Knighthood User Reviews


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  • Started playing before quarantine

    I can not stop playing this game, I’m sorta obsessed with decking my hero out with the most powerful gear I can and get past these honestly really challenging monsters in the later levels. They do a great job of hero roster and design up to the feel as well of the game. I will say the sound design for receiving gold reminds me too much of slot machine stuff so that’s eh.

    Also! Some constructive criticism!
    Is there anyway we can get more races? Like it’s basically just human or if you can find the elf ear item thing an elvish person of some kind. Which is great I just think it’d be awesome to have the option of like, goblin-orc type dude, elf type dude, human dude, halfling or dwarf dude. I’m sure that last one is an unlikely thing to happen due to their size difference. Also also, it seems like all the top players have the exact same armor (probably because it’s the most powerful) it’d be great if there was more aesthetic customization choices from the get go and at the very end of leveling up! Like to me once I reach max level and have the same stuff as all the other top players, what’s gonna be the point of continuing to play? Customization of characters will always be my numero uno joy
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  • Honest Review from an old gamer in his 30s

    I like that the game loads quick, and you can get right into the action. Action points(Stamina) regenerates fairly quick and you can stack up a lot of them before you stop getting a return and have to use them.

    Gameplay is simple, but fun and allows you to make strategic decisions on what kinda setup to go in with and how best quickly handle opponents or plan for a long uphill battle. Wins are definitely rewarding not just in the feeling, but loot. Because even a small win over a random roaming monster could lead to the piece of gear that you need to finish your transmute recipe!

    The game also helps you to build your characters up fast, the where button gives you options like things you can do in game to quickly get the materials and resources to make upgrades to gear, weapons, and heroes on the fly.

    The negatives... well I’ll be honest if graphics and art are a big deal to you then this game isn’t for you, yeah you can micro transactions your way through, but that takes away from the fun so I keep it to the cosmetic stuff.

    And developers this one is for you the game has froze on me at least once every other day and I’ve had to delete the app and reload it. I have an account so I’m not worried about losing anything, but that part is getting annoying.

    I hope this helps, I’m just an old guy who’s been a gamer his whole life.
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  • 5 Star Game/4 Star Rating, Here’s Why

    This game has a lot of levels to it, a lot of stuff to do, a decent amount of energy (of course I would prefer unlimited but this won’t happen), character customization at every level (equipment, looks, minions, heroes, etc...). Very loot heavy, easy to obtain chests etc... which is great for all of us who enjoy this type of game. Levels of bosses, solo-able, and guild-able bosses. These things are all great however there is one fatal flaw.

    40 slot inventory. Who in the world thought this would be a good idea. Six different equipment slots, that means to work up to being able to make a yellow level piece of gear, you need 6 once you get to making all yellow, you need 36 slots just to hold for full equipment upgrade. Problem is, you need like 12 different tiers of equipment for different enemy types, plus you need the previous tiers to make the current tiers, etc... bare minimum we need 80 slots, reasonably we need 120, and to if the game was generous 200 would be nice, maybe we can make this purchase-able w/ gems? I see no hope of upgrading inventory size, but 40 is a bad joke, whoever thought that up needs to spend a few hours staring at his mug on the wall of shame.
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  • Grinds to a halt 5 chapters in

    Like all King games this one is filled with microtransactions, it’s constantly asking you to watch ads, and becomes unbalanced against you incredibly quickly. Don’t waste a dime on this. I’m four or five levels higher than enemies with maxed equipment for my level and they’re still winning. It’s ridiculous which is exactly by design so you get frustrated and spend money. Developers for King should be ashamed for constantly pushing out trash like this.

    Oh and there’s like a dozen types of chests, all which are extremely overpriced for what they offer (one garbage item that won’t be the one you need). Oh wow 20 gems a day from the daily? It’ll only take like 4 weeks to make enough to guarantee an epic drop. Or you can spend ten dollars on a set of armor, a weapon, and a hero. Excuse me? I can buy full game masterpieces on my phone for half that price but you want me to buy literal trash equipment for real world money? You’re disgusting

    Don’t waste your time with this one, or any King game for that matter. They’re the EA of mobile games.
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  • Surprisingly great

    This game is pretty great. I originally thought it was gonna be completely freemium, since it’s made by the same guys who made candy crush. However, although it has some freemium elements like watching ads for gems and things like that, they really don’t inhibit the game at all. It’s a really fun experience and worth getting. Although I usually don’t enjoy turn based games, the combat here is engrossing and a blast to play. The world and graphics are kinda beautiful, and sorta have a sea of thieves type look. My favorite part of the game however would have to be the customization of your character. It’s great. Although you can only change parts of your face and your cape, it’s got a wide variety of choices. Overall knighthood is a really fun game and worth getting.
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  • I love the game but...

