Golf Blitz User Reviews

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  • Devs just want your money.

    Game riddled with bugs, devs stopped caring, so many issues even with video proof apple won’t refund me anymore like I’m the boy who’s cried wolf.

    Update came out and 1/2 the players couldn’t log in and those who couldn’t after the update their accounts wouldnt show up in friend or team lists but their spot was still there so couldn’t boot them in a team to make more free space. Example we had a team of 50 active players, inactive slicked daily to make room for active players, after the update it showed we were at 50 players full but you could only count 20 showing from anyone who had logged in after the update couldn’t see to boot the ones who never made it back. Like Thanos snapped his fingers and half the players were gone.

    Also when making purchases half the time I never received my items occasionally after extreme amounts of time trying to communicate with noodlecake they would once a year get on to handle issue and fix something after a while it was well talk to apple for a refund who apple stopped giving refunds because so much bad things kept happening it looked like I was making it up. After just the second issue of many I had with this game I started screen recording every transaction and making sure to use a credit not debit card so if something happened again i could get my money back easier. Pulling a 2 year olds tooth is easier than getting the devs to help with anything in this game.
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  • Surprisingly good

    Downloaded this a few years back on a whim to find a good mobile game, still playing it. Tbh its the only mobile game I do play!

    It’s online so you play against real people which is fun and rewarding. It doesn’t really take much skill but, if you want to take it serious it gets tough in the high ranks. People can make some insane shots!

    100% worth the download if you enjoy something with powerups! Reminded me of 8ball pool but actually fun!
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  • Impossible to progress.

    After playing this game for 2 hours, you will soon find that it is impossible to progress further; excluding the absurd wait times to open chests that are required to progress. This is due to the insane game matching this game enables. To explain why this is so horrible, I will explain the basic growth system the game has.
    The game allows for stat increases for your character and abilities, that take place after every level of your character or ability. Needless to say, this will stack up and give the player with said levels, a definitive edge over the competition. Typically, this wouldn’t be a problem, but this game enjoys pairing up leveled “late-game” players, with beginners. To further this point, some players had upwards of 10x my level; which created a insurmountable wall, making it impossible for any progression. As a majority of my games after 2 hours of play, were more often than not full of players at-least 3x my level.
    In closing, this game is wonderful if you plan on playing for less than 2 hours, as it bring a fresh and new experience to the table.(albeit 2 hours is about as long as you should play a free mobile game.) Although any longer than that will most probably feel similar to hitting your head against a wall. Until this game decides against half of its main growth systems, I would suggest against giving this one a try.
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  • Best game - solo or as part of a team

    First of all - yes there are bugs that creep up post some updates. But the devs fix them up pretty quick. And they respond to your issues whether by email or discord.

    This has seriously been my favourite game and the only one I’ve played consistently for the last 3 years now.
    Not only can you just play solo, but you can also join a team where you get to chat, practice in some friendly matches, exchange cards for new character outfits, etc… made a bunch of friends playing with the same team and from other teams too thanks to their discord channel.
    Cool features such as using emotes during the game, various language options, different character looks, special sound effects.
    You can purchase extra packs for faster level up, but it’s not a must. This game is enjoyable from the get go basic level 1.
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  • Great game, really addictive!

    Great game guys.
    I’ve been playing for a while and it has had its great days and some frustrating days.
    All in fun though.
    This is addictive and you want to keep playing against others.
    Minor issue is that the latest update has kept causing my app to crash as soon as it was launched. I tried shutting down my phone but still had the same issues.
    As a last resort, I removed the app and reinstalled it. Tried to recover my account but it looks like I lost most of my $$ and gems and now back to level 15 (instead of level 33).
    Frustrating that I will have to build up my account again.
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  • Shockingly terrible matchmaking and point awarding

    This game is designed to be competitive however it’s matchmaking to make it fair is non existent with me frequently being paired up with people over 20 levels above me. the trophy awarding system is even worse with that most of the time the person that finishes last seems to be the only one to get a positive amount of trophies with the top 3 losing trophies. Moreover, everytime I test this I seem to lose the most and for some reason in most cases third place loses the most trophies (-45) with 2nd place and 1st place losing around 15 trophies and somehow 4th place gains 15 trophies. There is no form of visible work done with both these issues and it ruins the game and the competitiveness behind it and it’s just become a toxic trolling nightmare from hell.
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  • Crashes on iPad

    Great game but stopped working on my iPad today. Has been crashing after every 1-2 games for a while.

    This instability has been there for over 6 months so not sure what changed. Fingers crossed the devs get it stable again.
  • Great game but a few issues.

    This game is one of the best I’ve played in awhile but there are a few major flaws that if fixed could make this an even better game. Some of them include the match making. It seems solely based on trophies and unfortunately it doesn’t work as intended. I definitely should not be playing level 30+ as a level 15 regardless of how many trophies I have. The higher level players have a huge advantage through the skill level and it just gets on my nerves. There have been times playing against higher level players and they will just uses there short cooldown and powerful hit speed to continuously hit me in the water before I can even get a shot off. This just ruins the experience. Now that may not be directly the games fault that they are doing that but they wouldn’t be able to if we were the same level. Another issue is that whenever I go to log in even with perfect internet it always gives me a log in issue. I have to retry multiple times or even delete and reinstall that app before I can play. The final problem I have with this game is that I have 25+ extra hats or outfits that I can’t do anything with. I should be able to use them for Exp or unlocking a different character because it’s completely useless when I have all those extras. In conclusion this is a great game but these issues can make the game very frustrating so please consider fixing these.
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  • Fun, but awfully flawed

    First of all, the star pass packs and bonuses punish players who play all the time. It makes you wait 12 hours before you can collect more stars for first place wins, so playing becomes pointless. Secondly, you are matched by your trophy totals, not your skill ranking, so a player ranked at 12, gets matched up with 45 and 50 level players, and it’s impossible to keep up. The concept is cool, but it makes the game nearly unplayable in many matches. I can’t imagine the level 35+ players enjoy being matched up with super low level players either. It also creates a “bullying” aspect where the high level players will literally use all of their moves just to stop low level players from hitting their ball. Surprised the developers aren’t aware, which leads me to the conclusion that that are in favor of this behavior. Pretty bad business plan considering it turns off new players, and doesn’t help for player participation growth. Sad, because the game has so much going for it if it were fixed.
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  • Downloaded content

    You don’t need to god damn download content everytime you launch the game don’t download this you can be running with nasa wifi and still take forever

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