Lensa AI User Reviews

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  • Did not receive what I paid for, poor customer service.

    I followed all the steps to the letter, paid for the avatars, never received them. Upon emailing the Lensa team to have this issue corrected, they take 3-4 days to reply (four emails back and forth over nine days) only to regurgitate the FAQ at me. “If you want a refund, you need to process it through Apple and then you can try again.”

    I have essentially had money stolen by this app and am expected to ask Apple for my money back (which I understand as Lensa cannot process the refund) and then once again ask Lensa to provide a service they claim to provide if I want the avatars I have already paid for.

    Between the app clearly having bugs that prevent it from working correctly, the poor level of communication from the Lensa team, the amount of time I’ve spent trying to fix this, and the amount of time it will take for Apple to process my refund, I can’t imagine why I would request Lensa’s services again.
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  • Randomly Infuriating !!

    generally some astounding results, even if my first batch gave 30% of the avatars Marty Feldman eyes...( pointing in two very different directions ). but not only is nothing about the free trial remotely free, but it took me a couple of batches to realize that the app would say how many it was loading and at the very final purchase point it would then be less. I just struggled for a half an hour with a perfectly suitable cropped portraits of my brother… Eight of which were continually rejected would be oddly phrased "Unqualified for the requirements" ?!? Some of the rejected were slightly less recognizable than those accepted, and when I finally gave up at 15 photos and began to process the last screen said it was loading only 10. I understand the results are going to be hit or miss, but the selection process and the wording of the prompts should not be as well.
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  • Loads of privacy concerns

    The images generated were mostly just rough reworks of the examples uploaded to the server, plus the common usage of stolen work to “train” these AI systems in the first place. Tried to reach out to their privacy team to go ahead and have my data removed as described in the TOS - but just got an automated response sending me to their FAQ and never heard from them again. Nothing about what this app produces is worth the trade offs here.

    **There was a fun and passive aggressive response in which the developer prattled on for a bit about how AI doesn’t do exactly what it does by using some of the most tortured semantic games I’ve seen in a while, but aside from that it’s still a terrible parasitic program built of the work of other people and apparently that’s something the developers have in common with it. I do appreciate the idea that “we basically warned you there was a chance the thing you paid for might turn out to look like absolute garbage. That’s your oops.”
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  • Eh… not all that great

    I will give it to this app that the images themselves are gorgeous. But does it look like me? Ha! Not really. In 55 photos maybe 4-5? I have glasses. They kept taking my glasses off!!! In every photo I uploaded I’m wearing my glasses. Some photos are an obvious “we put your head on someone else’s body” which was weird. Some of the cosmic and fantasy or anime filters just are making up pretty photos cause let me tell you it’s not even close to what I look like. Especially when it removes my glasses. It helped when on my second time I just took 10 photos of me right in this moment from different angles. I got more that looked like me but man do they hate my glasses. Forget uploading selfies from over time cause that makes it worse for getting any that look like you. And some that did look like me were this really weird simple layer added to my original photo, that I could do in any social media app, so not really worth it. Kinda regret spending the money on this. Only giving it 2 stars because the images themselves are usually pretty cool. Just not accurate by any means.
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    Developer Response

    Hello! Thank you for the detailed review! We're sorry that you didn't like the processing results :( Due to the nature of AI generating Avatars, we can not fully control the final results. The generated photos may contain inaccuracies, so we warn users about this risk before creating avatars. Thank you for sharing your impressions! We collect feedback from our users and try to improve Avatar generation based on it 🤍
  • Never got images back

    The app collects payment very well. 5 stars there. Too bad I never got images back after paying and uploading. App said it would notify me, but nothing. Even the 20 min progress circle is gone! Time to hope Apple refund service is also a 5-star kind of experience!

    Update: Apple has refunded the purchase. At the same time, the developer suggested trying the app again and oddly, the avatars do show now. I did use the private relay to sign up in-app. Not sure if that was the issue. Since I hadn’t looked at the app in a couple of days, I am not sure when they became available but confident they were not available in the 2 hourish after I ordered. Now, I feel bad for getting the refund, but the delay did cause me to believe that something went wrong!
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  • Too expensive for quality of images

    I bought two packs of 100 avatars and out of that, only about 20 looked something like me. Only one is recognizable as me at first glance and even that one is a little off. Most of them look nothing like me. It seems like they get faces from anywhere and throw them in the mix. They changed my race in some and a couple had a man’s face on a woman’s body…not my face or my body. This app would be better if all the images were actually me. Especially since i had to pay for it. Why would i want a bunch of images of random people? They do warn you ahead of purchasing, that magic avatars may generate artefacts, inaccuracies and defects in output images, so i guess they have covered themselves for this mess of a ripoff. Do better!!