    This is a fantastic game, hence everyone else’s responses, but I wish the hunts made sense. I just recently got into the game as I mean it just came out but it really seeps into the idea of pay to win. Which I mean you don’t have to but to get anywhere or progress you do, the weapon development//upgrading is already beginning to feel very grind-like (which I don’t necessarily mind) but the issue is it doesn’t pay off well. Even after referring back to hunts when progressing into the game 6 turns is ridiculous, I was even tempted to pay (which I don’t mind either but I don’t want to pay for something in which the money I spend is going to require me to end up spending kore to catch up.) all in all I love the game but it’s lacking the engaging experience of progression through earning and I feel like it falls short for that reasoning. I’m personally going to continue to play but just like clash royale eventually the money grab will get on my nerves and rather than wanting to pay I won’t pay at all. I needed a new mobile game in which I just hope these little issues can be reduced and the game could be one of the best games to be released on the App Store. I just hope the devs are actually listening and aren’t trying to monetize as bad as candy crush was. Godspeed and I hope the best for this game.🙏🏽
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  • Lost Currency

    This game looks and feels pretty great. Combat is intuitive, and finds a decent resting place between involved and laid back. There’s a pretty great variety of customization options, and as you progress through the story this only increases. Premium currency is an option, and you may not quite need to pay to win, but paying does award you more possibilities. However, I wouldn’t spend money on this at the moment due to my own experience with losing gold chests. Gold is the standard currency, and you have the choice of purchasing either 1 or 10 at a time. I saved up gold through the first few fights until I could purchase 10 at once, selected the option to send them to my vault, then went to my vault to check out my sweet haul and instead I found only 1 chest waiting for me, while my gold inventory had indeed decreased by 1,000 gold. If there’s a chance that this can happen with standard currency, then I can’t imagine how frustrated I would be if the same thing happened with the premium currency. I hope the Midoki devs work this out because receiving 10% of what you paid for is never a fun experience.
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  • Great Game!

    A lot of people have complaints about the slow progression, but personally I think the pacing is just right. It’s designed so you can play it everyday, rather than leveling up your warrior all at once. While some people don’t have the patience to wait as they want to get down to fighting as quickly as possible (who can blame them, the battles are so fun!) I think waiting for stamina can still progress you pretty quickly in the game.

    It’s a gorgeous, well made game that’s on a great track to improving itself! The battles are highly addictive and pretty immersive. It really feels like you’re taking on these monsters as this amazing warrior.

    I hope it updates with more new content and better looking armor! I’ll be patiently waiting, excited to see this game grow.
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    I love this game. i have been sick and tired of all the low quality, ad-ridden, monotonous games that are constantly on the top of the “free games” list on the app store, and by god does this offer a phenomenal change of pace. this game is, simply put, one of the best games i have ever played on a mobile device. i have never seen an ad in this game, and ive been playing for at least a week. the game has great graphics, an amazing orchestral soundtrack, and even better sound effects. the first time it rained in the game, i had headphones on, and i genuinely checked to see if it was raining outside. it’s that good. it has extremely simple tap or swipe controls, with alternative controls if you dont like them. while it does have one of those systems where you spend energy to fight a battle, where the energy recharges over time, its not extremely annoying like all the others. the maximum amount of energy you have increases as you level up, and it recharges at a rate of about 1 energy every 5 minutes, which is plenty, as it recharges to almost 250 overnight at level 20. that much energy will last you an hour straight of battling enemies in this game. its amazing. i highly recommend anyone looking for a game to play to GET THIS GAME. THIS ONE. RIGHT HERE. you will not regret it for even a second. if this game costed money i would buy it in a heartbeat its so fun. this is the game youve been looking for, whether you knew it or not.
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  • For a King Game

    I like this game a lot. Usually I don’t like candy crush because I don’t understand what is so enjoyable about crushing candy. I mean if I wanted to crush some candy then I would just go to Walgreens and buy some hard candy to crush. It’s not like I would be crushing anything else. Speaking of Walgreens they usually have candy on sale for pretty cheap. Sometimes I like to go in there and buy candy, but then that just leaves me to eat it by myself. You can really put on a lot of weight eating candy like that. I guess some people may enjoy buying a big bag of candy to eat by themselves. Just like candy crush I never really understood the concept of buying candy and eating it by yourself. I wonder if you should really be talking to someone instead of eating candy or crushing it by yourself. If Walgreens is on a mission for people to live healthy then why do they sell candy or cigarettes? But, this game I really enjoy!
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