Jurassic Monster World 3D FPS User Reviews

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  • Fun game!

    I do find it very fun! All the dinos are earnable, large variety, and just plain fun. I do like how they put thought into making symbiote and mechanical dinosaurs. However, it does still need work. I think they should remove the rider system, because in the capture the points game mode, you mostly don’t capture the points. You just fight the enemies until they can’t spawn anymore, making it just like the death match mode. I feel like removing the rider system would make the capture the points more fun and highly paced. However I dislike the death match, because the bots will often refuse to spawn after they die once, so you just wait around for several minutes until the timer runs out. I would also love to see more game modes, such as maybe normal death match, capture the flag, etc. for certain modes you could add the rider system. Such as one life mode, or something of the like. While this game needs work, I feel like it is fun, and I enjoy it. Please continue to update :)
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  • Review & Things i want in-game

    A few times audio stops so plz fix it and make no max limit for weapon slots cuz i'm only alive for 3 minutes and my teammates are alive for 7 or 5 and 4 and make riders cheaper and make free for all and make different teams to make it more fun and when you zoom in make it follow the locked target. Make weak spots on these types of dinos: symbiotes, augumited, And organic. And make fire weapons which are very affective to flying dinos also i am confused how other players have more ammunition on a chupracobra. There is a glitch with the spino where when you dash it lets you press it twice so you dan do it fast but when you do it it freezes you in the same animation. When u upgrade your weapon it increases its range too. Make materials such as nanometal,steel, And yentrik ore ( i made it up) so nanometal is fir mechanical dinos, steel is for augmented dinos, yentrik is for the gold mechanical dinos and i want some structures to fall down which will stun you and damage you but if u have armor it will only damage the armor and plz make every symbiote have a healing ability so… yea thats what i want
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  • Developers don’t care.

    I’m gonna say this one more time. WE DO NOT WANT MORE MODULES. WE DO NOT WANT MORE 14k MECHS. WE DO NOT WANT MORE SPORE WEAPONS. We want a PLAYABLE GAME. Meanwhile this game has glitches galore. Hackers left and right (and not to mention being more frequent now), and the worst matchmaking system I think I’ve ever seen in a game. And oh yea, am I forgetting something??? Oh yeah, THE NERF. NO ONE LIKES IT. The majority of your fan base is nerfed than buffed and we HATE IT. A level 12 Rex with beholders level 10 and drone should NOT be dying at the hands of an IGUANODON. You don’t understand it you stupid devs but you are ruining this game. The premise of the game is SKILL and to get BETTER dinos. Right now, skill is USELESS because of the nerf and you want to AVOID getting good dinos because of your power level spiking and causing nerf. I cannot portray to you in the given max word count for this review how much you guys screwed up an amazing game and how disgruntled not just myself, but the majority of your fan base is. And now you guys are jacking up deal prices too??? You’re selling out even more??? The greed is unbearable. Truly disappointing. You had such a good game in your hands and completely BLEW IT. Thank you so much for wasting everyone’s time, effort, and the thousands they have poured into this game. Meanwhile this happens, you are all busy enjoying the money you rake in from your insanely high prices and pretend like this doesn’t exist.
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  • Good Game But Meshing Problem

    So I have been in many different matches with this one person and they always play as the Coloborhynchus. Well the update of the game has caused a problem where people can now mesh under the map or into things. I have watched this person teleport mesh underneath the map. They use it to their advantage and kill everyone and make the match unfair because most of the time it’s hard to kill them. They spit acid, shoot, and bite from under the map. And they know exactly how to get under because they have done it plenty of times. Now it seems this bug only happens to things that have the teleport ability or can fly. But if you could please fix this bug, a lot of us would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
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  • Horrible game

    If you want to play a game that seems easy and fun at first only to get extremely difficult unless you spend A LOT of money then by all means download this app. I’ve never played a game that tried to get you to spend money in EVERY aspect of the game just to enjoy it. Don’t be fooled, they also try to make you spend more money by not match making appropriately so your dinosaurs are almost always weaker than your opponents for the first 10 rounds, then you might win one, but it’s a slaughter every time. 25 to 6 most matches. They don’t let you upgrade more than once so you spend more gems which they trickle to you on a daily basis. Also, multiple lags and or in-game glitches that make it irritating to play. You can easily play for over an hour and maybe win 2 matches. Have fun!
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  • What should be added to the game

