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  • Thank you bit Gods🙏🏾

    The bit gods are truly real I prayed for more customizations and hairstyles changing the clolrs I’ve gotten what I asked for I love this game I have soooo much I asked for more things to buy my billionaire save is now sadly a millionaire ❤️great work I will forever recommend this game. Still I’m waiting on the clothes different types of designer maybe fake cars I see u already have lous Vuitton handbags why not belts backpacks like I start to make money young in most of my play styles so itll be cool to get a chance to blow it all and honestly I love how the game is set up to where the money can stay in the family let’s see uhh oh more random events off of your actions like Because I gave a bum 20 bucks when I was 16 he gave me 10 grand because he bought lottery tickets and won or like I said before random events like maybe because I bought everything in the Gucci store a random event of a gold digger tryna get my number maybe I can buy a farm (again with a business update u can live off the land u know buying a farm is just one of the ways that the business could work maybe u make enough money to buy the corporate office u slaved at for so long and get to be a jerk to all the employees who pranked u and laughed at u)and aliens abduct my cows or as a child I’m kidnapped and have a choice to escape my nappers while there napping maybe😭 that one was a joke but seriously guys I really do appreciate this app #Bitgodsarereal🙏🏾
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  • Here are some ideas !

    I think this game is really good but I think it would be really cool if you could customize your character before they are born, for example you can choose certain diseases to be born with, or you can choose your ethnicity, orientation and more! You could also choose how smart you are, how good your looks are, health, etc. you are born with. Another ideas is choosing what time period you are born in, it could give variety to the game and the characters could have features from that time period for example if you have a character from the fifties you could have a fifties hairstyle. Also it could cause scandal if you do something out of the norm of the time period “unconservative” just for example u wear a bikini to the beach and people find out, your parents could get upset at you. Or you could see something and decide wether to gossip or mind your own business. If you gossip the person could find out and then they start a rumor/fight/ unfriend you in return! You could also have bit stories where you play as certain famous people or celebrities for example you could play as Beyoncé or George Washington and it could be fun and educational! Also it would be cool if you could go to private schools if you are super smart, skip grades, go to college as a kid etc. you can also add music lessons to mind and body so that we could have child prodigies!! Anyways this game is super good, these are just some ideas of mine that would be fun to see!
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    Developer Response

    🧠💭 You are loaded with great ideas! We definitely hope to add more character customization options in the near future. Thanks for leaving a review! 🤝

    Our bit people can commit crimes but it would be cool if someone could break into our houses or steal our cars or like crazy exes might try to murder us or our new spouses just to add a little spice (also opens the door for witness protection which could be cool you can change your name and are randomly generated new hair and get moved to a random country). I also think it would be cooler if cars and houses were more important. Like at the moment sometimes you can’t get a job cause you don’t have a car or your spouse will bug you about buying one but I feel like it should be more necessary like if you don’t have a car you have to buy a bus pass or if you don’t have a house you can ask to stay with a family member or live in a homeless shelter or something. I also think there should be three different car shops one that is all new nice cars, one is average income family kind of some new some used just cars, and one that’s like all used all cheap cars because the two car shops are like all used cars and like 4 new Subaru’s that are yellow. So I think if you did that and also added a feature where you can change the color of the car which I know cars are not that deep but like I hate when the only new cars I have to pick between are yellow or purple and then I just have that car we should be able to change the color at like a body shop for like 5,000 or something.
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  • I have some ideas

    Let’s start off with how much I love this game! There is something I found though. I continued with my previous person’s triplet son and when I looked at the other sons from their view it said twin brother for both of them even though they are triplets! Also when you do have triplets or twins I think they can be of different genders. Like two girls and a boy instead of three girls. Also at the In-Vitro place you should have an option for how many eggs you implant so you can hope for having twins or triplets more. Also even if the grandparents are still alive it does not show them as a relationship for the grandchildren. Also it does not show their cousins or aunts or uncles. I think in the family tab you should have a separate arrow going to extended family. My biggest hope for this game is an update to the adoption side of the game. I love how you can be adopted but that is always at birth. I think if both parents die you should have to go to the orphanage or have one of your extended family members take care of you. If you were taken in by family you could add in the run away feature. Plus if you start a life as an orphan I think that you should be able to communicate with other orphans there and attend interviews to get adopted. Or even you could have a chance of not getting adopted and that would be interesting too. Please take into consideration all these things because I hope to see them in future updates! Keep being great👍🏼
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    Developer Response

    💯 These are great insights! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with you! We appreciate you! 👶👶👶
  • 10/10% fun! But I have suggestions, so please read!

    Look, I like this game, but I wish sometimes it would be and option to runaway, like when your parents don’t treat you right! And the BITIZEN thing is kinda unfair, just my opinion! I also wish that you would add a future where yours parents can put you up for adoption. I understand needing to make money, so I think that some things should be paying for. For example, say you wanted to but an exotic pet, I think Bitizen would be good. But the pet shop, I think we should be allowed to use free. And with the teachers and supervisors, the flirting and all that stuff should be Bitizen. I also hope that we will start being able to be in a gang in and out of jail, in jail would be money(Bitizen), but out would be free. I also want to be able to choose my parent’s age, name, and how I was born if I could, just a suggestion. This game is super fun, but my mom probably won’t let me buy the Bitizen and I really want to be able to do cool things. One other thing; I think that if you go to business school you should have an option to start a business. I also think that there should be an option to turn on a thing where you get asked the questions and can grades shown on your screen, I think it would make this game slightly better bc it educates people while they have fun! I hope these dreams will becomes reality, or even just a few, but please think about it!🥺
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  • Great game!

