Words Story User Reviews

Words Story
Words Story

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  • OK Concept - Sketchy Devs

    Game is entirely built around draining your wallet. Devs don’t even try to hide it. It’s a cash grab, and I recommend finding a different word game app for this and other reasons.

    The dictionary it uses will also not recognize proper nouns, unless it is an arbitrarily chosen proper noun for the level (such as a country name), as well as arbitrarily allowing certain standard English words because I guess they’re vulgar? But somehow proper medical vocabulary is vulgar, but not several other slang and hateful terms, some of which would generally be considered highly offensive and are without any other meanings. So in short, the dictionary is not only incomplete, it is completely arbitrary rather than using a standard boggle or scrabble word list.

    Shame on these devs and others like them that can’t make a game that is sold on its merits and has to resort to micro transaction currencies for revenue. Its no secret that this model only makes money because it targets a small percentage of players with addictions, so continuing to use this model in light of this well-known information is not just a cop-out, or bad for the game market, but actually evil.
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  • Fun at first but then mehhh

    I downloaded this when I saw the ad in another game (something I rarely ever do). I loved it at first because there was a story, cool cut scenes, goals, etc but as you play along, all of that fun stuff disappears.

    I get that the point of game is that the character is stuck in jail but it gets very boring. I’m on day 350 and it’s the exact same game it was 100 days ago. It doesn’t get more exciting or interesting. He never gets out of jail. So the few cut scenes you do get as the game progresses are repetitive and lead nowhere.

    It would be so much better if he actually got out of jail and then was on the run. Each word would help him continue hiding out or getting a lawyer or something. The game is just super repetitive and boring after awhile.
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  • Horrible! JUST HORRENDOUS!

    This is such a RIP OFF!?!?! I got the game hoping that it would be a fun interesting brain teaser the ads had me thinking it was going to be worth while. Going back to the comments everyone has the same issues. And it’s the truth!! THERE ARE NO SCENES WERE YOUR CHARACTERS MOVE AND TALK TO THE GUARDS!?! THERE IS NO MODE WERE YOU TRY AND ACT PREGNANT!! THERE IS NO TIME WHERE YOU TRY TO LOOK LIKE A JOCK TO SEDUCE A GUARD THERE IS NO TIME YOU TRY TO LOOK LIKE A GIRL TO ESCAPE!! Everything about this game is a lie! I am extremely disappointed in the creators of this game! They lie to get ratings and that’s so WRONG! I would rate this game a 0-10 if there was such but the lowest rating I’m giving is 1-10 they don’t deserve to to have the ratings they have and I’m definitely deleting this game after this. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS GAME FOR ANYONE AT ALL!! The creator should be ashamed this is a JOKE! Always read the reviews before you get the game. I wish I did. :(😡🤬😤
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  • Nothing like I imagined

    At first I saw the ad and thought it was going to be fun because it showed that the guy was dressing up like a girl and all that other funny stuff so he could escape. But once I got the app and started playing I realized he was just doing the same thing over again. Yeah I get it's also supposed to be educational but the words are way to easy and I'm pretty sure that some of the words are misspelled. I always see the reviews first and saw that a lot of them were very negative but I saw that it had a 4.8 so I still got the app not even thinking about the negative reviews I saw. But now I think I should have considered the negative reviews because I wasted about an hour on this game and it wasn't even fun like the ads. I'm very disappointed because I expected this game to be fun and educational but it's not. It's really boring and not very challenging. The words in the app are first grade words and I'm in the seventh grade. There should at least be an easy, medium, and hard level so that we could challenge ourselves. But from what I've seen there's not. So I'm giving this app not two but one star because I feel like this game isn't all that great like it shows in the ads.
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  • Do not play.