    What I think should be added to the game is that for one like allow people to do a special quest to get stuff like for the extra bonus for the crystals you could do like if you don’t want to do this here’s a quest or make it easier to obtain like dinosaurs dinosaurs that are easy to obtain and you have to buy I’m not saying this for like the people who haven’t played yet and just started playing I mean by like the people who are in mid player mode like almost a pro but I think that should be added to the game and also it should be in also it should be easier to get stuff sometimes like the crystals and the event that is happening right now so that’s my opinion but bye
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  • Amazing game but something happened

    So, the chests are out and I first of all grabbed me a medium chest, And the arrow goes RIGHT on the Giganotosaurus, but it gives me 200k coins. I’m only lvl 18, and TRYING MY BEST to lvl up to lvl 20 for the giga, but when I saw that within the chest, I almost threw my iPad across the room. 😭 I was lvl 17 when this happened yesterday and ever since then I’ve been farming for lvl 20, but please take notice to this and maybe give me refund of my keys plz :( :( . Other than that this game is AMAZING because of the PERFECT pay-to-win execution! You simply do battles, get EXP, and get dinos as you go! So, 5 stars ✨ but can I please have a refund, my name is “Son Of A Biscut!” And if you read this today now or about an hour further, I will be lvl 19, and then 20 maybe. But still, can I please have a refund of my 💯 keys?
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  • Not worth anymore

    This used to be a great game an for the people who took the time to lvl up was all on a decent equal playing field p2p or f2p but due to the bugs not getting fixed an more bugs comeing into the game due to they rather keep pumping out new content instead of fixing what’s broken they just are makeing it worse also now it’s pointless to spend money due to f2p dinos an guns are better then p2p many broken f2p dinos like the allo or the s-claw with the chew guns for example an not only that but many of the people who spent years building up there dinos an buying better dinos well all the p2p dinos an dinos over a certain lvl were nerf yet they are bringing in new dinos that had the same power of the dinos they just nerfed lol why buy more dinos when they will just nerfed eventually but that’s the main issues with this game atm (also the devs refuse to talk to any of us in the discord when we try to figure out if it’s a bug or what) 100% horrible customer support,cheaters all in the game bugs an all around a waste of time game really sad all these are easy to fix they should have enough $ to hire decent coders due to all the $ they scammed from there players telling them there dinos an guns will do a certain amount of dmg until u buy it an a month later make a 100$ dino is then worth 20$ but still cost 100$ like what
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  • I have some amazing ideas for ya’ll!

    I some great ideas, I think yep this game is great I love it it one of my top 3 favorite games! But I do have some ideas.... one of my ideas is a new Dino this Dino is a lizard like creature that can go under ground heal and have those Spike things around it. Another idea is the dinos can talk,so they can say like ok team let’s do this we can win”! Another idea is there’s a other pet it’s a lizard it ha s three wepons on all of the dinosaurs you get it on and you can have tow pets the drone and the lizard so cool! I have another dinosaur for ya it’s a spider it has 8 legs like a spider can climb walls shoot webs and it has 8 wepons that might be super cool
    And can you guys make it 146 gems I can never get any of the big dinos3: so those are my ideas I hope you liked them! Have a great year! One more thing maybe a put a awesome golden dragon that can shoot fire and has a super cool and hard bit make that 489
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  • Fun to play

    I love this game and play it often, I love how everything is accessible without paying and the different dinosaurs and monsters in the game. Only thing I would love to add is more dinosaurs and controller play. For Dino’s you could add more creatures like the Quetzal or smaller dinosaurs with cool abilities such as calling in a “pack” or little minions that level with the players dinosaur with half or quarter health of the main dinosaur. Just new and strange dinosaurs would be cool. I understand you as developers work hard and as fast as you can, so I just want to state that these are just suggestions for your amazing game. As for the controller play, I love playing games like this with my Xbox controller so if you made some update making it where you can do that would be amazing. Also, just something cool would be if you made an alternate mode for airborne creatures only and if you made a map and dinosaurs for the ocean, I know it is crazy to hope for, but I would love to see something like this someday. Thanks for reading if you did
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