Star Stable Online User Reviews

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  • I love suggesting ideas for you guys!

    So I love this game but here are 10 suggestions. 1: A new world, my thoughts were a volcano world and cherry bloom world. 2: A stable construction, so you can add extra touches to your stable like a unicorn statue, or some flower wreaths. 3: A horse construction, so you can make your own horse for Star Coins and bring it into the game, and if it’s good enough, it will become a breed for others to buy. 4: A little thing on your screen that tells you how close you are to different things, like you are 1 reputation level till unlocking wildwoods! 5: A new chat, that allows you to talk to all your friends at once, because I was talking to one friend at a time to ask if they were apart of a club but if I could ask them all at once that would be great! 6: Lessons, I mean like in each area there are different characters that offer training for different sports, like dressage, jumping, and racing. 7: Club member locater, I mean that like groups, they have symbols so you know where they are, why not for clubs?! 8: Group quests, quests where you need to in a group to do them. 9: Book writing, so you can type a book about different things and then send them to different people. 10: Swimming, we need to be able to swim! Literally! Hope these inspire you, StarStable Fam ❤️
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    Developer Response

    Hello hello Dhsuwnd!! Thank you so much for your amazing suggestions! We really appreciate your love for the game and your creative ideas. We'll definitely take them into consideration for future updates. Keep enjoying Star Stable Online and have a fantastic time in the game! ❤️ Nicole-SSE
  • My Problems With Star Stable Mobile :)

    As suggested by the title there is a few issues with the functioning of Sso mobile.- Prior to the issues I just want to state that Star Stable is a wonderful game I’ve been playing this game for well over three or four years and I still love it to this day. BUT- As any game there is room and needs for improvements, I understand this isn’t going to be perfect as it will have mutiple of crashes,bugs,Etc you get the point.- MAILING: Mailing is one of my issues with the mobile version of the game. My mailing runs smoothly some days and other not so great… Ever since I believe a few weeks ago it stopped working and suggests an network error whilst/ and typing out paragraphs of writing. If you could possibly get this fixed it would be lovely, I understand it would take time but no worries on this one.- BUYING/ PURCHASING: When looking at items for purchase such as horses it has this lag where you get stuck on the menu to select and see horses and won’t allow movement off of said menu.., I have to exit the game and reload to be able to move which is sometimes a hassle during quests or other things.- Overall like I previously stated this is a wonderful game and I hope the issues can be fixed soon,- And if the issues aren’t resolved as quickly it’s no problem at all and I understand.

    Sincerely, ( I don’t know which email I’m writing this off of but have a good day! :). )
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    Developer Response

    Hi hdhhchfbfngxhcbdjf, Thank you for your kind words and your continued support for Star Stable over the years. I truly appreciate your dedication to the game. I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're facing with the mobile version, particularly with mailing and purchasing items. Your feedback is invaluable, and our team is actively working on resolving these problems to enhance your gameplay experience. We understand the frustration these issues can cause, especially during quests or important moments in the game. Your understanding and patience mean a lot to us. We're committed to addressing these concerns, and we'll do our best to make the necessary improvements. If you have any more feedback or if there's anything specific you'd like to share, please feel free to reach out. I'm here to help and ensure you have a fantastic time in Jorvik. Have a wonderful day. Warm wishes, Sebastian, Star Stable Team.
  • Crashing

    Okay, first off let me say that I’m giving 2 stars for the app. Not the overall game. The game, if playing on a computer, is beautiful with great graphics. It does get boring after you complete the story quests. The festivals help with that though.

    So, the reason for the two stars - the app crashes every time when entering your stable and when entering into festival areas. It works in all of the other areas of Jorvik at least. The stable crashing started after the character update. The festival issue isn’t new for me. It is frustrating because you can’t care for your horses on the app or even switch which horse you want to ride. If it weren’t for the storage closet at some of the championships, I wouldn’t be able to even access my storage. There isn’t any point to going to any festivals on the app either. It will crash once you get to the area. If you do get lucky enough to get to a festival, then you’ll only have about another 10 seconds before it crashes. I have contacted support and they did email back asking for info. I did reply with said info within a couple days. It’s been over a week since I replied with no response, so I’m not really expecting to get one at this point. My recommendation would be to stick with the computer side of the game and forget the app. It’s more frustrating than it’s worth.
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    Developer Response

    Hi farmgirl52231, Thanks for sharing your feedback and your experience with the app version of the game. I'm glad to hear that you find the computer version enjoyable with its beautiful graphics and festivals. However, I'm sorry to hear that you've been encountering crashes in the app, particularly when entering your stable and festival areas. Crashes can be frustrating, but there are a few steps you can take to try and improve your experience. First, ensure that your device's operating system and the game app itself are up to date. Having sufficient available storage on your device and closing any background apps while playing can also help prevent crashes. I'm also sorry to hear that you haven't received a response from our support team. They do their best to assist players in a timely manner, so it's possible that their response might have ended up in your junk or spam folder. It might be worth checking there to ensure you don't miss any updates from them. Warm wishes, Sebastian, Star Stable Team.
  • Good game, needs improvements

