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  • Love the game - would also love more options

    I’ve seen a few other reviews basically saying the same thing, but I love this game! It’s so much fun and the creators have done an excellent job making it enjoyable. I do however wish there were a few more options like for instance being able to purchase toys or special food for your pets. Also I bought a boy and girl dog thinking they would be able to have a puppy and realized that wasn’t an option. I would love for that to be able to be an option in the future. Another really big thing is I would love it if everyone had a “celebrity rating” and so you could meet and become friends with or date a celebrity and gain a small amount of fame from your social group. Also like if you go the movie star route and have 100% fame and then switch lives to your kids you would think they would have a small amount of fame just from being the child of a famous movie star. Lastly I think it would be cool to have more options as far as education. Like maybe you can pay extra to put your kid in private school or boarding school and if they excel then possibly the option of them graduating early? Also (maybe because I’m obsessed with TLC) but can there be an option for polygamy? 😂 My Bitlife guy needs 6 wives okay? 😂 Like I said before I love this game so much and my ideas are purely just suggestions that I personally think would make it even more fun!
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    Developer Response

    🤩Thanks for taking the time to leave this amazing review, Rachel! We love these ideas. 🐶🔥 You may see one of your ideas make its way into the game with a future update. We appreciate your support! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Good game but

    It’s a good game the time that I’ve played it, even without paying for anything. But I have one thing that erks me, smarts. You can go for a walk in the game with no effort and all and your looks are raised by 4%. That’s good. For to read a book, you have to start tapping endlessly, which is annoying enough as it is. And when you read two hundred or three hundred page books, it only raises your intelligence by one. Then I read a book and it actually lowered my intelligence for four percent! Yes, it was 90 pages but I was tired of all the tapping I’ve been doing non stop! And the books I’ve read afterwards, one was almost 500 pages, still only increased my intelligence by one as I’ve been trying to get back to 70% intelligence. Then I read another 260 page back and it lowered my intelligence instead by one percent. How am I supposed to raise my intelligence at all? And I’m pretty sure if I do nothing it’ll just go down over time! And studying for me in school once my grades are up doesn’t do anything! Intelligence is supposed to not be something you’re inherently born with, but it this game you might as well be because it seems impossible to raise it at all! I was in highschool, if that affects anything, but I don’t see why it should and the four percent drop was devastating. It wasn’t even a childrens book or anything like that. If this is honestly how the game is supposed to work, please make that a little more clear.
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  • Great Game + Suggestions

    First off I’d like to say this game is wildly entertaining and addictive. I do have some suggestions that hopefully the devs will read and also enjoy! 1. It would be really cool if there was some way to invest money in stocks. Having an interactive stock market in the game would be really cool. 2. The new updates with the athlete and musical jobs are awesome. However, I think it would be cool to have more choice in it. If we could pick our positions/music genre that would be awesome. 3. I think it would be really cool to be able to start your own company too. This would be a huge update and a lot of work, but I think it would be worth it. It could require a lot of capital to start and maybe depending on how much you invest determines your starting success. Certain management decisions can increase profit. A hiring tool could be made, you could have stakeholders, investors and you could have a market dominance meter. If your business really takes off their could even be a way to influence the world around you such as elections. You could choose business upgrades, which would all cost a lot of cash and so on. 4. I also think it would be really cool if when you get crazy rich you could influence certain things as well. Also if you are the president or prime minister if you could start wars or something. Just a couple thoughts to improve it, but its already a great game. Keep up the good work and thank you!
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    Here are some suggestion for the next update. You can hit your profile of your character and be able to see how much they weigh, and you can also see their height and who they look most like in their family. You can also see a family tree even before they were born from grandparents to great great grandparents. I think another great thing to be able to add is grandparents and maybe even great grandparents and aunts and uncles etc. I think you should also add having quadruplets and more than just triplets and I think the twins can be opposite genders. Another really cool thing to add is you can have a baby or choose the option to at whatever age! I just think that would add a lot to a teen mom! I have only been a teen mom at 13 once please add that option back. I think should also be new jobs and careers and more because the jobs are starting to get a little bit boring it’s the exact same thing a little over and over again. I think you should be able to apply to different colleges an excepted to many different colleges. At 18 many of just a few colleges will pop up on your screen with different student population of how many attend, how popular it is, and how many were successful in the future, how the teachers are on a star rating! Please make a big huge update with everybody’s suggestion before New Years! I think that would be so cool please add these suggestions!
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  • Love the game but a few suggestions

    I love this game. It takes the fun idea of a life simulator, adds creative options (which are sometimes hilarious) without making the game complex and hard to understand.

    However please take these next considerations into mine as I would be extremely grateful if you did. 1. Allow us to rent a property, perhaps apartments and such. 2. Have actual effects from being homeless after highschool 3. Maybe consider adding an option to run for representative and senator in the United States (and then be able to maybe become senator majority leader or speaker of the house etc) 4. Allow us to be a member of a political party even if we aren’t politicians. 5. When you become president of the United States have it give access of the White House to the player. 6. Allow us to move to different cities inside of the same nation. 7. Allow us to be entrepreneurs, start companies (have multiple categories and allow them to evolve) for example, you can start a small business like a store and then if ran successfully make it into a chain brand where you have to pay for new properties or whatnot. For example, start a car company but you have to buy each new manufacturing plant, increasing your profits as long as you work enough to make sure it stays run properly and profitably.

