DoorDash User Reviews

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  • It’s okay but...

    I’ve only been dashing for a week and I’ve already encountered some things that work against drivers. If an order isn’t ready at the restaurant, even if you let DD know, it still goes against your on time percentage. If you are picking up multiple orders from that location, all of your deliveries are going to be considered late, which mine were. Also, acceptance rate. I’ve only declined two orders, both large ice cream orders. Again, I just started so I don’t have a cold bag yet, and both orders were 10-12 miles away. It would have taken me two hours round trip on each order and I could tell by the offer totals that the customers didn’t tip. Perhaps a screen could appear after we’ve declined an order asking why we declined so you know why certain orders are being declined. Also, tips... on postmates, customers are given percentages of 20, 25, and 30% or custom amount when tipping. On a large postmates order you can make an extra $20/$30 on a tip. On DoorDash, the tip prompts when they place the order are $2, $3, $5, no tip.... so even on a large order or an order that is far away, you are spending more in gas and your own time waiting than you are tipped. This is a service and everyone is trying to make tips. It feels like the DoorDash app is designed to keep tips for the drivers low.
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  • Dangerous long deliveries

    I used to love to dash because of the extra money I was making and still staying close to home. But now someone can order something 15 to 20 miles away from the area that I want to stay in and if I decline it, my rating goes down but if I take it then I’m in an unknown area taking deliveries where I don’t feel safe for an unfair amount of money. Now if I want to get back to my area, I have to either pause within the app or end my dash to return to a better known/safer area. There’s no reason that I should be picking up deliveries 15-20 miles away from the drop off then being told I’m “outside the delivery area,” especially since I want to stay in the area that I’m comfortable with and not go to a completely different city. How is that also fair to the people that ordered food when their food gets delivered cold because of the far deliver distance? My first and last delivery today I got called profanities and then was told “I would’ve given you cash if you weren’t so late.” My response to the DoorDash team is to quit allowing restaurants to deliver WAY outside a delivery area then expecting drivers to waste gas and time to return to the area in which you sent them out to.
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  • Best gig work I’ve ever done, but system needs some tweaks!

    I have worked for a couple other gig companies before and DoorDash is my favorite. The pay rate is good once you get in a rhythm and it is so worth it just for the reduced stress compared to running around grocery stores all dah! I love the convenience of the work and most of the restaurants in my area have been very easy to work with. I really appreciate that we can choose to whether to accept an order or not without being penalized so I don’t feel forced into orders that are further than I am comfortable driving, etc.

    My primary concern is with the delivery times we are expected to meet in some instances. A good 80% of the time the deliver by times are realistic, but sometimes I get 10 minutes to pick up an order that is 11 minutes away (and longer with traffic) and then if there is any wait at the restaurant at all, I am all but guaranteed to be late. There should be some sort of process for proving/showing that the line is super long and that we personally are not at fault for delivering an order late. I have a 78% on time rate and yet NONE of my late orders have been my fault; they’ve all been the fault of the restaurant being busy and/or behind. That doesn’t feel very fair to me!
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  • Dasher Michelle Walker

    I love doing deliveries! Meeting new people and building a network with the merchants. I have established a few regulars which makes this that much more enjoyable. My only thing is that there seems to be too many drivers out at the same time on certain nights and even during the days lately. Makes it hard to commit full time especially in a small town. I like to stay busy and for the last two weeks I am not busy at all. I can schedule a seven or eight hour shift and actually only work maybe 3 hours. Too much down time. I love being part of a platform where I decide what works for me and change it up by doing deliveries when I go to my moms in Colorado. Being able to work in different cities around the United States is awesome ! There aren’t too many platforms which allow this, I think it is great though because a dasher can keep their ratings high and the app greasy and not lose status as a top dasher if they so choose or they can take vacay! So many great options driving for Doordash but working for me by me! I’m going to give full time devotion here in a couple weeks I’m praying to be able to quit the working for someone else and be happy doing what I am loving more everyday! Best to you all out there doing the deal!!!
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  • App needs alerts for Restricted Area Deliveries

    I live near a military base and if you don’t have a pass to get on base you cannot get passed the gate. As it stands now, there is no alert or warning or flag of any kind to let you know that the next delivery is going to take you to a restricted area. This can create a situation where you find yourself with a delivery that you can’t even get close enough to the address for it to let you move forward within the app. The only solution was to call the help desk and have them clear the order from their end. Also, it’s unfortunate that if you decline any deliveries (for any reason, even one such as this) your rating goes down- even if you MUST decline a delivery because it’s in a restricted area. There is no recourse, currently, for that penalty.
    Besides this, I realize it is an quasi-uncommon situation, the app worked great! The app makes the job a breeze in all other cases. However, beware that when you first use it, there are a couple quirks that are not very intuitive... for instance, when you reach your pickup destination using the in-app navigation, you MUST hit the exit button to move ahead in the process to confirm the pickup (that one took me a sec and a few trips circling the restaurant to figure out). Overall, it’s a great way to earn some extra cash for a student/parent like myself. Excellent flexibility and earning potential- especially if you like driving and are self-motivated 😏. Good Luck and Stay Safe 😎
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  • unable to edit dashes

