BeReal User Reviews

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  • Amazing app! Has some problems

    5 stars because I know how important rating are to companies. But I would give it a 4.5. The actual act of taking the BeReal every day can be glitchy for me and my friends. The screen to capture won’t pop up and it makes it so I often will go to “take it later” and then never will.
    Other than that this app does everything that it aims to do and more. The real as an app has become a talking point within my community and even those who don’t follow each other on the real talk about taking the be real every day and everybody looks to see where other people are during the day.
    I have sincerely noticed this app make a positive impact on my community and I get a rating from that way hopefully the developers can see some little errors and fix them moving forward.
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  • so bad

    gave me cancer
  • Great app but buggy

    I’ve been using BeReal for a little over a month and it has slowly become my favorite social media app. I love the concept, and everyone who I recommend give it a chance also ends up loving it. The only reason I could not give the app 5 stars is because it is still super buggy. I have a permanent notification symbol on the app, it has the little red circle with the number 1 and there is no way to make it go away. Sometimes it goes away by itself, but then comes back randomly. Also, when you are looking for new friends on the app, and you see people who might be in your contacts or have mutuel friends, there is a button to add them, or a button to ex them out. When you ex someone out from the list, they go away, but then randomly reappear? The bugs are not game-breaking but it’s quality of life things that should be fixed given that the app has went pretty main stream. This is the first review I’ve ever given so if anything, I hope this gives some feedback to the developers. Keep it ad-free!!! We love that there is no marketplace. It’s simple, it works, don’t break it PLEASE.
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  • Great idea, lot of bugs

    I really enjoy the whole premise of “being real” and simply showing what you’re doing in the exact moment when the timer goes off. However, there’s quite a few bugs that make this difficult if not impossible. On multiple occasions, I will take my BeReal (on time!) and it shows that it’s posted after the timer is done counting down, but if I close out of the app and go back to it a couple hours later or the next day (before the next timer goes off), my post is gone as if i never even posted - so now i have several blank spots in my memories even though i absolutely posted on that day. The app also has the habit of not wanting to load from time to time. I’ll click the notification to post and either the app itself just won’t load in, or it will show me my friends have posted and to click to post my BeReal, no matter how many times i close and reopen the app.

    I really do enjoy the app and it’s premise, but these are some debilitating bugs that almost make it pointless to use sometimes.
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  • Signing in

    You guys should have a thing so you can sign in without a phone number I really want this app but I can’t use it without a phone number
  • Awesome concept, needs work still

    I looove the concept of this app. Something less stressful to post on than Instagram thats just for seeing your friends/family’s faces and lives on the daily. My biggest beef with this app is that it notifies you when people post comments, etc but then I have to search through every post to see where the comments are, and half the time its just someone I don’t know commenting on a friends post, but I can’t choose to not be notified for that specifically. Having a notification screen where I can see all my notifications and click through to the posts they’re on would make everything soooo much better. And please please please include comments with the memories/let us choose to let others see our memories!! Sometimes I post late and then the next day’s B Real is early and I miss what people posted/commented ☹️ I also think the Discovery part kinda ruins the point of this app. Wish I could at least choose to hide it. Thanks for keeping this simple though, I hope it stays that way - I really love it, its the best!!
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  • Great! But…

    This is a great app and I love posting pictures of myself while also being able to see my friends pictures. The captions are also great! I’m able to write one describing what I’m doing in the picture and what not. But, putting all that aside, there are some issues. First, the uploading. If I’m not in the app while my post is still loading and then it will never upload so I have to wait until I see that it stopped. Another issue for me is the adding, requesting, and just friending in general. I have one friend that can see my posts, comment, react, and he can see my profile in his ‘friends’. Although he can do all of this, I can’t do anything with him. I can see that he reacted or commented on my posts but I cant see him in my ‘friends’ and I cant see his posts. I have tried to add him many times and he has accepted me many time and vise versa. I’m not sure what the problem is? Besides all of that, this is an amazing app! But it has some downsides.
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  • Cant Add Friends

    Just recently downloaded this app but when I go to accept a friend request it says “unprocessable entity” ?
    please help fix this as i wont be able to share my be real experience with others thank you in advance :)
  • We Love Being Real!!!!

    “It’s like an insight to everyone’s life that you didn’t know you needed.”

    Peyton and Char are BeReal advocates. We love BeReal. The way that that everyone is truly real is crazy in this fake society. On Instagram, all we see is edited models doing unimaginable things that we regular folk can only wish that we could do. With BeReal, however, everyone is encouraged to BE REAL!!!! Not only do we see people in their true form being lazy, going to concerts, hanging out with friends, or just petting their dog, we also get to see people we normally wouldn’t talk to react to our lives in a positive way. It’s exciting to see everyone’s reaction when the notification is sent out everyone - regardless of who they are - is ecstatic to just be real. The rawness of the app shows what a real human being is. The reality is, we’re not always at the beach looking snatched or at concerts with our friends. It’s reassuring to know you’re not the only person just sitting on your couch all day. NOT ONLY THAT, but there is nothing - I mean nothing - that you can pay for!!!! There is no pressure to get the best version of the app, just a bunch of people posting on the same app at the same time just being real.
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  • Instagram but without the Toxicity

    Love the whole idea of bereal! It’s so refreshing to see my friends share their not so Instagram-able parts of their days and strip away all of the unrealistic expectations social media has put on us all.
    My only constructive criticisms are these: (1) the bugs. I’m sure they’re constantly being worked on and the app has gotten more reliable in the 4 months I’ve had it on my phone. But randomly, I’ll still find I have to restart my phone or delete and reinstall the app for it to work. Not as often as before, but still sometimes. (2) there should be a limit to how late you can post. I love that everyone shoots for that 2 minute window, but I understand that sometimes, you might not have your phone on you at that exact time or you’re really busy and can’t snap the photo. But really often, I’ve seen people (carrying over the mentality from Instagram) wait 7, 8, 9+ hours until they’re at a concert or until they’re with their friends to post - I’m guilty of it too, I’ll admit. I think there should be, in addition to the “on-time 2 minute” winodow, an “hour or two total” late window and after that, no one can post. This would also limit the absurd amount of notifications the app sends out.

    Just thoughts! Love it though!
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