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Words Story
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  • Please help!

    1st: This game is loosely based on the
    movie 'Shawshank Redemption'!! Just
    so the ones that don't know now know.

    2nd: I gave this game 3 stars cause for some reason I've noticed that while I'm playing I'll lose feet of progress of my tunnel!! Whats going on? Is it me? Is it the game? Please help! If it's me please tell me what I'm doing wrong but if it's the game then please fix this. I just started playing the other day and I was 36 feet into the tunnel and I do a few word puzzles and then it says my progress is only 24 feet! So please what's going on? I don't understand at all. The ads are irratating but I can deal with that but losing my progress for no reason, that I can't deal with. Fix that and u will get 5 stars from me. Thanks and I hope to see a reply to this soon cause it's bothering me so bad I'm on the verge of deleting.

    Also I agree with some of the other players....it would be nice to have some more cut scenes. Maybe have him interact with other prisoners and I think the words u have to find should be more linked to the scenes. For example, show him outside playing ball with others and have the word puzzles be about the ballgame and so forth. Or him doing his prison job one day in the laundry and the puzzle words be connected to the laundry. Just to keep is a lil more entertained in the story a lil more.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, Thanks for your suggestions. And for the second question, that‘s not a bug. It's caused by the adjustment and optimization of game levels.
  • Not What I Expected :(

    Whenever I see this ad which was this game, I was like “I should download it, it looks fun” so I came here to download it saw the reviews and was like “welp let’s just try it out” I downloaded it and was excited, but when I played it I kept having to do the same things over and over again. I kept having to solve puzzles and nothing would happen it would just show the same animation again and again. I was VERY disappointed and wasn’t expecting this. And that’s why I came here to tell who ever is reading this that this isn’t as fun as you expect it to be... I guess my excitement is wasted to being clickbaited about how fun it looked then came to this... again please don’t play this game it isn’t as fun as it looks.. that is just my opinion. Still very disappointed :(
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  • Ugh

    Okay so, I do have to agree that this game is fun to an extent. Yes, it is a very good time waster and it does sometimes make you think.

    Some of the problems I have with this game is that there are just way too many ads. I get around a 5 second to 30 second ad every 2 to 3 puzzles and it’s just very irritating.

    Another thing, is that when I downloaded this game and started to play it, I had started to notice that the word puzzles were just random words and some of them just didn’t make any sense at all, I at least thought they would have added in some puzzles in the game that were prison related or not stupidly random, one of the ones that I had got, the word was, “HAS”. Like, who in the world would have thought of that, and some of the words just never really made any sense, it’s semi hard to get coins to purchase “Hints”, and I just really thought this game was just a cash grab and or a quick way to get some money and not really put much effort into the puzzles and words that you had to find.

    Overall, this game is both worth the download and not worth the download, if you want to have a good time waster, download this game, but if you hate constant ad interruptions and the unending amount of random as h*ll words, don’t download this game.
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  • Could B Enjoyable, but not as artistic as it should be.

    This game is fun somehow to people who have five stars but HONESTLY this game needs fixing. It doesn’t crash on me, but at the same time is boring. When you see the advertising on a game you’re playing and it just pops up, it looks fun but when you download it, it looks like something ran over a Frankenstein Meme and replaced it as your game. I’m not being rude, but what I mean when I say it should artistic, I don’t mean it has to have colors, I mean it needs to show action because there is no connection between unconditional and worth waiting for. So fix the bugs and maybe i’ll kind of change those stars but honestly i’m am deleting for now.

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  • Lacks plot progression...has tons of ads

    I’m on day 477 and almost 700 yards in, but for the last few weeks and probably 500 yards or so nothing has progressed. I’ve been in the the tunnel for what seems like 90% of my time playing the game which has been 3-4 weeks. I play about 1-2 hours a day in my free time. But it’s always the same; easy to medium to hard, then repeat over and over and over with no more story progression after the 1st couple of days playing. Totally stale.
    Update: about 550 days in now and basically completed story. They added an xtra scene that is just plain lame. Plus all the words have bearing anything except for a few in the very beginning. Could be any simple word from the dictionary with no hint as to what. The only only hints are taking letters away by watching ads...meh...boring now.
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  • Awful, Repetitive, Rinse, Repeat Forever

    I have no clue how this is the top game in word games. It starts out kind of fun- you are trapped in a jail cell and use the provided letters to find tools to help you escape your cell.

