Harry Potter User Reviews

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  • New game changes

    I used to love this game. It was challenging but still obtainable to beat levels and achieve goals. Now the developers only care about forcing people to buy coins, as it is the only way to beat some levels. With this latest update they have taken way the free game play when the day starts over…this was the only way a lot of people had enough lives to beat some of these challenging levels. Lives in this game are hard to come by and you don’t get to keep many in your bank. It’s just another feature people loved about the game that has been taken away to force people to buy coins. Club challenges are so difficult now that if you don’t have an full entire high level club playing you will never beat them all, and with all of the players that have quit and are filling club space it’s impossible to get new club members that are engaging. Please return the free daily game play or you will lose one more player if not many more.
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  • Ads need fixing

    Fun for the most part. Lots of different events and really requires team participation for advancement. But please fix the ad issues. Ads can be occasionally offered to give you extra moves if you lose a level, or multiply things you’ve collected during an event (ie spectacles or house gems, etc). One of three things happens when you get the option to watch one. 1: you click it and it works and you get the item (yay!) 2: you try to click it and nothing happens at all. The option is there but nothing happens when you press it. Or 3: my person favorite. You click it. Watch the ad. And then you don’t get what the ad said you would. Nothing like watching an ad for 3 extra moves just for it to come back to the “you lost” screen still with the option to “click to watch an ad” except just nothing happens now. I kind of feel like that third one is probably genuinely against the law? Bait and switch? Promising something and instead just getting me to watch the ad for nothing. That’s the only genuinely infuriating thing. Otherwise I enjoy it when it works.
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  • Extra chances rarely work and the keys are the worst

    This is a great game, I’m a bit addicted. The graphics are fabulous, the daily puzzles and tournaments are fun. But on the rare occasion that I am offered three lives for watching an ad, I seldom get the three lives. The ad plays, I close it after the appropriate time, and then all I get is the screen offering the three plays again. I have to quit the game to go anywhere. This has happened more often than it has worked. Also, with all of the great coding this must have required, somebody got incredibly lazy on the keys. I’ve often had one play left to win a game, selected a key, and had it go to a random cell (and make me lose the game). Even when I’m not close to the end I avoid using them, they usually make the worst choice - I am always pleasantly surprised when they don’t. These don’t keep me from playing, but they do keep this from being a five-star game.
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  • Complete all the puzzles? Forget what they have in store

    I’ve finished with the puzzles. Now I’m playing gryffindor legends, which I’m certain are beta puzzles for future events, testing the players with creator’s ridiculous algorithms, making it nearly impossible to beat. What used to take from 1 try to about 10 tries to win, and keep it entertaining, now takes half a day to two days to win just one puzzle. And the puzzles that have your targets drop from the screen, will leave you hanging, waiting four and five moves before a target appears, but alas, you’re out of moves to try to take it out. Especially the targets that require two moves to eliminate it. Forget about the winged keys being a help, at the higher levels, they go rogue and don’t help take out targets. Watching videos to gain moves used to work, but now they don’t even offer that. Some complain about the mischief fun. It used to be annoying, but they’ve fixed that by adding a move, and better scoring, so hopefully they fix the mess of Legend puzzles. It is becoming frustrating, and I’m not able to help my team if I’m not able to even pass a puzzle.
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  • Support just gives canned responses

    I am not advancing in my events due to 2 issues with ads: 1) ads failing to give credit after I’ve watched them and no chance to watch another ad (watching multiple ads in a row the Watch button is grayed out after I’ve watched the ad) and more infuriating 2) since two updates ago, an ad loads to a black screen and a small disclosure link for Vungle, Inc. There is nothing else to click and no way to get out of that screen except to hard close the app. So again not receiving credit or the opportunity to watch more ads. I’m on IPhone 11 Pro. I contacted Support within the game app and they just gave a canned response about my internet connection and wanted me to send screenshots of the ads I didn’t get credit for. So basically they want me to take screenshots of the Watch Ad screen, the ad itself, and the screen where I don’t get credit This is both time consuming and fills my phone’s memory. They gave no indication that they were notifying devs about the black screen. Game testing should catch the black screen, not players. Don’t farm this responsibility out to players.
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  • Decompress from work with Harry Potter