    I downloaded this game once it came out on mobile in the US, so far it’s been great! The community is nice for the most part and the game is super fun! However, I do think it needs some improvements. I think there should be more ways to earn star coins instead of having to pay. While I’m aware of codes that give you star rider for free for a period of time I think we need other ways to earn star coins. The main focus of the game is horses! But, horses can be very expensive and the only way to pay for them is in star coins! While I do enjoy the game it would be really nice to have other ways to earn star coins whether it be through quests or competing. If you don’t want to add other ways to earn star coins you could offer the ability to pay for horses in shillings. This would be equally as helpful as shillings are a lot easier to obtain without paying! I also think there could be more things to do in your free time while playing. Completing quests and side quests can be fun but after a while it gets a bit boring, as well as competing. While I don’t have many ideas for that at the moment I’d love to see some other ways to have fun imputed in the game! Overall, it’s a great game with some needed improvements that will hopefully be fulfilled overtime.
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    Developer Response

    Hi wnqnjqkakqkoaosksmw, Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us. Your feedback about earning star coins is valuable. I understand that horses can be a significant investment, and it's important for players to have various avenues to acquire star coins. We're continuously working on enhancing the game experience, and your suggestion of introducing alternative methods to earn star coins through quests, competitions, or other activities is a fantastic idea. Your point about using shillings to purchase horses sounds great as well, and I'll make sure to share your feedback with the team. Regarding additional activities, we're always exploring ways to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. While it's a challenge to strike the right balance, your feedback about introducing new activities for players to enjoy in their free time is appreciated. Warm wishes, Sebastian, Star Stable Team.
  • Love it but…

    Ok so, this game, I absolutely love this game, it is so much fun, but when you get done doing quest it gets kinda boring after a while. I really wish the quest would also be a tad bit more interesting, you know so you’re not just clicking accept quest, then just ride back and forth between stops. I also wish it was more realistic. For example, you have to give horses breaks or they can become really hurt, or like if the horse take a fall and break there leg or something like that they have to rest for a little and etc. then I wish y’all can make the horses more cheaper, because star coins are like 70 dollars to buy like 2 or 1 horse is you wanna buy tack with star coins, and not all families can pay that. I think it’s unfair to people who can’t so like feel like if we could like save up to like 100k Jorvik shillings or less that would be amazing for a horse. I think I game we shouldn’t be spending this much money, because again some families can’t afford it. Lastly I payed 80 dollars for lifetime membership and I love it, just one thing I’d change bout it is you get more then 100 star coins a month but that’s about it. But again I love this game ☺️
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, thank you for your review! I understand that SSO can seem too pricey for our players. Our team is constantly working on new updates and content for the game, while also trying to keep all the in-game prices as fair as possible. Our Developer Team is always open for suggestions from our players, and I will forward your feedback for them to review, all perspectives are welcome, and our team will continue to do their best to keep improving SSO! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, and I hope you have a great rest of your day Best wishes, Juan from Star Stable.
  • Some things need to change

    I think star stable needs to change because first when we ask them to fix something they don’t even answer us and the new update keeps on kicking me out of the game and the way we go all the way skinny we’re still pretty fat and when you put a saddle or your tack on a pony then it gets really small and looks weird and I don’t even think there going to fix any of our problems because they stoped fixing them in 2023 and it’s starting to get bad so I’m not going to play star-stable anymore if they don’t fix this and even my friends stoped playing star stable so I don’t like star stable anymore because it used to be better but now they made it really really really bad so just some more things I need to say so me and my friends want the old characters and I thought that star stable could ask everyone in star stable if they want the new characters and if they say no they can have the old characters and if they say yes they can have the new characters because if you want people to play star stable then do what they want or else they won’t play your game so do what they want they will play if you don’t then they won’t play star stable so that’s all I wanted to say but it’s pretty good if they would change this things!
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    Developer Response

    Hi there! Thank you for your review! Our team is aware that some of our players may not like one or more features of our latest update. Our team is always open for suggestions, specially after the release of an update as big as this one, and I will gladly forward your comments for review. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, and I hope you have a great rest of your day Best wishes, Juan from Star Stable.
  • Best game ever!🐴🦄🐎💚💚

    My fav game but, I got a few questions. So the new update the western camp I was really excited when I saw this because I do western riding in real life! But where can I find thing or do I need the star rider pass thing? And also I’ve been playing for a long time now and Jasper when I do his task I finish it but it’s never gone away and it’s explanation point is still yellow . Also when I feed my horses hay, it glitches and it still feeds the horses but it’s not by the horses mouth and it stays that way until I leave and get back on I don’t mind but I just wanna know why. Btw I love the new update I’m so glad y’all added it on I wasn’t the biggest fan of the cartoon ones. Here’s some of my fav things, I love how the horses aren’t cheap but aren’t expensive they have the perfect price and also if you don’t like the color of the breed you might want you can change the coat and color and it’s hair and that there is a thing that says, “ your message was not approved for chat.” I think that’s good so nothing inappropriate or bad could happen y’all are very smart for that.❤️🤍 thank y’all so much for all the great stuff you do and the effort and support. Love y’all! (🐎Bella to star fam🐴❤️). Edit: Hi!!! Thanks so much for responding thank you for the tips Juan! I’ll definitely check it out I hope you have a wonderful day too! Bye!
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    Developer Response

