Wizz App User Reviews

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  • No Moderation and Endangerment To Minors (READ)

    Ive had this app for a while but just recently I’ve I gone back on it to see what a mess it’s become.
    The Wizzspeak page is awful in every way imaginable. One of the hashtags it recommends you at the top is literally #hrny and the page is filled with minors from as young as 13 asking to do freaky stuff with people as old as 17. These are children sharing inappropriate pictures and talking about inappropriate things to people way older than them. 13 year olds that are answering yes to seeing some guys tape. There is a verification but there are still people that slip through the cracks because it’s not perfect.
    There are people that have been blackmailed on these apps. I had one person tell me that if I didn’t send them inappropriate pictures, they’d message my family and go on social media saying I did anyways. While I didn’t fall for it I can see how younger children, especially with strict parents, could feel threatened into sending people this stuff.
    There has to be better moderation on a app that is made of minors. There is no excuse to it being this bad. It’s clear that no one is watching over this app because all it takes is one look for your eyes to be flooded with all of this stuff. The safety on an app made for children should be of up most importance.
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  • It’s good,but I have an issue

    I used to get well over 15+ requests initially but after I tried to upload a new bio with a picture without my glasses I was told to wait 24 hours because I needed to be verified. After the 24 hours, I stopped getting requests. I thought it it was a personal issue with my appearance or something, but then I tried to message new people but then I found out that NONE of my messages were going through to anyone. It’s been close to a month and nothing.I also completely wasted my time watching adds for coins to purchase a boost, when I used it literally nothing came up. I’ve deleted the app like 6 times and made new accounts, I’ve messaged, no response. It’s honestly getting irritating. I don’t even know if I'm getting a restriction because when I click the restricted button in settings it says that I’m not. I looked this up on Reddit and a handful of people have had this issue and said it was something called a shadow ban. Nothing about this was brought to my attention while setting up my account, if I had knew I wouldn’t have tried to put up the picture. I honestly need help and if you work with Wizz and see this please help me out. Thank you.
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  • Found the love of my life❤️

    wow. wizz is very all over the place i’ll tell you that!! there is a chance that you could find your soulmate on there just like me. his name is wyatt. i met him off wizz. silly ha! very surprising.. most of the men on wizz are obviously texting multiple girls for different reasons who knows.. but you can find a man on that app you just have to look hard enough. i met this man. he complimented me first. we started having a nice conversation, turns out he lived in the same state as me! but a few hours away😞.. but that didn’t stop our love. we then stayed up all night talking to eachother, learning new things about on another and finding so many things we had in common. i instantly fell in love with this man. he was so sweet, had great manners, great sense of humor, and good looking!! just my type!(a handsome country boy) we had so many powerful and deep conversations with eachother, it then felt like we had been bound to meet. like we had known eachother in some past lifetime. we knew our relationship would have troubles because of the distance but we were willing to work through because of how much we loved eachother. i love this boy .thank you so much for wizz. or i wouldn’t have known this incredible smart handsome sweet young man. -mol
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  • The “Pro’s & Con’s” about Wizz.

    dawg im telling you wizz was actually “accepting” when i first downloaded it about a year ago. but now recently it’s so stupid. it asks me to put a picture of myself, so that exactly what i do. im trying to follow the rules, but this app is making it harder than it has to be. and don’t get me wrong, but wizz is honestly an incredible app which you can make a ton of friends on. it’s an app where you can express yourself on. it’s not even just an app, it’s a whole experience. come on, wizz. can’t this just be a bit more accepting of people? im trying my hardest to make a simple account, so i can have people to talk to finally. but your whole “rejected content” thing is really getting on my nerves. im putting pictures of myself, and i’m not the best looking person, so you should have no trouble asking why that is. there shouldn’t be a whole “You’ve been moderated to many times” thing. it’s honestly so stupid. i know that it could be potentially dangerous on this app, but seriously? what if people aren’t comfortable with showing their faces? what if people don’t like the way they look? be more accepting, wizz. think about the people and why they downloaded this app. i downloaded this app for a reason, and that reason is so i can actually make some friends and have someone to talk to. get your problems together man. seriously.
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  • I got banned for no reason:/