    Been playing for a couple years thru lockdowns and wfh ugh, and have thoroughly enjoyed this app as my go-to for lounging decompression after stressful day of work. It offers a light level of thinking and escapist, colorful productivity to down-shift out of intensity before I fully shift gears. My main ask of the developers is to support landscape orientation because iPad cases are not geared for standing in portrait mode, and I might even play more than I already do. I like the ability to thumbs up or down after a puzzle but curious what effect that has. It’s buggy occasionally which is tolerable, but the most annoying bug to me is pressing the button to watch an ad for three more finishing moves and finding the ad never plays and you’re basically game over due to glitch- please prioritize fixing that one. Some of the labyrinth boss puzzles are simply too difficult for humans, our team rarely finishes, so the bar seems a little too high. I’ve really enjoyed the variety in the puzzles themselves, kudos for that. I really love the “good wins over evil” theme of Harry Potter and hope you embrace that spirit in the game design, challenges, and puzzles as well going forward. Great work to the team, keep improving, will keep playing.
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  • “Support” team fail

    I loved this game until I lost the opportunity to win a magical creature due to a game glitch. I paid cash for an event so I could win a magical creature. Near the end of the event I was on track to complete the tasks and win the creature when the game stopped offering daily tasks. I knew I couldn’t win without the points from those tasks. I contacted support and described the problem before the event was over. They responded that they were aware of the problem and were working on it, but no further daily tasks appeared, the event ended, I lost the creature and my money and heard nothing more. I contacted support again, described the problem again. I said I was very unhappy and thought they should give me the creature or refund my money or give me game credits. They responded that they were still investigating, that they would get back to me through the same support ticket. Days later, I got a message that the support ticket was closed because “we haven’t received an update from you.” Thanks for nothing.

    Update: After one more service request, they unlocked the creature I had hoped to win and I am satisfied with that resolution. If you love the whole Potter world, this is the game for you, because they do a great job of bringing it to life.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, sorry to hear about your experience. We hope you will give us another opportunity to discuss this to you. Please contact our Player Support Team once again by tapping on the Support tab found in Settings for you to be assisted accordingly. Please make sure to include your Player ID when contacting us. Thanks for your time and patience.
  • Can’t open game

    I love the game. However, every time there is an update, I can’t never open the game (this is about the 4th update that this happens) each time it has been a different issue, the message this time is that it can’t connect to the internet, try again - I am connected to the internet, my browser and all online apps are connected and working online! The solution is always to uninstall, then start the game again at level 1 until several level laters that it allows you to reconnect with the correct account/level. This time around the uninstall and reinstall had to be done twice to solve the issue. Because of this I’m rating it a 3. I’ve put time, effort and $ towards this game and it is an inconvenience to have to go through all of this after their updates. Customer service has always been good, but The developers have to find a solution to their updates it should not prevent me to open the game and go through uninstall etc every and each time.
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  • You Are About to Lose a Customer…

    Dear Zynga, Did you know that if you actually let players win few levels in a row on the first try you’ll make more money in the end? You do this for about 100 levels or so, and then you make it extremely frustrating for the player. I am good at these types of games, and when level after level requires multiple paid power-ups to beat them, players lose interest really fast. But, if you actually let players win more often in one or two tries, they will keep playing the game and pay for power ups in order to keep momentum. You are making it so difficult to pass levels that the game is no longer fun. This could be a five star game if you would balance the levels more. I’m tired of it and about to delete it for good. Test my theory and you will keep your customers and actually make more money in the end. If your players are constantly hitting a wall that takes multiple plays to finally conquer, they will lose interest and move onto games that provide more excitement. Excitement comes with winning often without breaking the bank every time.
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  • Love the game but “customer support” is a joke

    I love the game and have been playing since it first launched. It’s wonderful how it follows the movies and make the basic match 3 game more entertaining with unique power ups/challenges that come from the stories.

    However, I’ve learned my fellow players get the chance occasionally to watch video ads for extra moves after failing a puzzle. When I reach out to customer service to find out if I have a setting blocking those, I only get canned answers telling me to “watch for these opportunities as they are random” like I don’t know what I’m talking about when I say I’ve never been presented with this option even though I’ve been playing since day 1. I’ve tried getting through to customer service like three times this week, and never received anything except the same canned response. I support Zynga with my money but am fed up with customer service that can’t answer my actual questions and will likely change my support habits.
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