Trivia Crack 2 User Reviews

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  • “Complete rip off”

    This game is fun but it is a total rip off to have to pay to get more lives in order to play anymore games or to have to wait a long time to get another life. Plus the prices are a total rip off as well and the developers of this game are like stealing money from everyone and ripping everyone off just to get more lives in order to keep playing the game. It should be free, you should not have to pay anything. This happened to me when I first got this game and then when I saw how much money these robbers are trying to get everyone to pay for different amounts of lives to keep playing the game I just laughed and was like I don’t think so robbers. Shame on the developers of this game for ripping everyone off and stealing. The developers of Trivia crack game are very greedy, there ripping all of us off and all they care about is money from you. Trivia crack should not be charging you and ripping everyone off for running out of lives and having to buy more lives and games should be free and unlimited. Trivia crack 2 is now making you have to get tokens or whatever the freak it is to be able to invite friends, what a rip off. everything about trivia crack is about money or being limited or in some cases you have to collect or wait to play, that’s not a good fair game. being greedy and ripping us all off and stealing money from us all is not a good developer.
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  • Too many ads

    I love the actual content of the game. The different game modes are fun and there are a lot of them to choose from. The questions are usually good. However, the game suffers from having WAY too many ads. I completely understand that the developers want to monetize the game through ads, that’s completely fine. But this game is completely jam packed with them! Alongside banners, there are ads every single time you exit a portion of the game (when you get a question wrong and lose your turn, when you win a game, when you exit back to the main menu). This gets old pretty quickly, especially when the ads are 30 seconds long and usually not skippable. Sure, you can swipe away from the app, but that gets rid of any positive progress you made (winning, getting questions right, etc) and saves any negative progress you made (losing, getting a question wrong). I got extremely fed up with this when i started getting ads for no reason every 5 questions in the middle of a game.

    I get the need to monetize the game. But I think the developers should either reduce the number of ads or at least offer a payment option to get rid of them (like was present in trivia crack 1)- a small payment rather than an expensive subscription. The excess ads cover up what is a really good game underneath.
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  • Fun game, but not worth the deluge of ads.

    Trivia Crack is fun and has lots of ways to play, but the sheer volume of ads ruins it. We get it, you need to make money; however the placement, frequency, repetition, and duration of ads needs to be improved. The final straw for me is their new type of three-part ad that requires you to click in order to advance to the next part. It’s watch-click-watch-click-watch-click. The ad won’t advance without clicking “next” so it is forcing you to pay it more attention than you want. Each part is only 10 seconds, but the total ad comes to about 40 seconds. And since ads play every time you miss a question and every time you switch games and every time you spin the wheel and every time (well, you get the point), it makes the app a chore and far less enjoyable. I’ve only been playing a week, but once I finish this review I will be deleting the app.
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  • good but could be great

    I love this game so much, the trivia is so fun and I feel that I learn a lot. However there are two major problems I have with the game. 1. The Ads. There are way too many of them that after I play the game for a few minutes, I’ve already used at least half the amount of time watching ads. And then when you miss a question it says do you want to watch an ad to get a free pass to play again? Then when you choose no, you STILL have to watch an ad, you just get no benefit from it. It’s so annoying it makes me not want to play the game at all. 2. The fact that you get lives. I’ve never understood why game developers make this in their design bc it’s like, we want you to play our game for a while then force you to get off bc you’re out of lives. Like? I’d play and enjoy the game a lot more if I didn’t have a limit on how much I can be on the app. It gets so annoying that eventually you stop getting on the app altogether because you can’t play it when you want to all the time.
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  • Ads are WAY too intrusive

    I’m not one to care enough to post reviews about an app but this problem is so frustrating that I just had to say it. The game itself is enjoyable; I really like the variety of game modes like the tower and events so I don’t get bored easily doing the same thing over and over. What does get me on my nerves is the amount of ads I get. It gets to the point that after every single question I answer, I get an ad. The real kicker is having the 15 second unskippable ads that pop up after every single turn. Sure, apps with ads for monetization is fair game but to have it in a way that is forced down our throats with no way to click out of it is really sickening. At this point I just exit out the game to calm down because I genuinely do not have the patience for it. Hadn’t played trivia crack in years and now that I started playing it again, I know why.
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  • Trivia Crack - Accurate name for this game

    Such a good and addicting game. Always fun, but HATE HATE HATE the ads, obviously, but I wouldn’t pay for it. Love it though

    I love this game and the setup, however it gets boring quickly when the same lot of questions come through quite often which doesn’t make it competitive as much as it could be.
    I would recommend that the app creators should allow users to submit questions that go through a process and then are put into the game
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  • Good game

    I really enjoyed trivia crack. It’s very fun to play and during self isolation when I worked from home I would always play this game. The one thing I think could be changed in this game is lives. Once you’ve ran out of lives you can’t play for half an hour. I don’t really like this because I just want to play the game. Apart from that this game is really good.
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  • Ads

    There are way too many ads in this game please reduce the amount.
  • Great game, if it works...

    So I really do enjoy playing this game. It has a variety of modes to play and allows you to play with your friends too but.. for some reason there seems to be a bug that just closes the game randomly. I will be mid game and it will just close back to my home-screen. No warning, just gone, which gets very frustrating when you’re in the middle of a battle, you automatically lose a life, or your opponent will automatically win.
    I have deleted and re-downloaded the app and if anything it does it more frequently now! Please fix this bug and the game will be perfect!
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