BeReal User Reviews

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  • bro what

    i downloaded this thinking it was gonna be like the locket app and it is EXCEPT when you take photos there are little messages that are so passive aggressive and rude?? completely unnecessary aswell as not being able to take more than one photo a day? dumbest design ever the app is super confusing. If you don’t like the photo you took too bad because you need at least 10 friends to retake it, try getting 1 person to join this app ugh.
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  • Bugs are a huge problem

    I really like BeReal and I enjoy using it to connect with my friends on a more authentic level - even when we’re states apart. That being said, I am frustrated over the bugs that the app has. At some points it makes it totally unusable. There are several that I run into on a daily basis. The first of which is phantom notifications for both the BeReal time and my friends posting or reacting to my post. I will log onto the app and nothing will be different than before even though it notifies me something changed. Additionally, when the BeReal notification goes off it takes from a full minute to ten minutes to even open the photo feature. So by that point I am being counted as late to post the BeReal even though I opened it as soon as I received the notification. And finally, even after that, the post takes an obscenely long time to upload. I’ve had it take up to several hours to upload one photo even when I had a setting wifi and cellular connection like I normally do. Ultimately, I hope the team is working to fix these issues because the app has a lot of potential, but it is just being lost to these unfortunate bugs.
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  • Recommend but…

    I really like this app. It’s very fun and a really cool idea.

    I would like if there were more times zones (I know a lot of people have said this) but posting the same thing everyday is a bit boring or posting the next day is as well.

    Also I would like if there was an option to log in. I was logged out for reasons I am unaware of and was unable to log back in or create a new account as my email had already been used. Somehow I was randomly logged back in but I would still like a solution to this issue.

    Finally it would be cool if you could use photos already taken… I understand this may ruin the authenticity of the app however the notification didn’t come through so I decided to take a picture with my phone normally instead but have now seen the notification and I missed it. This is disappointing because I had some really fun photos from the right time. Since I prefer to use the app to look at my “memories” and see what I was doing on different dates I would like to show the pictures I took of what I was actually doing

    Again, great app. I highly recommend it is very fun.
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  • Not like other social media

    I really enjoy that BeReal keeps the fun part of social media and minimizes the toxic part.

    The only constructive criticisms I have: (1) my app frequently glitches and will say I have a phantom notification when there are no new notifications for me to see. Because BeReal doesn’t have a page where you can see a list of your notifications in the app, I have to go through every single photo on my feed to make sure I’ve seen everything, and then I have to go to Settings and temporarily disable Notifications for the app in order to get the one phantom notification to go away. So here I’m recommending that it would be great to fix this glitch, and to create a page on the app that lists your notifications in one centralized place so you can easily see what’s happened since you were last on the app. (2) I do not feel like it’s necessary to get a notification every time a friend posts late. It’s fun to aim for the same 2 minute window of posting, but as an adult, it’s unrealistic, and it’s annoying to be notified every time someone posts late. The only push notification I actually want is just when the BeReal goes live.
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  • Fun w/ flaws

    I was initially attracted to BeReal due to its concept. I liked the idea of straying away from the typical inauthentic social media model of carefully curating every single post in order to create a persona one wishes to project. A rush goes through me every time I get the notification that it's BeReal time — you never know when it's coming and you're never prepared for it, but it certainly encourages you to live your best life because that moment could be any moment. It's also a fun way to look back and keep track of the day-to-day.

    That being said, the app does have its flaws — which is to be expected given its novelty. There have been multiple occasions where I'll be notified that it's time to take a picture but upon opening the app, I just see my feed. It's not much later that it's actually BeReal time and I don't get an accurate notification for when it occurs, forcing me to consistently reopen the app throughout the day so I don't post too late. Additionally, despite having strong wi-fi, there have been times where it has taken hours to upload my photo. Despite me taking the photo right on time, because it's uploaded later, it counts as an hours late upload. Lastly, sometimes it takes quite awhile for the camera to successfully load.
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  • Can’t post a photo when I get the notification

    I can’t post the photo when I get my notification. It only lets me post after a friend does. I’ve tried deleting and reinstalling the app but to no avail. Am I missing something?
  • Fun idea but needs bug fixes

    Great concept but the app is very buggy and needs a notification centre. I get multiple ghost notifications and obviously can never find them within the app.
  • “not social media”

    Overall really like the concept of this app. Social media is a huge waste of time but it’s hard these days to stay connected to friends and family across the country and across the world without it. The fact that this app (tries to) force users to post what they’re doing in the moment also does a great job at eliminating the fake reality of socials.

    When my brother was convincing me to get this app, he told me that it’s impossible to scroll forever like I did on IG - the reason I deleted it. And while that’s true on the “my friends” page, one can easily switch over to discover and use it just like any other time sucking social media site to scroll for hours.

    I know y’all are working on bugs but an additional feature would be a way to make the discover page optional, so that for those of us who don’t want it, it’s not even on the screen at all (ie there’s no separate discover tab at all) and doesn’t tempt us to waste time on the app. This could be done using a switch in a users profile. If you are really trying to be “not social media” please make the discover feature optional!
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  • Notifications are nuts

    Unlike most others, I have no issue with upload speed. My beef is with notifications. “On BeReal, you’re in control of your push notifications,” the settings page states. Barely!! I want to get notifications for comments on my posts only, but toggling “comments” on means I get notified about every comment between my mutuals. Plus, there’s no landing page specifically to contain notifications (realmojis, comments etc). I’ve had the red notification bubble on the app thumbnail for hours now because I can’t for the life of me figure out exactly what I’m being notified about. There’s zero indication of what it could be! And hey, maybe I’m missing something. Maybe there’s a fix for all my problems out there. But if there is, it’s the least intuitive fix in the app store, because it’s impossible to find help within the app!! Please change things so that we can access notifications more easily, personalize them in more detail, and know how to make those changes ourselves.
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  • Suggestions:

    I love the concept of this app, i especially like the fact you can keep it privet so it’s not about likes/followers. I do however think they could add a few things.
    Such as; the ability to set a time to ‘be real’ everyday (or a time you’re unable to ‘be real’) to avoid missing it due to work / any other responsibilities.
    A band letting you know the if you have missed your ‘be real’ or if you still have one to take today. Add more time in between taking the front facing photo & back facing photo. or allow the user to take each them self, rather than the app flipping the camera and taking the picture.
    Add a flash back mode. Things like ‘a montage of the last week’, ‘a month ago today’, ‘every be real you’ve taken at this location’.
    Adding to this, add the ability to take a short (3sec) video (or) a photo as your ‘be real’ for the day. - This will make the flashbacks / montages better.
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