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  • Love this game but it needs more updates.

    First off I love this game and it’s so addicting to play. I would have to say I love all the updates but there needs to be more. There needs to be child abductions as scary as it is but it happens but with that needs to be ways to keep kids safe. There needs to be an option where there can be custody battles in divorces and if the child’s old enough they can pick with who they want to live with. There needs to be an option we’re kids can get taken by the state but also given back, or where parents can give their children up to a family member or friend or take a family members child if taken or an accident happens to them. There needs to be online dating and possibilities to run into famous people. There needs to be where people can stay in contact with family or grow old and the parent not have to die to move on to the next generation. That way parents can take their children to see grandchildren, aunts, uncles and cousins. There needs to be holidays and birthdays. There needs to be more abilities to have affairs with co workers, bosses or teachers. Why not be able to choose who to play if a women and man split up. Real life stuff that happens easier drug addictions and prostitution, because unfortunately that stuff happens and maybe someone can see how bad it is from playing the game and choose not to go down that path in real life.

    Once again I love the game and can’t wait and want to see more as soon as possible.
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    Developer Response

    💯 Thanks for sharing all of these awesome ideas with us! We are definitely planning to continue to grow the game, and you just may see one or more of these ideas added into the game! We appreciate you! 👊
  • Fantastic

    I love this game so much it helps know what could happen in my life if I choose these decisions. I did it on myself and the choices I made in my life and what I want to do in my life later on and it turns out I will be a very successful person ............ ............I hope.(lol) I would recommend this to everyone because it was very fun and very addicting and I think you would enjoy it can you get to make important decisions and see how your life would be if you chose this decision. I think that there is only a couple things I would like to change and those things are being able to pick exotic pets or different kind of pets rather than just adopting them, I mean it is cool that you can adopt but I would also like if we could pick other animals that you can buy like at the age of zero. Another thing that I would like to change is that you could see your options of the kids you want to adopt like if you want to adopt twins or triplets you might be able to find them if you were able to see your choices. I hope that you look at this developer and change those things or at least try to change them. Other than that I love your game and I think everyone should try this so if you read this tell your friends and hope that they get this to because I really think that you and your friends and family will enjoy this game. #LoveThisGame. #MakeMyLifeBetter #GetIt
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  • Maybe more...?

    So, I LOVE this game, it’s amazing! But, first of all, I kinda wish that you could have like...ahem...affairs with your family. Also, I wish you could do more with your spouse. Also, what about better paying music positions? Or getting famous from being a musician?And what about getting famous for a certain career? Like, an artist, sports announcer/player? I also wish that you could be born into a famous and rich family, and grow up with the cameras. I also think that it would be really cool if you could gamble on sports! And I think you should be able to do more your child. Like help them with your homework (Maybe the kids could get mad at you if you don’t do it right!), or help them gain smarts or looks, get them to be happier if they are depressed. Also in general I think you should be more involved in your child’s life. Like knowing when they have diseases and taking your child to treat them. And your child should tell you secrets. Like when your a mom, if you have a daughter, knowing (if she chooses to tell you!), when she gets her period. Sorry for the long review, I’ll probably be writing another one in the future, but I just want to thank you guys for working so hard on this game. I really appreciate it and I’m sure that many others do too. I would LOVE to see some of these implemented into the game. I hope you will reply to this (it took me FOREVER to write this!), it would mean a lot. Thanks!
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  • Great game could use more additions!

    I love this game but there are a few changes i would like to see i think that when you file restraining order that after the 3 years if they come back that you should be able to sue them (lawsuit). I also think the hospital should have a bigger purpose (overnight stays, bills, questions about visit), choices on which hospital you choose and the rating of each hospital. Also when you get an heirloom, if you search for it while you were in a previous life that passed away you don’t get it when you start a new life so i think that when you search for an heirloom it should be passed down to the new person. Additionally when enlisting in the military and when you get sent off to war or whatever the game with the bomb is way to over complicated and in most scenarios ends badly. I think shopping should be added like cars and maybe scratch off tickets so you can physically scratch them (more exciting aspect) another job could be esports (present day career) you could be a famous esports player! i think when you have a kid that they should be more involved with you and additionally when you are married there needs to be more conversations from the husband/wife to you the player. Overall i have been playing this game for awhile and when you are a bored college student that wants the time to pass this game keeps me very very entertained! So thank you for keeping me entertained with all of the updates!
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    Developer Response

    🏥🎮🎖 Thanks for sharing all of these ideas with us! We look forward to continuing to bring awesome new content as we keep dropping updates! 💥💣
  • Addicted!!!!

    My life is being ruined by this game. Its awesome! Reminds me a lot of “Alter Ego” but with way more replay value and way more interesting twists and turns. Been looking for a game like this all my life! I love how quickly things can change in the citizens life and how much one thing can mess stuff up. I also LOVE the lgbt+ content, that you can choose how to respond to your family member coming out, and that citizens sexualities aren’t determined by you. That said, one thing that irks me is that whenever my citizen adopts a child with their partner, once the citizen dies the partner doesn’t come up as the parent so the kid can’t interact with their mama or papa. I think this only happens with lgbt parents, but I could be wrong.
    Speaking of nitpicks, I wish there were more obstacles to overcome. Like, in one life your born to a poor family with bad living conditions, or your discriminated against for your race, gender, etc, or maybe you have to decide what sort of lifestyle your household lives. Of course, that might lead to the game being heavier than it needs to be and I don’t blame the developers at all if they don’t want to go that route.
    With that said, I’m very glad to see that they continuously update the game and am looking forward to whatever new content they may provide. I can’t afford not to look forward to it, since I’ve now paid money to be an official bitizen and support them. Please don’t make this an impulse buy I regret! I’m begging you!
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  • Love the game…some suggestions