    Except that only happens once or twice. Then you start digging out and I’ve been digging this hole for 150+ game “days.” Each time it tells you that you make progress- inch by inch. I keep thinking after I reached a certain milestone that I’d get to do something new, but no, you just keep digging with no idea of your progress or how long you still have to go. Even watching the ads (oh God, so many ads) to get a tool like a pick axe doesn’t speed up your advancement rate. I dug 30” with my bare hands and 36” with a pick axe.

    Anyways, I gave the game more than it’s fair shot and now it’s going in the trash like so many other cash grab advertising games.
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  • Not as advertised.

    Made it to Chapter 11 and it’s nothing like the advertisement that shows you setting prisoners free, escaping in a suit case, etc. There is not much in regards to a story. I get that it’s a word game, but once you progress to a certain point you don’t get nearly as much story progression as you did in the beginning and even then it’s the same 6 scenes repeated with different “levels of progression” which by the way doesn’t seem to mean much. If you like word games, you may enjoy it, if you’re looking for something different in the word game genre this does absolutely nothing innovative. I give it 1 star because of the deceptive advertising which actually led me to download it, the lack of actual meaningful story progression, bad pacing, and the game does nothing new or different to keep me coming back for more.
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  • Meh..

    It’s good, it’s fun, but the walls are like a kilometer or kilometre or something thick! When I thought I was almost done, I was only a few HUNDRED MILLIONS LEVELS AWAY FROM BREAKING OUT. Not literally, but STILL. I don’t mind the ads as much as other people, but they do get annoying. It’s actually getting pretty boring, as all you do is find words. Maybe add longer words as a challenge, or maybe make the wall a bit thinner. AND ADD MORE ANIMATION THINGS. PLEASE. It was fun, but not anymore. Please, look at at 5 star games about words and get some inspiration, or think of ideas because I CANNOT AFFORD TO LET THIS CUTE LITTLE GUY DIE ALONE IN JAIL BECAUSE I GOT BORED OF THIS... THING. Oh it was a game. When I saw an ad for this, I thought it looked cool. Now, I’m starting to take that back. I feel a bit of regret for getting this game, but otherwise, it’s kinda good. I kinda like the story. KIND OF. Wait, but if he’s innocent, why is he breaking the walls of jail? :/ ? I guess we’ll just have to WAIT and SEE IF HE EVER EVEN GETS OUT OF THIS... THING.
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  • Too many levels with no progress to be made

    This game is nothing like what they advertise it to be on other games. I downloaded this game looking to have fun trying to “sneak past the guards” or “helping my cell mate escape”. Neither of these happen it takes FOREVER to make any progress one of the “levels” has 313 levels in order to progress. To me that is in heard of and makes you feel like you are getting nowhere, especially when they the same graphic of your person digging the same tunnel in the same spot time and time again. Don’t waste your time trying to play this. I’d like to chalk this up to an old “bait and switch” move car dealerships do, this game is nothing like they advertise. I made it “322 days” and haven’t made any progress for “112 days”. Again don’t waste your time. I will be deleting this game after this review.
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  • Terrible game

    I have been playing this game for a long time and it just keeps repeating itself over and over again this is such a boring game and I see no point of it and it’s nothing like I see In the adds this is a crappy game and I do not recommend it. I have just looked at others reviews saying they same and they are ahead of me and saying that when your at day 126+ your still digging holes in the wall, throwing rocks on the ground. Also the words you find have absolutely nothing to do with the actions your guy finds it’s a pointless and endless game that waste your time and after all the terrible reviews they haven’t fixed anything!! I don’t recommend this game. The adds lie and show the you want they once you download it, it’s the worst thing ever. I understand that people make adds for the game to make you buy it but the ad shouldn’t be the complete opposite of the real thing. I would like if they made the game like the adds. I only downloaded this game because of the adds it seemed fun but now it’s just boring. Pls fix it.!
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