    Hi hdgxshhxbdbdhchdh, Thanks a lot for coming back and for updating your lovely review, I am really happy to know that the information sent was useful for you, don't forget that you can get back to us at any time in case that you need some extra help or if you would like to send more amazing ideas and suggestions. Warm wishes, Sebastian, Star Stable Team.
  • Best game ever!🐴🦄🐎💚💚

    My fav game but, I got a few questions. So the new update the western camp I was really excited when I saw this because I do western riding in real life! But where can I find thing or do I need the star rider pass thing? And also I’ve been playing for a long time now and Jasper when I do his task I finish it but it’s never gone away and it’s explanation point is still yellow . Also when I feed my horses hay, it glitches and it still feeds the horses but it’s not by the horses mouth and it stays that way until I leave and get back on I don’t mind but I just wanna know why. Btw I love the new update I’m so glad y’all added it on I wasn’t the biggest fan of the cartoon ones. Here’s some of my fav things, I love how the horses aren’t cheap but aren’t expensive they have the perfect price and also if you don’t like the color of the breed you might want you can change the coat and color and it’s hair and that there is a thing that says, “ your message was not approved for chat.” I think that’s good so nothing inappropriate or bad could happen y’all are very smart for that.❤️🤍 thank y’all so much for all the great stuff you do and the effort and support. Love y’all! (🐎Bella to star fam🐴❤️)
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, thank you for your awesome 5 star review! Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts. SSO's team is always working to improve the game and the experience it offers for our players. As for the quests you had questions about: In this case, I would advise you to get in contact with our Support Team, so that they can take a closer look at this and give you a few tips on how to access and complete these quests! Thank you for your review and I hope you have a great rest of your day! Best wishes, Juan from Star Stable.
  • This was my childhood, but they’ve changed so much

    I joined Star Stable in late 2017 and it was amazing. The community, the design, the story, it was all great. I personally loved the cartoony feel of the characters, horses, and environment. It really felt like it fit the theme of Star Stable. But now, they’ve changed so much. It feels like the game went from a fun adventure game where you can complete quests and hang out with friends to a role-playing horse collecting game. The cartoonish style has been completely lost and it feels like there’s nothing to look forward to. They’re releasing new horses almost twice a month, compared to when Star Stable was in its peak and they’d release one every two months. This got players actually excited for a new horse breed, but now it just feels like your average twice-a-month update. Nothing to look forward to. Also, they’ve gone off course from the main storyline entirely.

    Personally, I see why they’re updating the game so much. It’s to get new players to join, and them adding horses is to get more people to spend money on the game to buy horses. But honestly, I think they’d make a lot more profit if they restored the game to how it used to be. The old style, less frequent horses, and more storyline and new locations. They would certainly get a lot of old players to return.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, thank you for your review. Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts. SSO's team is always working to improve the game and the experience it offers for our players. I will forward your feedback for our team to review, all perspectives are welcome, and our team will continue to do their best to keep improving SSO! Thank you for your comments and I hope you have a great rest of your day! Best wishes, Juan from Star Stable.
  • Not what I thought it was (DEVOLOPERS READ PLEASE!!)

    First off I feel like this is a buy to win, or buy to look good game. When I first got the game, I thought you could maybe capture or buy the horses without spending real money. They absolutely do not include the fact that you have to purchase horses besides your starter horse. So of course, when I got the game, all I could search for was new horses. After I figured it out that you had to purchases each horse I just Let it go. The graphics are fairly good on this game and I do appreciate the hard work they put into the game itself. But if the creators could take the time to read this next part specifically I would appreciate it. When I saw the other people had cool horses for money, I felt really left out. And I never got the chance to get into any events that will give you horses for free. I played this game for around a year or so. And it was hard to keep up with daily care of the horse and everything else. I wish you guys would take the time to think about how people who can’t afford to pay money for in game items feel. I can afford to buy things but I don’t because of personal reasons. At this point I am just standing up for people who cannot afford things. It’s a hard but enjoyable game and I recommend it for people who like to spend on game money or for people who could care less about the money. No hate to the game! Thanks.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, thank you for your review! Purchases of Star Coin and Star Rider subscriptions help our team to work on new updates and exciting new content for SSO, and I understand that some in-game prices may seem a bit too high, and our team will continue to bring new updates to SSO while keeping the Star Coin prices as fair as possible. Our team often releases promotional codes on special occasions or events containing free Star Coins or Star Rider trials available for all our players, so keep an eye out in our social media pages for them! Thank you for your review and I hope you have a great rest of your day! Best wishes, Juan from Star Stable.

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