    Yo! Love BitLife so much, remember when I first started playing it and was like “nah I don’t need to be a bitizen” but a few weeks into it I took the plunge and I love the extra access that come with it! Also, the time travel option is 10/10! Was reading a review that suggested the ability to change physical traits to our characters, new jobs and positions like royalty and staring your own business, and then making fame easier and honestly I fully and 100% agree with those. I think that would be totally awesome to add to the game. Another thing I was thinking about was maybe adding more sexual preferences and even letting us choose our gender pronouns? And also even marriage/couples counseling, I know that’s a career but I feel it would be a great addition for an activity with our spouses/significant other. (Maybe even having the ability to choose your own religion but idk if that’s a stretch) Also the limit of how many kids and animals you can adopt maybe should depend on where you’re living rather than just a set amount for everyone?? OH ALSO a possible banking system, like with a checking and savings account and even credit cards, and maybe even the ability to build a dream house?? Idk these are just some ideas I’ve been having over the week. But keep up the good work!! The game is great and I love playing it and checking for the new features with each update!
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  • Fun game! Needs some updates, though.

    I have been playing BitLife for around a year now. its incredibly fun, and there are so many different options and ways to live. However, i just have some update ideas. I think that maybe instead of living year by year, we should live month by month (or make it an option). it could become more realistic if it were month by month. For instance, we could go to the gym more than once a year, or the library, etc. I also think there should be more college options, and also more jobs or fame opportunities. For the entire time i’ve been playing, i have never became famous. i could be doing something wrong but i just think it should be easier to become famous, such as through a sport. Or, if you go to college through arts , dancing, or music, it should be easier to try and land acting or professional dancing opportunities. Or even become a famous athlete. Another idea is with the relationships. We should be able to have best friends. I see that they’re in the murder menu (like you have the option to murder your best friend), but they aren’t in the relationship tab and you can’t hang out with them and things like that. i think it would make the game far more interesting. I have a few more ideas, such as more crimes, possibly being homeless, royalties, drugs, step-relationships, being abandoned, and so many more! These are just ideas, and don’t get me wrong, i LOVE this game!! Five stars
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  • BitLife suggestions

    I love the app already but there’s always room for improvement! I would like to offer a few suggestions. It would be really cool if there was a family tree feature available so that you could neatly see which of your siblings have which kids and which of your baby mamas birthed which kids. It would be great to see how all of your family is related. Another feature is I would like to have more opportunities open for members of your family. For example, your sister can come out as gay, but she can’t come out as transgender and have a sex change surgery. It would be great to have more options expanded for family members to make family life a little more interesting. It would be cool if family had the same opportunities your bitizen had to improve upon their own life. It would also be cool if the family line extended even further with the addition of great-grandchildren and great nieces and nephews. That is the way life naturally works. It doesn’t make sense to have a baby at 20, become a grandmother at 40, and then live until you’re 120 and not have any great grandkids. I think the family should keep extending infinitely as long as you are alive. You should also be able to pick playing immediately after you die as the youngest in your family (grandkids) rather than one of your kids, who are like 70 years old themselves and don’t have much life left to live. Thanks if you have read this and have taken these suggestions down !
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    Developer Response

    🌳 The family tree is growing daily! Hope you will enjoy as it continues to mature! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us! 😀
  • Amazing simulation game, needs more stuff

    This is an amazing game, but after playing it for a while it gets boring because I already know all the career paths and the jail patterns. I have some interesting ideas that would expand the game: More crime options. Living the craziest life you can in this game is definitely the most fun, and this would be a nice way to spice up the game. Selling drugs, making drugs, robbing banks, embezzling money from your job, and maybe you could even start or join a mafia and become a kingpin. Rumbling. I should be able to rumble with anyone at any age even if I will get clocked and die. Also I should be able to kill someone by rumbling, they can kill me but I can’t kill them which is odd. Friends, You should be able to manage your friends and interact with them. I know that you get random events where you can interact with them and you can throw a house party, but you should be able to interact with them via the relationships button. STDs. I should get arrested for spreading them but you can just 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗼𝗳𝗳 scot-free. Threesomes. Every relationship I have ever been in they have said no, maybe you can raise the percentage of them saying yes? College. All the choices for college should be available and not just a few that are randomly generated, it’s annoying to wait a year or two so you can pick the option you want. I hope the BitLife devs see this because I really enjoy this game and I am a Bitizen!
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  • Really good simulator!

    It is a good simulator! I recommend it if you like life games. I do have ideas though. Maybe there can be a ribbon called Botched/Plastic and to get it, you need to have so many plastic surgery (either botched or successful). Or there can be a ribbon named Foodie. To get it, you need to try so many foods (like the pop ups saying “your friends are eating _____”) One more ribbon called Anti Vaxx and it’s the same way to get Fertile but you have to not vaccinate all your kids. Maybe make it more realistic because one day, my life person got pregnant at 50. Maybe there should be a job called Youtuber (Bituber?) and it is self explanatory. I wish there can be ‘news’ on what’s happening in the world of Bitlife. For example, if like a political thing happened instead of being in the journal, maybe pop ups? It would be cool to have a job like a psychic or something like that. Maybe you can talk to the deceased with those types of jobs. If you can, make Broadway play references like ‘Your _______ wants to take you to Jefferson (or Hamilton)’ To me, references make the game have spice. I would like a minigame where there are rats/bugs in the kitchen or whatever room and you have to hit them at the right time or your house will be a little messy. It didn’t make sense how a 70 year old can’t retire from his/her job but instead quit it. Anyways it is a really addictive game and I think this game is pretty creative. Sorry the review was a little messy.
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