Trivia Crack 2 User Reviews

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  • Not as good as I thought it would be

    Well number one on why it is not that great is because the ads are terrible!!! Why in the world would you have ads in Tower Duel!! They are sooooo repetitive as well it’s very VERY annoying!! We have a time limit, why put a time limit if your going to take away our time anyway... just do the ads before and/or After!
    Number two... I’m not sure if it’s a bug or not it’s just that I cannot change my name which I thought would happen seeing as this is supposed to be an upgraded version not the same with some new game modes... I’m sadly disappointed...
    I’ll probably find something else but number three, I understand that you have to have a limit on how many people could be a group/clan thing, and I know 50 is a lot, but if you could push up the number to 55 or 60 it would be nice, I don’t want the game to glitch so if it would make the game glitch to push up the number, don’t I enjoy this game just some of the features annoy me.
    Once again please lessen the amount of ads in tower duel, please add something to where you could make a nickname/Username, lastly please ( if you could) amp up the amount of people that could be in a clan/group.

    Thanks for listening and reading my ideas and taking them into consideration!
    A loyal fan wanting the game to improve.
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  • Good but the ads are so infuriating 😡

    This game is really good and I really like how some questions are challenging while others are easy. This gives all players an opportunity to play at their level but also learn new things.

    The only thing I really, really don’t like is the ads. You play a game and then get a ad. You play a game barely a minute long and get an ad. I understand that ads are needed but I personally think that the ads come too often too many times. I would rather just pay then watch a million ads. Other than the ads I think that this game is amazing! 😁
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  • OMG‼️ Are you serious⁉️

    This is NOT a game. This IS a platform for excessive advertising and it’s unbelievable that any developer would think that this is a good idea! Even if I were locked in a cage and had nothing to do except play this “quiz game” or stare at a wall...I’d choose to stare at the wall. Wouldn’t even be a tough decision!

    C’mon, developers! Chill out with whoring yourselves to advertisers! Let me try and explain basic marketing for you: IF USERS KEEP YOUR APP (instead of deleting it almost immediately) AND REPETITIVELY PLAY THEN YOU END UP WITH MORE AD EXPOSURE! How do you accomplish this? Well, it sure as heck ain’t astrophysics! Create a fun game, allow users to decide how many ads they view (because you tied an increase in “special widgets” to how many ads the user views, for example), and sit back/relax! Why is it nearly impossible for so many app creators to understand how to increase “clicks”? Unbelievable.

    Don’t waste your time with this “game”. Free up some storage on your phone and delete it.
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  • Disappointing and frustrating

    I loved playing the original version. While I do enjoy the tower challenge, however, once I get a question wrong I have to sit through an ad. This can be quite frustrating as I am competing against someone else in a timed challenge. If I accidentally hit the ad and am taken to the ad store, it kicks me out of the tower challenge and takes me to a one-on-one challenge which I cannot leave without losing a life. Even on the one-on-one games there is yet another ad when a question is answered incorrectly. I understand that ads are a way for the makers to earn some extra money, but it is way overdone. I find myself wanting to just give up on the game because I am stuck watching more ads than I play the games. I also wish I didn’t lose a life after every incorrect answer because I will eventually get a wrong answer per each game played. It has great potential and is one of the best trivia games I have come across, but it also needs some tuning up.
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  • It’s pretty awful

    There are so many issues with this app, I don’t know where to begin. First of all, somehow the language is set to Spanish on only certain sections (such as when you select a country, Estados Unidos) and in the duel, yet the questions and selections are not in Spanish. I don’t see any way to change it, which should be an easy to find feature for the user.

    After ads play, I have to actually close the app and restart it and go back into my game every time I get a question wrong (if it’s a duel) because it freezes after the ad is finished playing. This is especially annoying when playing in tower mode as there are only 5 minutes to play, and the ads are 10-30 seconds long.

    I want to change my user name from my email, which there is an option to do, except every time I go to change it I get an error saying I used the incorrect characters (letters and numbers, which is what my current user name is made up of now...) but it doesn’t specify what needs to be included in your user name.
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  • Can't play because of bugs

    I was enjoying the game for a few hours. I had a few problems though, when playing the tower game, I would sometimes just get stuck after getting a question wrong on the question wrong screen with no option to continue, forcing me to restart the app. The questions were fine, but some of the questions were designed to intentionally be trick questions and use clever wording to make you think it's another answer, and I don't think it should be like that. Some of the questions also had grammatical errors. Sometimes when playing the tower game, directions would be given to me in Spanish even though the rest of my game is English. The reason my review is so low is because I was playing a normal quick play game, and started getting spammed with a pop-up saying that an error occurred and that they would try to fix it soon. Even after restarting the app, I am still getting spammed with this error therefore I can no longer even play the game as I cannot do anything but get rid of this message for .1 seconds till it comes back up.
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  • They only went downhill

    The game was very exciting just as it was before, even though it did need a visual refresh but this, this is just absurd. There is an abomination of ads just trying to get you so annoyed that you pay the $3 dollars for no ads...:-.. OH WAIT A SECOND ITS $40 DOLLARS A YEAR NOW!!?!?!?Yeah there is not much more to say than the immense disappointment that I feel of such a great game being ruined by 20 second ads after EVERY PLAY!!! Its just depressing to see such an amazing game get ruined just for an extra buck or two. If anyone of the development team reads this, please know that no one I know ( and I know a lot of people)
    is willing to take out of their rent or food money about $40 dollars a year to just play a game. I want the devs to know that YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY THING THERE IS. You are not even the best and your reputation just went down the drain, but maybe you can fix that leak of quality with those few extra bucks you’re squeezing out of your once loyal (not anymore) fans.

    If there were 0 stars i would click it
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  • Good game

    I really like this game , but there are way too many ads. Yes I understand the developer needs to support themselves and future development but the ads are over the top. I would much prefer just to pay for the app and be done with it. But seems the way of developers is a
    Monthly subscription fee. Such a shame it’s going this way.

    This game has great potential of greed wasn’t a part of the equation.
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  • Needs More Features

    It would be much better if your team could play against other teams and if you could click on your team member’s names in order to play against them. I also wish there was a way to report questions because I’ve come across multiple ones that are either in the wrong category, have incorrect answers, more than one correct answer, or are grammatically incorrect. I also wish ads weren’t so long and that you could click out of more of them because honestly a game ad is not going to make me download that game, especially when most of the games being advertised look extremely boring and uninteresting. Players should also be able to submit questions and review the questions that others have submitted. I’d really like a question reporting option.
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  • A bug in the game already?

    Ok sooo... I started by playing the original. I was really excited to check out the new Trivia Crack 2 until I realized its basically the same thing.

    My main concern is that no matter whether I get it wrong or right it marks it... right? It will show that the answer is wrong but still give me the point/character. It continues this until I reach a maximum of 3 characters per turn.

    I’m really disappointed with this game sequel in general and going to delete it and go back to the original. If you’re going to make a sequel at least put in the effort to make it different. It’s basically the same thing with a few little animations, plus the bug/glitch that marks everything correct.

    The $40 year membership fee to get rid of ads is also outrageous and down right greedy if you ask me. I get it, you made a game and got some money from it but come on. Do you really expect someone to spend $40 yearly to get rid of ads? At least give some incentives or something like I don’t know unlocking more features or literally anything.

    At the moment I’m debating whether I should even redownload the original after deleting the terrible sequel. I’m not sure I want to support this game anymore after this experience.
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