Wizz App User Reviews

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  • I was blackmailed on this app

    On this app, me and my friends were talking to random people, you know how the blackmail thing goes because it lead to iMessage and into Snap, i did had a great time on this app but not anymore, from that traumatic experience now I more of a fear to talking to females on social media because of this incident that nearly ruined my life and reputation in my community just over for 50 dollars they wanted I’m fine now but I don’t know if the person is planning on trying to repeat this offense again to me, the person who I met was a female named klain on the app, I still have the email she texted me on, the two random emails that tried to get my attention, possibly her snap but I already know that’s likely to be a bot but she removed her account after this incident on Wizz They Text me in 3:00 in the morning talking about they have Instagram, snap, and planned on sending two pictures of mine with my face, my phone number, instagram name and my sister as well I already warn everyone even my family about the situation just because it recently happened yesterday My friend gave me advice on snap of how to take precautions of situations like these or my suspicions if they were trying to do this to me I can’t recommend this app because of my incident but I highly say to watch your back, watch to the people you’re talking to in this app because this could likely happen to you
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    Developer Response

    Dear marstonjake1275, We're really sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience. We want to assure you that the safety and privacy of our users are our utmost priorities. We deeply regret the negative experience you had to go through due to unscrupulous users. In the case you described, it seems you encountered an unacceptable violation of our community guidelines. Please immediately forward all details you have about the user "klain" to our support team. Any screenshots, usernames, emails, or other relevant details will help us in conducting a thorough investigation. We're committed to taking strict actions against users who misuse our platform, including immediate account suspension and, where appropriate, reporting to law enforcement. For any suspicious behavior encountered on the app, we strongly advise users to immediately report it via our in-app reporting feature. Our team works around the clock to take quick actions and to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for our users. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Your safety is our top priority, and we are here to help you.
  • Banned accounts

    I have had to make multiple accounts that only last up to about 10 hours before I get banned/restricted for doing virtually nothing I have normal conversations use normal pics for my accounts yet still end up getting banned for no reason it’s not a bad app and I’ve meet some chill people they just need to do something abt this maybe loosen up on the rules a little but because it seems like they ban me for doing nothing I don’t know if they ban someone for spamming which if so that’s ridiculous and you should just make it so people can’t send messages after so many and they have to wait a while and have actual moderators not an AI because it’s not gonna know what’s what and make mistakes it should be more of a if system detects a problem moderators look it over before just banning accounts they can look it over and then make a full decision because it reduces problems and would make the app work a lot better. Ill keep using the app it’s not bad I just need this problem to be fixed because it’s frustrating trying to make friends and have my account be shadow banned just because a system detects what it thinks does against community guidelines and then bans someone when in reality it didn’t and you’re stuck basically not being able to use the app for a few days to weeks
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  • Fix These Issues

    This app at one point honestly had some good potential but it’s slowly spiraled down into another washed up cash grab Tinder reject for teens. The earlier version of this app was the best tbh, was the most engaging and was unique in every way possible. Nowadays it’s just copying every other app like this to find new friends. Also adding secret chats defeats the entire purpose of reconstructing the layout to make it so people HAVE to message you to be friends. How am I supposed to make new friends when 75% of all my chat requests are blurred? Most people aren’t willing to drop actual money on here and watching 30 second ads every time is mind-numbing. I understand as app developers you have to make some form of money to support the app but there honestly has to be a better way that doesn’t directly interfere with the whole purpose of the app. Overall, the blatant “we want money” features of the app make it hard to enjoy, the newer layout ruins the uniqueness it once had and the support or actual interest in what the people who download the app have to say is lacking. I’ll give 2 stars only because this app was once actually good. Sad to see it take the same direction as all the others.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, I understand your disappointment if you were loyal to the old version because the app has evolved significantly since its launch. We considered this feedback and have rebalanced the share of secret chat, which is now a minority compared to the visible requests. Obviously we have added some paid features, but if you don't want to pay, your use of the classic app is now much smoother than before.

    honestly where do i even began? 2 years ago the app was great, it was making its way to the top & could have honestly been yubo biggest competition!! but then wizz tried doing new things… like trying to be tiktok part 2, they removed that feature when they noticed no one liked it at all. then they came out with the word bubble thing to add to your profile (mind you almost no one like this update either) i personally only like the music feature. on top of all that yubo really wants you to spend money for the smallest things… like having to pay to add a video instead of a picture when yubo lets you do it completely for free!! then when people try talking to you it’ll show up as a blurred message. making you have to watch an add almost everytime someone tries speaking to you & having to pay for boost ups or other small features for annoying prices is ridiculous! OH! recently i deleted the app due to it just being annoying & messed up, i’ve redownloaded the app many times now but the login part is messed up now too!! everytime i put my number in to make a new account it’s says “error 8” and to “kill the app & try again” even when trying again it tells me the same thing! so wizz definitely please fix that & every other problem listed above! thank you.
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  • I like it

