Ball Mayhem User Reviews

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  • Great but your team is worthless

    It is an engaging game. However, whenever you play it, it is basically you vs the whole other team. Your teammates are barely running forward with you, run slow, get tackled very easily when they have the ball, and don’t give you any protection when you have the ball. Whenever the ball is in my possession and I’m running towards an end zone, I have all 6 of the members from the other team on me while your teammates aren’t even close to help you out. They run slower than everyone else and loaf around in the back. Just be weary that it will be 1 v 6 if you play this game but it can still be fun. It just makes it harder since your team barely helps you.
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  • Terrible Bots

    Okay I think the concept of the game is very fun, but seriously, I can hardly get the ball down the field without 20 of the AI coming to get the ball and my team is nowhere to be found, also, why are the opponents almost as fast as my team when they have to ball, it’s like if they have the ball you might as well give up because they’re going to score because you can’t catch up, along with that, when I have the ball and I have a head start to the in-zone, the other team gains like super sonic speed and catch up to me like i’m walking, they’re much faster than me no matter what so you need to take care of the AI performance..
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  • Gameplay is fun but the goal is not

    It’s a great game in which the players are constantly running around trying to score while at the same time, trying to prevent the other team from scoring. I see potential in this game and I even think it could be an online multiplayer game, or at least add difficulties for single player. The problem I see in this game is that it’s just a series of 5 games where each game, only one touchdown can be scored. If you get scored on, you move back a match, and if you score, you move up a match. This is the only mode in this game. One thing that I would personally want in this game is online multiplayer, tournaments, exhibition games, difficulties, and changes in the way a player would win by making it a timed game and whoever scored the most would win. The gameplay is really fun, but many changes could be made to make the game much better.
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  • Good idea, bad creation

    The game is incredible and I love to play it over and over again. However, I have many concerns which I would like to bring up.

    First of all, the ads NEVER END. The update did not fix this at all except for the new game mode (I’ll get to that later). I can always turn on airplane mode to avoid this, but I miss the opportunity to double my points at the end of each game.

    Second, the new update ruined the game even more. I probably would not have even written this comment if it wasn’t for the new update. I loved the old game mode; even the easy difficulty was leveled out as I progressed in the game. However, you did not have to change the AI that much! The AI have been so buffed, that I can barely pass Silver rank (but that’s probably because I’m not that good at the game). I spend most of my time chasing an AI down the field who, singlehandedly, outrun me and all of my teammates and score. I try the same and get stopped before the 20-yard line. I eventually win, but after wasting tons of my time.

    I’m sure that I am not the only one who realizes this, but I could no longer stand aloof. Hopefully this changes something for the next update.

    Thanks for reading
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  • Potential, fun, some issues

    First off I’m really mad right now because I just finished a game, and I little thing popped up on the bottom like always to watch an add for double XP, or 50 diamonds. I pressed the 50 diamonds and IT TOOK 50 AWAY FROM ME. Now the game is really fun, but it’s starting to get repetitive. Thankfully it’s a new game so it’s got a lot of potential. New game modes would make this game SO much better. An online mode would be AWESOME. 3v3 online👌🏻 that would make the game SO much more fun. Also an arcade version, or even a season version would be fun. Now I know u probably won’t listen to this part, but the ads are a little ridiculous. Otherwise u made a very fun, simple game, and some new game modes would make it awesome👍🏻
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  • It’s garbage

    You don’t play anything resembling football. The core gameplay isn’t bad but instead of playing a traditional match that’s timed with the highest score winning each game has 4 “matches.” If you score you advance to the next “match” and if the AI score you go back down. This is maximize ad space, make no mistake, because there’s an ad after every score.
    Also: the AI opponent has more players who are always faster and hit harder. You’ll be unable to score because mysteriously your blockers literally disappear if you’re carrying the ball. And of course once the other team gets possession they’re just literally seconds from scoring. It’s basically impossible to catch them from behind meanwhile every single one of them is faster than you.
    Not designed to be playable, just to maximize ad space. Stay away.
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  • It’s a fun game

    I like the game a lot! When I downloaded it it would have a 90 second game and whoever scored the most won the game! Now they’ve changed it so that there’s 5 levels, if you score a touchdown you beat a level, and ones you beat 5 you win the game, if they score a TD you go back a level! And that’s fun, but I would really like it so you could chose between the two different game modes, the original game mode I was playing is so much more entertaining, it brings more intensity, if you don’t score a TD you lose! But with the new one, you don’t lose, so i would give it 4-5 stars if they brought back that feature, otherwise, it’s a great game!

    As well it would be great if they added something more to the leveling system, you can level up when you win games, but other than making your opponents slightly tougher each level (which is good, cause it took me about 15 games before a team scored on me, now I finally do lose games), there’s nothing to the leveling system! So adding more features would be cool, but the game is still developing and I’m sure we’ll see new features sometime soon!

    Good app though haha :)
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  • Awesome But Needs Something

    I do like how the game is not too easy and not too hard but just right to enjoy it And another thing I like is I can do different dance moves but what makes the game just better is some sound effects because it’s a little boring to not have sound and just have silence from it. The sound effects I would love to see is cheering, hitting, and the touchdown sayings. I don’t know if it’s a bug or it just has no sound at all but it would be cool if that was added in the game but it has good gameplay. Hope there are sound effects in this game! 😃
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  • The greatest

    This is great you can play it if your on a long road trip it’s great.i love the game
  • So this is my 2nd review.... and I think the game lost even more potential

    So. Didn’t think I’d be at this page again. At this point, I could care less about AI. Voodoo, a lot of your games have so much potential, and there is just so many problems in the way of that. First off, let me just say, by new game mode in the update log, you mean ONLY game mode. And I am not about to waste an hour playing to win 5 points IN A ROW while their is an AI issue on top of that. It’s just- no. If I were a head of this game, I would make this Voodoos one game with no lost potential. How? First, change the game mode back. Almost no one likes the new one. Second, fix the gosh darn AI already! Geez! And also, not to be rude, but I wouldn’t be wasting my time with language updates, when the only important thing is the numbers and gameplay. By the way, anyone who said the game was too easy? Wait till you get to diamond II man. Well, that’s all you’ll hear from me. Some closing words? Voodoo. Read your review section a bit more carefully.
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