Millionaire Trivia User Reviews

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  • Ability to play is slow

    I really like the game however I’m only a bronze level player and I’m already getting duplicate questions quite a bit. But my worst complaint is having to wait for the winning boxes to open. So slow!!!! if you get a silver box, you have to wait eight hours to get any more lifelines her other things or pay diamonds ($$$) to open them sooner. So wait?!? you are charging me diamonds (have to buy those$$) to open my reward for winning????? Wow, what a way to reward me!! I play other games that have figured out a way to give players lots of options and tokens to play regularly and when you want that extra turn, you are willing to pay up $$. The game developers for Millionaire have missed this completely. Very sad. Give away stuff, rewards should be usable immediately...then you will get your players hooked on the game. Those people are your profit base! Improve and we will be forking over the $$. Don’t and we will get bored and leave.
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  • Good but Needs improvement

    Fun and good game, however there a few things that are not too cool. My biggest problem with this game is that you play against another person and you will get a bronze chest if you beat the other, which yay, but if you do beat them and keep going and get a question wrong well after your opponent is out you will only get the amount of money that you beat them at, this happened to me every time I did better than my opponent. What is the point of being better than someone if you can only make as much as the loser. 2nd problem is that you most definitely have to pay to play, you can play like 3/4 times a day without spending any real money, and they games cost 1k+ just to play one game. I know that most games now you have to pay to have extra chances and stuff in general, but for this you can hardly play at all without playing. There are other things that bother me about this game, and I’ve only had it for two days now, but these two things are my biggest complaints. I think that game is fun and good, but for me personally, if these two things aren’t fixed I will not be able to play this game and would not advise others as well.
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    Developer Response

    Hi Arkadio37, 
 In-game winnings are based on where you land on the Money Ladder - the higher you are on the ladder, the better the rewards! You can also use the “Walking Away” button, which locks in your position and allows you to keep all of your earnings.
 You'll able to collect a free Mystery Box every 4 hours so that you can continue playing Who Wants to Be a Millionaire!
 Mystery Boxes can contain Coins, Gems, Lifelines, and Experts that you can use to progress in the game and use different features! If you have any other questions, please reach out to us by tapping the small gear icon on the home page. 
 Many thanks!
  • Meh

    This game is fun, but as everyone says, the cost to play doesn’t meet the reward for winning. Aka, the juice ain’t worth the squeeze. Instead of writing everyone and telling them about the free mystery boxes, why not take the feedback you’re getting into consideration and just cut the fees, or increase the reward? Also you need diamonds to open boxes but the diamonds are hard to come by without paying. You promote this game as free, yet your gameplay is trying to subliminally force people to pay for “internet diamonds” and even the cost of those if you were to buy them is ridiculous. You already have ads that I’m sure are paid, the app is already developed, it’s time to quit gouging and make your app enjoyable. Sometimes you’ve got to give to get. Facebook is the biggest app on the planet, probably makes more money than we’ll ever imagine, and it’s truly free to use, strange how that works huh?
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  • Designed to make you spend money.

    The coin payments for games aren’t proportional to how much you need to participate. For example, in a game requiring 1000 coins, you’ll need to go pretty high up the order of questions just to break even. And winning 500,000 in that game gives you 1800 coins.

    In multiplayer games, it’s all or nothing. If you beat your opponent at say, a 200 coin question level, you either go all the way up and win the game to get all coins or you end the game with a mere 200. That’s unfair and we need to be able to collect coins atleast once we reach a certain question level. This net negative trend of coin balance means that you’ll run out of coins pretty quick and will HAVE to pay. Their rewards crates aren’t very useful either.

    I’ll be fine with paying if I’m not bombarded with endless ridiculous ads of other pay-to-win games, but that’s not the case. I like the game style/questions and the overall concept, but alas, this game is as greedy as any other pay to win game on he mobile market. Uninstalling.
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  • Have to $$ to play

    You can really only play up to four games in one sitting without paying $. The only reward for winning a game is a box which gives you coins/supplies to play again. But you can only have a maximum of four boxes at any given time. And each box takes hours to open, and only one can be counting down at once - unless you pay money to buy gems. And yes, the game gives you gems but not at a rate which would allow you to consistently open all the boxes you get. And the higher your score in the game, the better the box & the longer it takes to open. So if you’re waiting on a gold box - you’ll be waiting until tomorrow. And if your box slots are full, you get no reward even if you’ve paid coins to play a level & won the Millionaire question.
    Basically, unless the game changes & boxes open more quickly, this is a game you can only play a handful of times without $.
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  • Fun new twist on a classic game