    I really like the app, but the community guidelines ruin it. Sometimes you get punished for doing nothing, and you’re scared to request a manual review bc you don’t wanna get banned for something you might’ve missed. And I understand they want it to be age appropriate but it’s 2023, and kids have seen a lot by now, someone’s stomach shouldn’t have to drawn out to be “age appropriate”. Everything else is chill tho. You meet a lot of people. I like the system they have with meeting people from your area. I wish your preference could be more specific. And I think the videos to see what someone has said gets a little bit OD when it’s consistent, but I understand bc most people aren’t paying for the app so they need to get money somehow. But overall I’ll give it 4 stars. It’s a good app.
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  • Almost ruined my relationship

    Guys don’t download this it’s horrible it ruined my life. The reason why i said it’s horrible and that it ruined my life is because it almost ruined my relationship with my gf and it was all my fault. I told myself i was only gonna download it for a daw or two but i got addicted, and i didn’t wanna delete it so i didn’t but i payed the price of my gf finding out. She wasent happy but she didn’t dump me idk why she didn’t she should of what i did was wrong and i had the audacity to say “i love you” when i was texting other girls. I regret everything i did while i had that app i wish i never got introduced to it. Because of this stupid app my gf got trust issues and our relationship wasent the best during that period of time. I luckily fixed it i learned from it and i promised her id never do what i did again. I stuck with that promise because i don’t wanna ever make her feel that way again. Anyways this is all i wanted to say i just wanted y’all to know about my experience with this app Goodbye.
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  • this app is ok

    so i’ve had the app for awhile and it’s fine however i have some complaints. For example today i tried using a different picture for one of my slides and it got flagged for “inappropriate language” then i edited it again and it flagged me again for “nudity” even though i wasn’t nude i just had on a crop top, and i’ve had a picture of me in a crop top before without any issues?? so then they banned me for 4 minutes. Then after that i tried editing the slide AGAIN and i was asking for people to talk to me to play games and i was flagged for a 3rd time for “asking for explicit pictures” for an hour. In all the time i’ve had the app i’ve seen an abundance of people asking for nudes and other explicit stuff but they weren’t banned or flagged??? your moderation team needs to get better because there shouldn’t have been any reason as to why i got temp banned for an hour.
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  • Shadow Banned

    I continue to get shadow banned for absolute no reason. I start messaging people, i say nothing bad nor any curse words but a , “hi how are you” , “love that song”, “cute outfit” “pretty smile” and i keep getting banned having to recreate an account. This is simply ridiculous, it usually happens around the 400 coins mark with this being my 6th account. The daily rewards thing, im assuming they are banning people who don’t pay for anything on their app because this is completely re-occurring.

    This needs to get fixed or im going to personally contact apple, and have a petition to get this app removed off the app store, aswell as having an employee download this app & try it for 2 weeks to see what i am saying.

    It’s quite annoying having to deal with this when all i want to do is meet other people in my area, or make new friends for that matter. And im pretty sure if the user isn’t doing anything wrong, and if you ban them without a reason including shadow ban, that’s against app store guidelines .

    I don’t recommend downloading this app, Nor Yubo. If you guys want a good app, download hoop. You have guarantee adds, and you don’t get shadow banned each time you turn around and text someone.
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  • Got banned and can’t make another account

    Okay so let me explain this. I got temporary banned. Could still dm people and everything. Things started changing tho when I tried describing MYSELF better and not letting my account seem “dry looking” and have more describing stuff about myself and I did what every single person has done on that app prolly ever since it released I did my status, socials, my profile picture which was normally my face I’m to insecure bout my full body to do that and my hobby’s and that I could beat them in a singing contest with this emoji😎 and I got against community guidelines so I did it without the I can beat you against singing contest and just did hobby’s, status, socials, likes that’s it against community guidelines and then I just did my face with a filter on it and the filter was a bunch of smily faces and it was against the community guidelines so I did a clear no filter face picture that’s it no captions and against community guidelines. I even deleted the app and reinstalled and it didn’t work. This app is so sensitive and so are like half the people on it just an fyi. And you don’t get swipes/requested messages unless your on the app it should be able to be off and on the app. Fix your app Wizz or it’s not even worth downloading
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  • Y’all literally can’t run a app for your life.

    first of all i’m tired of my posts getting taken down cus it’s seen as inappropriate. that didn’t happen until i made a new account so i know wizz is just being dumb. stop being such snowflakes about small things i was fully clothed and all i just think it’d be better if you put more effort into getting the violations correct. On top of that when you ban someone it’s typically common knowledge TO LET THEM KNOW WHY AND FOR HOW LONG. cannot stress enough how many times i’ve been banned for a small cuss word and don’t figure out until i can’t see any online status’ or get any messages. it’s bogus. don’t think i didn’t notice how hard you guys are trying to add another section to wizz. first it was the wannabe tik tok side that you took down after seeing how dumb it was. now it’s the pops which are completely pointless. just leave it how it is there’s no reason to fix these. instead focus on the dumb issues you guys STILL HAVENT fixed that i listed. there’s a lot that could make the app better but jesus… get it under control this is embarrassing might just go to yubo again cus they at least know how to run an app…. lastly, PLEASE fix this whole automated filter to see if ur post isn’t allowed because i’ve had the dumbest stuff taken down due to your laziness. if you want a successful app do more.
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