    every single time i try to change my dash it says failed i have it booked from 7am till 12am and i’m unable to change it to 2pm till 12am this should not be a problem because i have it booked it’s not like i’m trying to change it to 6am or extend it till 4
    the doordash support blamed me for the problem and said there’s nothing they can do because they don’t know what times are available like!! and the pay sucks not worth it
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  • Bugs

    I’ve been working 9months for doordash. That’s the first time ever I rate an app but that’s my last hope to get my problem solved.
    When I try to put my phone number on the app it says that it’s not a valid number in my country (which it is). Everytime I arrive at the customer’s adress and I have to call him I have to ask the customer service to telle the customer that I’m downstairs because my number is not associated to my account ...
    It makes me lose so much time... The customer service is so slow even through the live chat sometimes they don’t understand simple things such as « can u please call the customer for me and tell him I’m downstairs my phone number is not associated and I can’t do it myself ». They reply sometimes after 3min « what’s your name ? » or « what order » as if they couldn’t know it 😭
    The app never makes any song when u have a new delivery and you’re on the phone and it affects your acceptance rate. I have received that if my acceptance rate reaches 50% my account will be desactivated.
    Some buttons are impossible to touch reach despite that I have an iPhone X it’s like if the app si not suitable. For example I can’t click on « impossible to find the customer » which is a very important one.
    So many times the restaurant didn’t know that they had a delivery and you are the one who tell them by coming at the restaurant. So they start the delivery only after u coming ...
    Please increase your budget for the IT and the customer service
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  • Improved driver issue response.. map no go

    I do not like new map... it does not connect to my blue tooth and even turned off, I can’t get sound unless I turn the car all the way off... it was great before... however, it might mostly be from the iOS update. But I could deal with that if the map automatically centered so I could glance at the screen to see where I’m at...and it’s more difficult to locate customers houses and probably fifty percent of the houses and apts, you cannot see the numbers. I had to manually put in addresses into my google maps... it’s still easier to follow without sound. Having to re center the dasher map constantly is like an accident waiting to happen. Maybe there is an advantage to that that I don’t see yet?
    Also, customers have reported that they’ve tried to edit their info and messages to us, but it doesn’t work ... their changes don’t update.
    It would be super helpful if we had name of shopping center, office, apt complex, neighborhood where those stand out. And if someone lives in a house with no or difficult to see house numbers... some other visual indication might be helpful... like ‘white house w shutters and two lights at door’ or something. Half the houses are easy and straightforward... but some are not clear on map and when I can’t see addresses, I can’t confirm... I’ve had several close calls of dropping at wrong location. These details could help circumvent problems.
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  • Not sure how to title this....nor rate at this time

    Very frustrated & disappointed to wake up this morning & find my account deactivated stating I have committed referral fraud in which have absolutely no clue in how I could have possibly done this. I have only sent out a referral email & one on Facebook each once to my personal email contacts & FB personal friends/acquaintances thru DoorDash link provided in this specific app... how does that go against the rules? I have put in my appeal along with then sent an email back once receiving an email stating that they received my appeal & that I could respond to that specific email & once I did that I got a “delivery failure”stating I may not be in that group allowed to post in or the group was removed...
    I do not feel I have done anything against any rules/wrong whatsoever & have only done 2 days worth of deliveries & just got a bit more comfortable & was getting more excited to the opportunity to make the extra much need funds.
    I’m just a simple single mother trying to make ends meet not anything by no means excessive or wrong but was looking forward to for example the $20 bonus challenge given only needed 4 more deliveries to achieve it & had 2 days to achieve & if I can’t get reactivated in time I am going to lose out over something I don’t feel was my fault. Not to mention feel embarrassed for it being considered fraud....that’s an awful strong accusation...
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  • Lack of support for the new registrations to activate account

    I downloaded the app because I found multiple advertisement on social media saying that they have available space for new riders to join. It’s been 2 weeks since I downloaded the app, there is no place to upload the relevant documents and no contact telephone line to talk about account activation either. When I contact support via chat, all they saying is that their escalate team will contact us through email regarding account activation. But I contacted them 3 times via chat. But no one from escalate team contacted me throughout last 2 weeks.
    It’s ridiculous!
    If they cannot handle new riders or they do not have space for new riders please STOP advertising on social media saying there is available space for new riders. STOP misdirecting people please. Hope someone from management sees this and act upon this matter without playing with people’s time.
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