    I have loved watching this game on TV since it came out. I’ve also played other versions of Millionaire. But this one has you playing against an opponent. It makes it extra exciting. So far I’m loving it.
    After playing this game for a week here is my updated review: the game still is fun, but it is losing its luster. Each time you get a certain number of wins you get put in a higher league. The only problem with this is when I have tried to play a game they have the matching me with people in a much higher league than I am. There is no way I could beat these people. And I don’t mean just a mild discrepancy I am in the second lowest league and they are matching me up consistently with those in the highest league. The developers need to make sure that the people that challenge each other are close to being in the same league, Otherwise it is really not a fair match. If this does not change I will delete this game because it is highly unfair and would force you to spend an in ordinate amount of money which I don’t have.
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    Developer Response

    Hi Alto2gal, 
 Thanks for taking the time to review Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - I would be happy to pass along your feedback to the team! 
 If you had any other feedback or suggestions to share, please get in touch with us by tapping the small gear icon on the home page, and scrolling to the “Contact Us” button. 
 Thanks again!
  • Disappointed with ads

    Played a rd and then was forced to watch an ad showing a woman walking in to find (presumably) her significant other cheating on her. Then the ad shows an option for the user to leave the room or join them. Out of curiosity, I check the age rating for WWTBAM and it’s rated 4+.

    If you’re going to force ads in this game, please do a better job screening them to ensure they are appropriate for your audience or at least increase the age rating. I don’t believe this ad in particular is appropriate for your younger players; nor, as a parent, do I want to explain such an add to my young children.

    Game play is fine but number of coins from boxes is incredibly weak. I didn’t play much for a week just so I could build up coins from mystery boxes in order to be able to sit down and play a few rounds without the worry of running out of coins. An option to pay a couple $ to remove ads would be great.
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  • Game works but needs tweaks

    In general i think the game is decent. The questions seem easier against the computer or single player, but much more difficult against humans. However I dont think life lines are fair, especially when playing real people. How is it fair that I currently have 10+ life lines available and i can continuously use them every question. So i can literally defeat my opponent, who may be much smarter than me with just life lines. I should only be able to use each life line once per game, but thats not the case.

    Also where is challenging of friends for game center? Is this available for facebook, or just not at all? I dont have facebook. I want to be able to play my friend directly but it doesnt seem like I can.

    Finally, why are the entrance fees so much for each city? The first city requires 1,000 coins to play. Yet, its extremely difficult to make that money back. For example, it takes nearly 10 correct answers to get ur coins back. Which is difficult in multiplayer. So i find myself playing 1-2 games a day only because the free boxes are giving me coins. And im winning most of my games! This is probably the most critical point of my review. The cities’ entrance fees need to be slashed in half. Id like to play a lot more but im literally prevented from playing because the games require so much coin.

    Im willing to change my rating if these things can be addressed.
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  • Needs improvement

    The latest update forces you to watch ad‘s after every game with no benefit. If you are going to include video ads which are using up my data and I expect some kind of reward. It is hard to get coins without paying for them and they’re not cheap minimum cost to play is 1000 coins so you get one free game a day if you’re lucky. Making it to the million is not hard but you really don’t gain much IMO. I just think if they’re going to get regular players they need to make coins more accessible. I have deleted the app after the most recent video ads and it is the same video over and over again. Too many free trivia games that are just as good. Would try it again if they changed some things, 30 second ad after playing was the deal breaker. I play on my breaks so it’s a long time to wait when you only have 5 minutes.
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  • Who wants to be poor from microtransactions?

    This game has some fun in it, but it is dragged down by the necessity to pay. Each game requires coins to play, and you only get those coins back if you get most of the questions right. You also receive loot boxes, but they aren’t great. Eventually you won’t be able to afford to play any games since you’ll run it of coins. At that point you will be forced to watch ads just to have barely enough coins to play a single game. Then you’ll run out of ads, but don’t worry. You’ll only have to wait 3 hours to open a loot box that has 50 coins (which is a far cry from the minimum 1,000 coins you need for one game). After about an hour of playing I was unable to play the game anymore. I’ve opened loot boxes for a couple days, but am no where close to being able to play. Also, the ads stopped working altogether. You’ll have no trouble playing this game if you are willing to empty your wallet. Otherwise, you should probably move on.
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