    This game is amazing! I’ve been playing for a little over six months! Although, after awhile it does seem to get a bit bland; thus the reason why I’d love to see more updates! Such as more sexuality options/ custom sexualities, and more gender identity options/ custom gender identities. Along with that, I’d love for your gender to be in the closet, or for you to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria in some cases! Being able for your friends, parents, siblings, children, etc to react to you after you come out would make the game more realistic, and furthermore, more interesting/fun. As well as what I listed above, I would love to see more game options, such as being born famous, becoming a singer and being able to manage your fame in other ways including releasing singles, albums, EPs, going on tours, and performing at shows if you’re a singer, being able to perform in plays/musicals if you’re an actor or actress, being able to write fiction, non fiction, etc. if you’re a writer, and being able to paint, draw, etc. if you’re a famous painter. As well as more game options, it would be fun if you could be born into fame. Finally, I would love seeing bills, being able to see what house you live in as a kid in your assets, having parents kick you out of your house and make you live in your own, being homeless, etc.
    These are obviously just suggestions, but nevertheless, I believe they would be great additions to the game. Thank you for all you do!
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  • I don't usually write reviews but....

    I truly think this is one of the best games in the AppStore. There's not many other games that aren't poorly designed and made for taking your money. The devs of this game listen to feedback and it's obvious that they actually care and like their own game. Most people with critical reviews complain about the amount of ads. This game is free to download which means they have to make money some way. This game isn't completely riddled with ads but ads on things like purchasing gifts can take away from the experience. I paid to have ads removed because I support these devs and what they're doing. It's very hard to find devs like this so these guys seem awesome. It's a very small price to remove ads I don't at all think this game only wants your money. The only real problem I have with BitLife is the things that don't add up. For example I've played as a character who owns a house and is well into their adult years and also has siblings. I got into a fight with my sibling over "leaving the toilet seat up" and having situations where "tell mother" is an option even tho my character doesn't live at home and is an adult. I think fixing that can only improve the game. I often like to adopt but when my character dies and I play on as my child my characters partner is not in the relationships tab. I think there should be a way of making your partner the mother/father of your adopted kid. Regardless this game is dope and I love these devs 💗💗
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  • Love this game just some suggestions

    I love this game and the fact that there are more options to interact in school/university and I was thinking it would be nice to interact with your colleagues the same way at work. Things like making interacting with your colleagues and boss, trips for work, work place affairs, and the ability to make friends at work. There should also be more options to interact with friends and maintain them outside of school. It would also be cool to be able to have more texting options not just with ex’s but also with spouses, friends, family, boy/girlfriends, and acquaintances at work or school. Another idea is job options that involve social media like being an influencer or Instagram model where you can make money without technically having a job or still being in school and athletic jobs such as professional athletes, gymnasts, or dancers would be a good way to take into account the athletic skills of your character. There could also be options like opening up businesses or having your family have their own business and it being passed down to you or getting a better shot at a job because your parents worked there. Internships would also be a good way to have a better chance at getting a job and could be offered to high school and college students.

    Those are just some ideas but keep up the good work this game just keeps getting better and better!
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  • What I think the game needs

    For the game I suggest that we get to be able to play sports professionally and also I like what u did with instagram so I think we should expand that idea and create a Snapchat a Facebook stuff like that and there should also be a setting for when u click the add button instead of a year going by it could be like a day or a week a month even several months and when u click month or day u should get to decide the number of days weeks months or years that have passed plus I also think that there should be a phone so we can text our classmates about the homework or hit up our friends to hang out and even text our crushes to ask them out and also I think that their should be more jobs and instead of having them all in one place we should have them into different fields like sports,medical,political, scientific, or even mechanical I also think that there should be places that u should be able to hang out with your friends and go on dates with your crushes I also think that u should be able to get ur ears pierced and instead of only being able to see the head of the character u should be able to see the whole body and u should also be able to buy clothes for ur self and once u buy them u can customize them on your character and there should be a little tab where u can see ur character and customize him/her

    But over all this game is very fun and I can’t wait to see the updates that u guys have In store for us😁
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    Developer Response

    🗓📱👕 You're loaded with great ideas! Thanks for sharing these with us! You may just see one or more of these ideas in the game with a future update! Thanks for your support!🤝
  • I like the new update, I just want a few more features.

    Ok it is a awesome game don't get me wrong and I know you just updated but when I go to the salon and I color my hair, it doesn't change my bitlife character. I think if you go to the salon you should be able to pick your hair color and pick what style, and then your bitlife character should change, I think it would be more fun. I love the idea of the school thing, but there needs to be more cause whenever I finish school I just start a new character because you can't really do anything at your job or university, but work harder and study more. so I think you should make university and your job more fun too. You should also add more mini games like when you're doing a sport in school or an after school activity. can you please get rid of the feature where you have to send a message to yourself when you do social media, Whenever I do social media, I have to text myself a bunch of stuff so I don't want that feature anymore, cause I just have a bunch of bitlife text messages to myself. And there should be more stuff to do with your boyfriend or girlfriend like go to the club or ask them to give money to people instead of wasting all your money have them waste their money. I'm not saying you have to do this now just maybe for the future, if not, I'm not gonna be mad, because I love this game it's ok if you don't add my features just maybe, something to look into in the future.
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    Developer Response

    👂 We hear you loud and clear! You have a lot of great ideas! We hope you will continue to love the game as it continues to grow! 🌱

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