Cultist Simulator User Reviews

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  • Addictive Frustration

    Imagine being blindfolded in a large, dark room with a bunch of randomly placed furniture and told you have 60 seconds to get across without bumping into anything. If you bump into something, you fail. And if you don’t make it across, the game ends. If that doesn’t sound like a fun game to you, this app isn’t for you.

    While it’s interesting to learn by trial and error what works and what doesn’t, it gets terribly frustrating the number of ways you can die, and how quickly. You are constantly trying to put out multiple slow, creeping fires while at the same time trying to figure out what the whole point of the game is. Not exactly fun, but the frustration of wanting to solve this incredibly intricate moving puzzle is pretty addictive. Wish they had a free version as I likely wouldn’t have paid for it.
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  • Amazing experience

    This is a great game - for any platform. I’d pay for a large expansion including new professions, etc. I know there’s still much more to explore and I’m still getting the hang of it, but I can tell this game is worth it. The style, the writing, the immersion and unique play mechanic... I want more. This is excellent.
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  • Wasted potential

    I bought this game because I loved the writing and world-building of Fallen London, but I’m very disappointed. The interface, music, and writing are wonderful, but due to timers constantly draining your health and money (and causing sickness or other maladies), playing this game is a rushed, stressful experience. You don’t have time to read carefully, think about the story, or explore different possibilities. I would love to linger in this world and learn more about its characters and secrets, but the game design prevents that. I don’t recommend this game at all. I’m sorely disappointed and regret purchasing it.
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  • Incredibly fun though hard to get into

    This game is incredibly fun! The varitety or options and paths you can stumble upon is mind boggling. Though I’ve had a great time with this game I have to say getting into it took some time. Their really isn’t much of a tutorial o how to play and everything is very confusing. Lots of different factors and mechanics that aren’t really explained at all.
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  • Interface poorly implemented

    Stuff gets spread out all over the table, it becomes a mess quickly. I want to play a cards game, not a manage your card table game!
  • Good port, def worth the price; needs tweaks

    I really enjoy this game and I love that it’s on a more portable platform. The game itself is challenging & puts my multitasking to the test (which, for someone with ADHD like me, is wonderful).

    There are a few things that keep me from giving all five stars:
    • sometimes sickness or despair drag cards off to the side, out of my view, no matter how many times I move them back into my playing field. When they reappear, they go out of my view. I wish that it would stay in my field of view (ideal) or (if it can’t) at least maybe do a small pulsing glow on the edge of the screen to remind me like “hey this is here btw”
    • no DLC characters — I wish we could have the DLC Characters of Dancer, Priest, and Ghoul. Steam does them as separate purchases, so this listing could do that too. Heck, even the same price as the steam listing. We already got the base game on iOS for much cheaper than we would on Steam.
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  • Great Port

    Plays 99% as similar as the PC version!I would recommend!
  • Cool concept but very complicated

    I generally think I’m a pretty intelligent person but this game made me doubt that. I wanted to love it. The concept is very cool, but after hours of experimenting and two games lost, I find myself generally frustrated, confused, and not able to make a lot of progress. I wanted to enjoy the “discovery” part of playing this but I may have to seek out a guide to see if I can mine some more fun from it.
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  • Difficult at first, but great game

    The game is very hard at first. You aren’t taught what resources do what, you don’t know how cards will interact, you will probably starve.

    Don’t worry about winning at first, you won’t even get close. Focus on learning what cards do what. Also don’t assume there’s only a single option for something or you’ll probably overlook alternative options and get stuck.
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