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  • God is the almighty king

    I love god so much, he is real and wen u believe and trust his word, he always prevails

    Lord thank you for showing me that my children are truly blessings from your power o lord, please forgive me for taking so long to be there for them in there time of need, lord I ask u to bless my family and especially my soulmate tamra with nothing but good grace lord, please help her see your power and grace lord, help her use her gift only for good, lord let her truly want to change for me but mostly for herself, lord I also would like to pray for myself, give me the strength to fight my anger, to fight my thoughts, to fight for who I love, and to always make sure I be a good father to my4 children that u blessed me with, i pray that you help me get over the abusing ad……, and I would like to thank you for always being there no matter wat and showing me and guided me to get better each and every day, thank u for my health, and my family memeber and tamras family members good health, and finally thank you for always guiding me towards a better life not only for me but my family, I appreciate and humble myself for being the man I have become, and I may stray off path but no matter wat I do u always steer me back to the path I need to be on. In Jesus name I pray amen
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  • Gods humble servant

    For I am gods child and he has surely humbled me in many ways! He has shown me life and death for Jesus loved the whole world that he died for me and all others. I recently lost my grandma to a terrible illness, my best friend to suicide, and my dog of twelve years passed of cancer all last year. Then we rang in the new year with my sisters fiancé passing unexpectedly very sad but it has humbled me and reminded me of gods love for us and also it reminds me to enjoy every moment of my life because we just never know what might happen. Many blessings have befallen me and my family and for that I am thankful thanks be to Jesus who laid his life for me and to god who gave his only begotten son! How many can give up there only child for others sinful ways. I know I couldn’t as a mother of two boys it would absolutely break me but one day they will lose me and I will only remain in their hearts and in the memories they hold near and dear so make sure your anger is slow your quick to listen eager to give and forgiveness is not easy but you must let go of your burdens lay them at his feet and let him work out all that ye need for he already knows that’s why I love god he already knows what you need all you need do is ask and you shall receive! Pray often give often love as Jesus loves

    Sincerely, Gods humble servant!
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  • Life

    I feel happy I feel loved I feel blessed I feel thankful I feel more ease yes there may be stuff I have to worry about but other than that I’m happy what God gives me a and there’s a girl so each day I can’t wait to see what the next day brings me closer the one I love and the closer to somebody who actually cares and loves me back the same way I love them and I pray that we can be a family and get married and be faithful honest and loving and caring and stay that way I feel so happy and thankful and I hope the love stays and continues to grow each and every day and I think the Lord for everything that he gives me provides me and worry I’m sacrificing For everyone as he laid down on the cross for me and everybody around the world thank you Laura for providing in every way in as you continue to provide I love you on Ways I can’t imagine and I’m thankful Who is such a blessing father and I love every moment of you and as I grow and continue with life and all that I’ve been to I’m very thankful and blessed and I asked for forgiveness and everything I haven’t done right I haven’t done yet oh lord I come to you and I pray for more blessings to continue thank you I love you and appreciate you know worship you in Jesus name amen
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  • I really like this bible, helped me with a lot

    One day I went to church, then I stopped going and I regret it l. I’m happy I met god again and thanks to my dad for taking me to church every Sunday and I go every Wednesday no matter what I have planned god always comes first. I wake up brush my teeth take shower get ready then go to school and do work, right after school I ether have track if not then softball. Most of the time I have track until 5, then at 5:30 I have softball practice till 8:30- 9:00. It’s hard for me bc I’m not used to doing all of this but it’s ok, but every Wednesday I have practice and then take shower then go straight to church. Thanks to god I’m getting threw all of it, my dad too if he didn’t talk to me tonight idk what would’ve happened the next day. My dad said I need to choose ether bc Ghetto, or to be like him and be nice and not to care if I have friends or not. I pray that I get better in life, that I get married and be happy with my kids, to follow my goals for sports and graduate, go to college, and I pray to change and be better be respectful, nice, carrying, and for ppl to see the good side in me. When I go to school can I use my good side and always use it.
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  • How I God yesterday to so Lord for everything that you’ve given us

    🙏🙏 How I feel today yesterday was a very hard day my daughter brought out her emotions and was very hard for me to listen it’s been very hard her son has been having autism he’s now a teenager and has been having a couple of tantrums he’s now better thanks to you God yesterday she told me if she dies I need to be happy for her and not sad because that’s what she chooses she told me today she’s so much better again thanks to you God without you we are nothing we all want to feel you and hear you and be with you show is the right way it’s so hard to go through problems when we’re not used to it you have bless I so much that you spoiled us but I think you for every minute every hour every day I know you have this taken care of but again I have to just mention Vince Montana and Johnnie Austin I think you Lord for everything that you’ve given us our health or happiness our husbands our wives our futures our friends our families are roots over our heads our lives please forgive us for all our sins all our heaviness anything that we did I will do to hurt you please forgive us we’re so so so so sorry we never wanna hurt nobody thank your father Jesus Lord amen
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  • KJV audio Bible