    I hope you consider these suggestions and know that I love your game . Keep up the good work
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  • Update ideas

    I love the updates but it would be cool to own a business. Ideas: you will need at least $100,000 to $1,000,000 to start a business,you can hire or fire employees, you can do interviews, you could hire a new ceo when you retire or have your kids take over, you could promote your business with ads and billboards and more, you could pick what business you want it to be like tech or candy and more, you could sell the business to a crime syndicate, you could sell the business for money for at least $1,000,000 or $5,000,000 or $10,000,000 or $50,000,000 or $100,000,000 or even more, you could promote your workers or demote them, you could make employees or bosses salary’s higher or lower. Military update: I think there should be a thing that you could pretend to be a officer, there should be ribbons and medals, when you are officer you should be able to boss around lower ranks, you should be able to fire soldiers when you are a really high rank, you should be able to steal awards like the Medal of Honor or ribbons off any kind of rank, you should be able to WORK HARDER FOR A RIBBON OR MEDAL, there should be new mini games for the military, you should not be able to go to war when you are a officer rank.I also love to be able to qualify for the olympics for swimming,gymnastics,soccer,basketball,golf,tennis,handball etc. That’s all I have but thank you for reading this.
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  • Great Game! But here are some ideas!

    Hello Candywriter, I’m impressed at this game, it offers a lot of customization and experiences! Great job, BitLife team! 👍
    Anyways, I have a few ideas. For one, in the emigration team, if we have God Mode, we should be able to choose which country and city to emigrate to. Another idea is religion. You could choose a religion such as Protestant Christian, a Catholic Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. The religions could offer visiting churches or other places of worship, and it could increase your happiness! Religions could also have laws that you must follow to be happier with your religion, an example is if you’re Christian or Islamist, you shouldn’t be LGBTQ. Another idea is political identification. You could choose what you identify as politically, liberal, conservative, anarchist, communist, etc. Maybe another idea is war, you could be drafted to the military and fight for your nation. There’s a chance that your nation will be annexed, it’s higher or lower based on your nation, for example, the USA 🇺🇸 would have the lowest annexation chance, while Monaco 🇲🇨 would have a higher annexation chance. You should also be allowed to vote if your nation is a democracy, if you have God Mode, you can control the elections. It should show pros and cons of the presidents, along with the party. You can also start a coup in your nation to change the ideology. Overall, great game! Keep my ideas into consideration please!
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  • More crime

    I would like to make my own mafia/gang or even joint one is fine just as long as I can eventually change the name when am the boss. I would also like it if I can create a dynasty like my son can become the new boss or rise up the the ranks of my own mafia/gang. I would like more crime like drug dealing, trafficking, and disturbing and maybe some other crimes to like book keeping, like having a gambling business, and other criminal “businesses”. I would like gang wars/turf wars and being being able to actually attack rival gang/mafias to eliminate them and take over their “businesses” and able to retaliate ever time they kill a family member or friend and gang members in my gang/mafia. I would also like to be able to bribe police officers and politicians where it gives me a kind of bonus that lowers my chance of going to jail or getting caught in general and maybe even getting me out of jail. Being able to put a politician or police commissioner or chief to be on my side maybe even being able to help me with crime and help me earn more money for my gang/mafia and maybe even give me some of their own men for certain things like killings or robbing, taking care of rivals whether killing them or putting them to jail. Being able to corrupt the military and government in general to help me in the criminal life path in BitLife would be amazing. Lastly the game is amazing I love it so much!!!
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  • Love it! Please read :)

    Hey BitLife team, I love this game and it’s pretty much the only game that I play on my phone. I have a few suggestions though that I hope you’ll find interesting. I think it would be super cool and interesting if you could add an interactive stock market and maybe a cryptocurrency market too. I also think that if all of the careers had as much detail as the actor and sport’s careers then that would be very very cool. For business careers, you could start your own business and have different types of business’s and expand them and grow them. For doctors, you could pick what kind of surgeries you want to perform and you could have little mini games and the harder surgeries earn more of a bonus. You could be a race car driver and there could be race mini games. But overall, the concept of applying detail to each career path sounds like a worthwhile investment and I think it would expand the overall player base. Maybe it would be cool if you could upgrade certain aspects of your cars to make them faster for getaways and for little street race pop ups. An underground street race tab under the crime menu where you could win cars and money and rank up notoriety would also be super cool. I also think some way to become a better criminal would be good as well so it’s harder to get caught. I have more ideas so let me know with a reply with an email address if you’d like to touch bases!
    Thank you guys!
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  • ideas

    i totally love playing bitlife but there are some things that could make the game better. for example i feel like grandparents should be more involved, like grandparents should have custody, or being able to spend time with your grandparent. Also cousins should be involved and aunts/uncles. It would also be awesome if you could change your characters clothing, just like how you can give them a hat. Also i feel like cars and house should be more involved. Like i know it’s a lot but maybe you can design your room or get an actual view of the inside of the house. car wise i think it would be cool if you could go on a road trip or take a drive. also maybe more scenarios with your friends like, “your significant other cheated on you with your friend” and then you could get the option to beat them😭 or you could have a sleepover and plan out what to do, like ask your friend to come over and you get the options on doing something like watching a movie, pranking someone etc. Also it would be really cool if you could date a celebrity. or it would be super cool if there was a corona update and in your lifetime there’s a pandemic and you’re in lockdown and you can’t go on vacation and there’s online school etc. that would be cool. oh last thing there should be more background on the orphanage thing like getting sent to a foster home, getting adopted, spending time with other people in the orphanage, or communicating with workers. i totally love playing this game tho❤️
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    Developer Response

    🔥 Thanks for taking the time to leave a review! 🤩 You have some great ideas here. We are definitely looking to add more customization options and choices to the game with future updates. ✅ Sit tight! 😃 We think you will love what's coming next to BitLife. Thanks for your support! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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