    Thanks for the generic response that seems to be the same for majority of complaints. How bout lower the price. You can control that.
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  • Avatars are great— for young and male faces

    I loved the magic avatars the app produced for myself (30f), my partner (40m), and my father (72m), but for my mother (72f) and my grandmother (96f), they were awful. I thought the cosmic ones would look especially cool with older, powerful female faces, but the app smoothed them so much they didn’t even look like younger versions of themselves, but like completely different people. It didn’t do that for my dad even though he his older. It’s a shame app developers feel that older female faces would need so much editing in the algorithm the AI uses. I had better luck selecting “other” as the gender for my mom and grandma, but I’m disappointed the female styles weren’t properly available for them. I was using it for my own art inspiration anyways, so I guess I’ll have to try to put together the desired looks myself. Again, the other avatars are great. It’s just not good for older women.
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    Developer Response

    Hi! We're sorry if you didn't like the processing results :( As we cannot fully control the work of AI, the final photos may contain inaccuracies, we warn users about this risk before creating avatars. Anyway, thanks for sharing your impression with us! We collect feedback from our users and try to improve the AI work 🤍
  • No product delivered and refund denied

    I purchased the $7.99 magic avatar but just received a white screen and no images. After waiting 8 minutes, I closed the app and came back. I tried purchasing again, thinking I’d get the standard “you’ve already purchased this item, would you like to get it again for free” message. Unfortunately it charged me again. And the same thing happened - a white screen, frozen app, and no images, even after I waited even longer this time to let it try to go through.

    I disputed the charge with Apple and was denied a refund - so I wrote a lengthy explanation and tried again, and was denied a second time saying my “dispute didn’t meet the conditions of a refund.” I’m on an iPhone 13 Pro, version 16.1.2, so there’s nothing wrong on my phone’s end. This was definitely an issue with the app crashing. I’m pretty mad that I’m out $16 for nothing.
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  • Inconsistent

    I purchased three packs in total, plus a week subscription. I was quite satisfied with the first two pack results! One for my 3yr old son and one for me. The final pack bought was for my wife, whom I had convinced after showing me and our sons results. Upon getting the results for my wife we were both HIGHLY DISSATISFIED AND DISAPPOINTED! Out of 50 total pictures, 5 of them were recognizable! We tried to chalk it up to the AI’s rendition of the pictures given but a good majority of the pictures are a completely different person! It’s not even close! I’ve sent an email out and am waiting patiently for a response. I’m not asking for a refund just a free 50 pack so my wife can try again. I read through the policy and understand that inaccuracies can occur due to a user error or what not but I want to re stress that my wife took the most time and effort to take and upload the best pictures out of all of us. Thank you for the consideration. Will update the rating once I get a reply back.
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    Developer Response

    Hi! Please note that only adults' photos can be used for creating avatars, this requirement is indicated on the screen before loading photos. As for the processing results, we are sorry that you didn't like them. We cannot fully control the work of AI, the final photos may contain inaccuracies, we warn users about this risk before creating avatars. As the pack has been generated already, and we used a huge amount of computer power for it, we can’t redo the avatars or refund the purchase 💔
  • If I could give 0 stars I would

    Don’t use the magic avatar thing. I tried it twice and when I say that only 1 in 200 pictures looked like me I am not exaggerating. Almost all of them looked deformed! It says there can be some irregularities or artifacts, but it doesn’t mention that most will come out this way. I used differ pictures each time and still only one came out looking like me. There were more pictures of just bodies with no head than there were that looked like me. I know I have always had an ethnically ambiguous look but 1 out of 200 is ridiculous. I asked for a refund and their answer is “we warned you that irregularities can happen” but for almost all to not even look like a normal human without a deformed face is unacceptable. At this point I’m going to post all the trolls this generated on all my social media as a warning not to waist your money.
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