Horse Riding Tales User Reviews

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  • Hey foxie I got ur back

    So guys with these “hate comments” about price and stuff If you did not realize foxie is running out of money if ur smart enough to know that and these so called “sso copyright” that’s is a lie because foxie fr helped the game developers make sso so before you come to any assumptions don’t comment something you don’t know. Now for chat yes I get it people are bully’s and I agree with that but they to chat ban people y’all say ban their accounts NO because they can still play the game they will just get permanently chat ban. Also if you cant play the game cause your iPad or any device is old DO NOT take it out on foxie IT IS JUST OLD I’m sorry if ur a Karen about it but that does not give you the right to rate it a one star. Three yes I get that foxie does not read your in game ideas or facts it takes weeks WELL be patient CAUSE there are thousands and I mean THOUSANDS of players and ideas out there so before you comment anything I hope you know your not being smart and your just a hater. Also thank you for reading one more thing I’m sry if this sounded mean in any way have a nice day and look for facts before you study lol ☺️
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  • New suggestions 😁☺️

    This is truly a amazing game! But I have a few suggestions to make it even more amazing. My first suggestion would be is having different body types. That would be so so lovely for all girls and boys that play the game. I feel it would make them feel appreciated of their body type! My second suggestion would be to add a second gender, a boy! I feel you guys should add another gender to make the game more fun!🥰 My third suggestion is to add different clothes and accessories, maybe for accessories earrings, hats, mask. My fourth suggestion would be is to add different eye shapes! UGH 😩 that would be ✨CHEFS KISS✨ YES please add different eye shapes! My 5th suggestion would be is to EXTEND THE MAP. Maybe like a forest with a bunch of trees and foresty stuff. Also maybe add some type of wild animals like deer or wild horses and butterflies or just stuff you would see in a forest. But make the extended map available for ✨EVERYONE✨. Now that would be amazing 🤩. My sixth suggestion would be to is to have your own house. I feel this would be good for all the role players! They would certainly enjoy that! That’s all my suggestion I hope one of these inspires your team to make one of these suggestions to ✨LIFE✨. That’s it now. Hope your everyone stays safe! 🥰
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  • I love this game! Just a few things!

    I love HRT, it’s just so much fun and the quests are so, so fun! I have just a few little suggestions! I love playing Star Stable Online, (SSO) just about as much as I love HRT! In SSO, you have the ability to change the style of your horses mane and tail! I love that feature so much! It really makes your horse truly yours with the customization options! I think the HRT could step it up even farther though! HRT can step it up by adding a length and style for both mane and tail! I think this would REALLY step up the game! (Literally!) I as well have another suggestion! Maybe adding some falling leaves during different seasons! As an example; in Fall there would be brown leaves on the trees, maybe even a few leaf piles! This detail, I think, would really help improve the game’s popularity, and help improve the game! There is just one more thing though! Chat problems. All HRT players have experienced it. I know Inappropriate usage of language is strictly banned, but players are still finding ways to bully online. I have experienced this, but I have never used the chat button. I can still see it though! These were just my options, and HRT developers, if you do read this, I hope I’m not being force or anything. Just my options! 😊
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  • Great Game but a few suggestions

    I love this Game so much! I have been playing this game for about two to three years, but there are a few ideas that would make this game WAY better. First this game has a lot of glitches, when ever i try to click on horse clubs or adventure games tab it ALWAYS glitches me out the game. I don’t know if it is just me but none of my other games ever does that. Second I think the Gems in the shop are WAY over priced. I mean 100 dollars for 5000 gems that is just silly. It should be way less expensive. Third of all i think we should be able to go in the houses that are for decoration. I think many players would really enjoy going inside and hanging out. Fourth iI really think that the game should add a area 4 because the same areas get really old after a while. Also players should have more room to ride, roleplay, and do quest. Finally I think that there should be way more adventure games and islands to visit I have played each adventure game at least 100 times, and I really think that there should be more mini games to play. Overall i think this game is super great, i mean a few tweaks would make it way better but the game is super fun and has many interesting things to do!
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  • It”s great but….

    I really enjoy this app that my friend showed me but there are lots of glitches I have noticed. One glitch is when I play sometimes you have to type for someone to go to stable’s because you can only see there pets. It’s really weird please fix that. Also when you join a friend and there in a race you join the race and your just watching then you can’t get out of it until you leave and rejoin the game. It’s very strange. Also when that happens if your level 12 and you want to go to level 25 there are glitches to do that. For example….. if you join your friend in a race you can go anywhere on the map such as level 25! If you stay in level 25 then end the race you have a glitch and you can go anywhere! I’m sure people enjoy this but it mean that they lack and don’t put work into it. One thing I would like is to trade horses when your 25 because then you could get cool things but you have to be level 25 so then no one below that could get a pegasus at that low of a level. One more thing is that I think more people should be able to be in each room because if your friend room is full and your room is full you have to pm and pm and pm! It’s soooooo annoying! Finally you should make getting gems easier maybe when you level up you get like 5 to 10 gems or make the prices lower because like come on their sooooooooo expensive! I hope you like all of these new ideas please consider them I think they will improve this game
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  • Great game

