❤️❣️🫶🏾🫶🏾
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