    So far I’m impressed with it I hope it doesn’t jam like the last one I had I used it for a number of months and all of a sudden an ad popped up and wouldn’t let me continue it locked so I had to delete the Bible and go back to the store and I got the wrong one The one I received was not the audio Bible so I deleted that one and got this one this one has large letters that’s easy to see for my eyesight and when I’m tired I can listen to the Scriptures thank you very much God bless you
    Psalms 91 protects me in my own home that’s a fact but yesterday I went to babysitAt my daughters house in Ohio soon as I walk to the door I tripped on the door frame the dog took off running for her life she’s a Chiweenie if I fell on her squish thank God I didn’t hit her instead I hit my head on the plaster wall my coffee went flyingEverywhere including my leg I hit the banister with my artificial knee came crashing down on the steps with my left shoulder and arm my daughter decided to take me to the hospital in Michigan she didn’t want me to drive home so here I am at a hospital in Trenton Michigan day number two2 I guess the angels weren’t with me in Ohio or maybe they were maybe I would’ve died if they hadn’t cushion in my fall anyway last night all I could get out of me was in our father I was hurting so bad this morning a reminder pop up
    To read my scriptureThanks lord
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  • Love love love love love this app

    This app helped me change my life for the better after a really bad relationship with my ex girlfriend and a horrible addiction to drugs I found myself in a place that no man or woman should have to endure day by day I started to wonder if I would ever be happy again things seems like they had no longer been in my control at all I lived a life of solitude after I became homeless didn’t really want to talk to anyone and then I started to feel this sudden calling from deep within me one day that made me start to feel slightly alive for a change then my sister told me to download this app and once I started reading more and more I started to really indulge in reading every day or as absolutely close to every day that I could and soon I found myself in a sober state of mind and that alone made me feel happier than I have in a long time and I started to realize that that feeling deep within my souls wasn’t me it was god himself telling me that if I didn’t change who knows what would happen to me I thank god every day for the blessings that he bestowed upon me and allowed me to be happy again I now have a job and am working on bettering my life all because of the good word thank you all so much amen
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  • Stand Still

    Father I analyze my life on a daily basis and I try as a human being to follow your commands. With all these challenges in life nowadays. How can one overcome are so many obstacles besides having faith and courage and knowing that you are always beside me in front of me in back of me. I always say to myself and remember always these words I walk to the valley of shadow, that has a Lots significant for me because in a daily basis of life that’s how I feel. Sometimes I struggle at work some people think because they’re in certain positions and they have the right to yell at you because they have certain mental disorders but they never apologized. I have to stay quiet and stand back and observe the situation because this person I don’t know where comes and try to DiVall me. Walk through the shadow of death I shall fear no evil these are the words that come from me on a daily basis especially battling with cancer I always ask God to comfort me in my moment of uncertainties to be there by my side and I can feel his presence. This world has been so cold and cruel. But I know that I will overcome all these obstacles in Front of me. I thank you father for giving me the courage, and the wisdom, to understand our brothers and sisters.
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    If your feeling down this app could help a lot. It tells you what verse you read, and right under it gives you an inspiration speech and a prayer. Once you’re done reading go all the way down to where it says amen and press that, then it knows your done. It also tells you how long until your night prayer. Next at the top of the screen it says “verse” and “devotion”. Then it tells you about spreading the gospel. Next you go to plan then press “go”. You guys should check that out it helps with anxiety, anger, wisdom, calm, love, life, etc. Next we have bible. Press that and it shows the first page(If you haven’t started reading)after you read it press mark as read(at the bottom). Now we have quiz, just to see how much you know/memorized about God. Then go to “me” you can see your highlights, notes, bookmarks, and favorites! You also can check your progress. Okay so if you click “verse” it will show what verse your on and what verses from that year I believe. Same for devotion! You also can go and listen to podcasts. HOW COOL IS THAT! I LOVE THIS APP SO MUCH AND IM ONLY 12 IF THIS DOESN'T CONVINCE YOU I DON’T KNOW WHAT WILL❤️
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  • God is awesome

    With out God in my life I would be just another person on this planet lost . Thank you Jesus for sharing your love with me and my family and friends and the people that I have divorced out of my life . That would bring so much drama and pain thank you Jesus for not letting me go insane always having my back thank you Jesus for another day thank you Jesus for letting me see the light for years I lived in the shade always backsliding thank you Jesus for giving me the opportunity to wake up and see a new day with new positive ways to share your love with everyone I meet in Jesus name I pray amen and I pray for my family and love ones that they may receive a blessing in each and every way that they need I know that you will provide for you are king and love and the world needs your love and blessings Jesus I just pray for this world and people to open there eyes and realize without you they will be lost and thank you Jesus for coming into my life and my families life for the better it’s been tough to get where I am today but without God and I know I would be lost or even dead Think you God for all your blessings and Love for this World that you share in Jesus name I pray amen💯👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😃👍🏻🙏🙏🙏🙏
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