    It’s a great game. The last time I played this game was very different to the version it is now. It has a variety of hair styles and colour, and it is now easier to obtain gems. There are also more horses, pets and adult pets, which is an interesting add. There’s a few things I would like to say to perhaps improve the game-
    1) The profiles are not exactly accurate. It sometimes does not match the level that person is truly on and adds a lot more club points than they actually achieved. (For example- a player in my club made 5000cp but in her profile it showed she made 7000)
    2) I’ve heard this from my friend who’s experiencing this. She is currently not playing the game due to the glitch of her being stuck in an offline room and being unable to join any of her friends. It is also happening to me and a bunch of other people, so that is why I wrote this review.
    3) The chat has restrictions, and I believe that they should. But it restricts even the appropriate words, such as ‘offline’ and ‘multiplayer’ and much more I can’t think of. It also restricts names, which has both pros and cons to it. (Pro: no sharing personal info, con: roleplay name choice is restricted.) It is annoying having to continuously fix up my messages and jumble it around. (It’s extra irritating as I’m a fast typer and being fast makes you have a lot of mistakes.)
    Overall, it’s a good game and I recommend it to all.
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  • Update ideas

    I honestly love this game. It's my #1 favorite video game and I'm in level 26 and I'm not VIP and personally it needs some things for Example; You should let us have the same thing VIP's have and it's kind of not so fair VIP's get to bareback and jump but we can't do that. And the VIP thing shouldn't cost money. We should also be able to get those special tricks and horses. About the Role Plays you should add an extra place like a waterfall or earthquakes and volcanoes ( these are things that should be there, like night - time). About the clothes you should add some overalls or dresses and we should be able to choose or wright our names and choose the hair color.

    And maybe allow us to ride our friends horse or atleast lead other horses or mount a wild horse and,use as many horses as you want at a time. We also need a house that isn't in an island or atleast sit on the benches cause we can't just stand all day long we get tired, you guys should also add some new animations like feelings or to be able to feed and water your horse ( something else that isn't apples). And maybe harvest or plant stuff or climb. These are all my ideas for this review

    Thank you for reading this review, hope you like it! Have a good day!
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  • It was a good game but there are some things that we needed to change

    Hi guys my name is Maddy And I love this game I’ve been playing at least two years now but this game needs a little bit of updates like they have an updated in a long time and I don’t wanna be mean like this game is really really good but it just needs something else that I don’t know it just needs like better names and also it’s like every single person that joins the game like in the starting every single horse that I get has to have that vanilla color like why can’t I pick a different horse like why do they need that one like doesn’t do people have to do that like can they just like this is this is where I come in strong I love this game so much but I need to like do something different like I’ve never done anything different I need them to do some thing and I know this might be long but they need to do something like they need to update or do something else because it’s just like very very boring sometimes and I just get like maybe should I delete this or no and then I always save it so they better change it I don’t get why they don’t change it like why can’t they update it would be better they updated and why can’t they just I don’t know this is getting along so bye guys I’m sorry for being so long I hope you read it but bye.
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  • A few things that should be fixed-

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great game, but there are some things that can get annoying and a few things that should be fixed. Foxie, if you could lower the prices for gems, that would be great. Or maybe let us mine gems, or buy some with gold. There will be people who can’t afford it, or aren’t allowed to spend money in games, etc. Also, it would be great if you could add different skin tones. Not everyone is light skinned. I would also love it if you could make a night time for the players like me with a phone. Also, please make seasonal changes! And PLEASE give us more opportunities to earn club points. And if you could give us a little more club points even for the small stuff, that would be great! AND, it would be super nice for us to be able to change our outfits without having to use gems to pay for it. And please, when we build stables, it would be nice for it to pop up immediately. It’s annoying to have to wait all those hours for it to be done. But other than that, this is an amazing game! I love the animation, detail, and hard work put into the game!😍 I know I have asked a lot, but other players might feel the same way too. Please fix these problems if you can Foxie. Thank you! 💗
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  • Great game but

    First of all, this game is fenomonal and I recommend it, but, there are a few things that can get annoying. First its really hard to navigate the map, especially if you are riding a horse so meybe you could ad a litle map on a side of the screen or on a map push on area on then there will be some sort of an arrow sowing you the best way to get there kind of like on google maps. Second, gathering resources, if you dont know the map really well you may not be able to find were there are resources, so meybe if we had a map (like in the earlier suggestion) on the map it could tell us were to find resources. Third, the special event, i always miss it, meybe if you could make it occur more often I would really be grateful. Finaly ( this is just a suggestion) if you could make it so you could play the game again like have three slots ore something of diferent games, or a button that can restart you're progres, becouse I stopped playing the game for a bit and wen i came back i didn’t know what i was doing and i wanted to restart ( i also had really god horses and level an i wanted to do thro the game again) But overall i really enjoyed playing the game, and i really recomend it to people ho like horses and like to grind.
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