    I have had to make multiple accounts that only last up to about 10 hours before I get banned/restricted for doing virtually nothing I have normal conversations use normal pics for my accounts yet still end up getting banned for no reason it's not a bad app and l've meet some chill people they just need to do something abt this maybe loosen up on the rules a little but because it seems like they ban me for doing nothing I don't know if they ban someone for spamming which if so that's ridiculous and you should just make it so people can't send messages after so many and they have to wait a while and have actual moderators not an Al because it's not gonna know what's what and make mistakes it should be more of a if system detects a problem moderators look it over before just banning accounts they can look it over and then make a full decision because it reduces problems and would make the app work a lot better. Ill keep using the app it's not bad I just need this problem to be fixed because it's frustrating trying to make friends and have my account be shadow banned just because a system detects what it thinks does against community guidelines and then bans someone when in reality it didn't and you're stuck basically not being able to use the app for a few days to weeks .
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    This apps moderation is horrible, just because you say “snap” or “insta”, ones account gets restricted & you can’t message anyone anymore until it’s lifted. Not only is the restriction unfair, but when one attempts to contact customer service for an appeal, theyre met with a bot numerous times which is very misleading as the app states in settings “Message us” or that “Someone from our team will review your appeal” but then oddly enough, you get a message back from only bots. Now, let’s talk about the exposed privacy involved in this app, the app is basically taking your data & information and even stores it after you delete your account, the app never states this before you sign up, but if you look into settings as well & you have to fill this large form out before you can get your data removed which I found incredibly odd, and even after that it says that you will receive a message that will confirm your data being removed, but i did that and they never ended up sending it? I’m not sure this is just weird especially considering the fact this is an app aimed towards vulnerable teens.
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  • The update made it worse

    I have been using Wizz for nearly a year now and recently that shut down the app and removed from the play store for an update. Just last night I got the app back and try to change my pictures since the original ones had been older pics. I try to posies to black-and-white pictures of me with nothing revealing and a black long sleeve oversized shirt. But they kept moderating me saying it wasn’t an explicit sexual photo even though it obviously wasn’t and now I cannot update my profile for 24 hours. This is really stupid because I’ve seen people actually have explicit sexual photos up and they have not been moderated or taken down. I even tried to put up a different pick with a picture of me and I cat with me and a short sleeve oversized shirt, and guess what I was moderated again for the thing. Then I just decided to keep the pictures and just put up my told me to use but then they said that I wasn’t using the buttons they told me to use and I have been for supposedly not doing something I was supposed to do even though I had done it. If it doesn’t change, I will be using a different app from here on out and I that other people will to. If you want people to feel safe and comfortable using your app then maybe actually make it better instead of using bots to run your whole entire app which ruins the entire experience
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  • Restrictions and app

    The app was lowkey fun to use, had some cool people to talk to and wtv but now you get your account restricted much easier. Like you try and ask for someone’s snap and it doesn’t send and gives you like a warning saying that it’s against the guidelines. It’s so strict you can’t even ask for their social and have to spell it out everytime. Some of the chats don’t even send. Like you ask what are you doing and they say what they are doing but you don’t see it because of the restrictions. Before the app was great because it didn’t have many ads and the restrictions were low. There are less ads now which is better but the restrictions are too high. The app would be better if they are lower. People just have to know who they want to or don’t want to talk with. They have to make that choice not the app. Something as simple as in texting my friends on Snapchat could get your account restricted. Other than your account getting restricted in less than a day the app is great. Really cool people to talk to, made good friends from this app, and it’s just been a good app to pass the time. Just lower the restrictions and it will be better.
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  • eh

    the app is really nice and has improved a lot since i first downloaded it. for context, i first got this app a few years ago when it first came out. i love the coin and rewards system, the preferences, and how you can only chat with people that are verified. my only criticism is the assistance system yall have. a few days ago i wanted to edit one of my profile pictures to show more of where i came from, specifically where i’ve lived. i made one quick edit, and all of a sudden i get a notification that i have to link my socials ? this specific slide for verbatim said “ft buddy wya ¿” “don’t be lame !!” and “CO✈️TX”. at first the “socials” i thought the app was talking about was maybe the facetime icon yall offered. i put that on the slide, but still received the same message, even after deleting and reinstalling the app. it proved even more frustrating because i guess if you don’t have any words, songs, stickers etc. it deducts the probability of your profile being seen by others ? i’ve spammed yalls team with requests to review the content, because from my point of view this seems to be a gray area. i suggest expanding your team so that pending requests can be fixed in a matter of 1-2 days, instead of multiple.
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  • Can this stop

    just recently I signed into another Wizz account and signed back into mine and my verification check disappeared so I go to verify and The EXACT picture I had already had verified since like a year now it says “ensure the image clearly shows your face and try again” which then I do over and over so then I try a new photo and I get the same exact thing over and over so I try one bare face let you know I am CLEARLY in the sun you can see my WHOLE face and the same exact thing.. I’ve tried 7 photos and they ALL say the same exact thing even with the light directly at me I don’t get what the problem is but now you made it where you can’t text if your account isn’t verified which is great cause it won’t even let me verify plus the fact can we talk about your rejecting content since I’ve seen literal girls in
    Lingerie and still have their photos up yet if I put a picture of my face straight face it gets rejected as I’m “breaking community guidelines” not even telling me why like it used to. I have tried to put photos of me standing and I get my photo rejected for putting “pornography”… which over time I get restricted no matter what and if we decide to disagree it gets us banned idk but 2 years ago Wizz was so much better then this with all these new updates Wizz just is getting worse like I rather get on Yubo at this point and I’m currently waiting for my 3 minutes of moderation to end because of a face picture thank you.
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