    Do. Not. Play. This. Game.
    I can’t stress it enough how infuriating this game was. But yet, I played it, enough levels to give it two stars. Although this game is bland, it was addicting... I guess once you play you really want to know the next mystery word so you keep playing and playing and then boom! You realize this game is trash because the cutscenes/storyline makes no sense. The little stickman can’t even speak proper English... one of the lines he says and I quote “You’re so good at this puzzle, I will make more difficult” Huh? Also once you escape prison (Yes I made it that far) Nothing new happens except getting a new background... So yeah, spoiler, if it counts as one. Let me save you the trouble of downloading it because it is not worth it. DO NOT PLAY THIS BORING GAME.
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  • Annoying, a little boring, playable.

    I did not see the ads for this game. That being said, this game is annoying. I played through 3....levels maybe? A good hour or so. I don’t really see the point in playing this. There are spelling errors all over the game, that has me wary that some of the words I’m trying to guess are even real words. I didn’t run into any misspellings I had to try and guess, but none of the words were very challenging. Disappointing for a game that had a lot of promise. You unlock items that give you bonuses that I don’t really understand, I got soap that increased my relaxation I think, but what does that actually do? I didn’t notice anything. I had an opportunity to increase its potency, but I didn’t see the point. The only upgrade that made sense to me that I totally clicked on the ads to watch was the spoon upgrade that increased the rate that I dug. Still, I played a good 20 minutes after that, and while my progress increased dramatically, I didn’t really see how it was helping me. I did like the fact that I got to choose if I wanted to watch ads, that’s why I give it the 3 star rating. The guys cartoon faces were the most annoying thing to me, but that might be a personal taste.
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  • It’s Ok

    I’ve been playing this game for awhile now. It does progress, albeit slowly. My problem is that the game is currently frozen. I solved a puzzle fairly far into the game, and it’s just frozen now. I can’t close the game, or get it to do anything. I tried the “App Support” link, but that only takes me to “Terms of Service”. There is no support for in-game errors or glitches. I didn’t see any of the ads that others have said as the main reason they downloaded the game, so I didn’t really have any expectations for how it should appear, etc. It does tend toward repetitiveness in appearance, but it does progress if you stay with it long enough. But it’s beyond frustrating to have it frozen up on me now. I’d like to keep playing, but if it makes me start all over once it decides to un-freeze itself, I’ll be dumping it. I have tried the “App Support” repeatedly, thinking I may have hit the wrong thing, but nope. It only takes me to “Terms of Service”.
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  • Great game forget the story

    Choosing new words to eliminate letters and finding the right word with the letters remaining is fun and often challenging. The story seems like a silly distraction and is, eventually virtually eliminated from the game.
    I am over level 750 and have yet to spin and get the mystery box. This defies all reasonable odds. What”s with this?
    I also have the Day 5 reward for the last 3 days. Anything marked with a ? Is questionable as to if you’ll ever get it.

    Despite being told that a special challenge would be unlocked after level 3000 I am now told there are only 2000 levels- WHAT”S UP?
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  • very disappointing

    so i had seen an ad about this game basically EVERYWHERE, and i’m assuming you had downloaded it because it looked super interesting and fun in the ads that they’ve shown. listen here, the game is NOTHING close to the ads that i’ve seen. i downloaded the game and was super excited to play but come to find out until i reached level 13, that after each puzzle there’re the same animations over and over again. you don’t get to disguise your self as a woman, you don’t find your way around the prison or crawl through vents, etc. all you see is literally the stick man laying in bed, digging through a hole and dropping rocks from a bag over and over and over again. if you’re looking to download this game because of its cool ads, please don’t even waste your time.
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  • Misleading and glitchy....

    I, like most people that downloaded this game, downloaded it because I saw an ad that showcased a word game with silly animations. It seemed intriguing in thought why not give it a shot. This game is nothing like what it advertises. You are basically a stick figure digging a hole in the wall and dumping out the debris outside the prison. You spell words, random things you spell fall on your head, and you dig your hole. That’s it. After a few levels I begin having issues with the game freezing. The music still plays but when you try to tap on a letter or anything else in the user interface nothing happens. So I have to force close and start over. This happens constantly to the point where I see no point in continuing to play as it’s ridiculously frustrating. In its current state, I can’t in good faith recommend anyone to play this game.
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