BeReal User Reviews

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  • Thank you.

    My cousin has recently told me about this app and I have been putting it off for days. That’s probably my biggest regret in life. I have downloaded the app for less than an hour, maybe even 30 minutes. And let me tell you, this app has already changed me. Mentally and physically. It helped me get over my ex, it helped me lose weight, I can even look my brother in the eyes again (we had a pretty big fight). This app makes me, me. So thank you. You are probably wondering why I didn’t give you 5 stars though. You can post anything you want on here. That is not okay. My cousin Lyla is 13 soon to be 14 years old. What if she saw nudes, alc, weed, etc? What would you do than? Please make a update where people supervise what people post. It is needed, not just for lyla, but many other kids out there. This app is a disgrace and horrible. It is why America is the way it is. But thank you, for truly inspiring me, Lauryn Ann Isabella.
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  • Could be better

    I enjoy the app, like most people have said, the spontaneity is a really unique way to avoid glorified posts or unrealistic updates. Similar to most people, it is frustrating working around the glitches and the bugs. It takes forever to upload pictures even when I hop on immediately. I’ve had my pictures change unexpectedly, I showed my friend a selfie of us, then when I uploaded, that picture was gone and was just a blurry photo of the floor, but I hadn’t clicked to retake. And I don’t like that if you aren’t sitting with the app open for the 5-10 minutes it takes to upload, you are said to have uploaded late.
    A final issue I have that is simply personal, I hate when it alerts super late at night. I’m a millennial in a grandmas body, and my geriatric self goes to bed around 8p so I’m always destined to miss out on it if it’s past my bedtime.
    Overall, I do enjoy the app. I enjoy sharing with my friends and seeing what they are up to. I think it has a lot of potential. I’ll patiently wait for the creators to iron out some kinks.
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  • Great concept!

    It’s a great app I just wish there were more time zones!! I read that after all the New Zealanders commented you added East Asia time zone but that’s not even our time zone - please add NZST so it’s not all at 8-9pm that the timer notifies us! And add more times it’s always within the same two hours I’ve noticed or at least this week it has been. Also I’ve been having issues with commenting and putting the face emojis on other peoples pictures - it deletes them and comes up with error messages saying their photo doesn’t exist!
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  • Great idea, CRAZY glitchy

    I just saw that this app was growing in popularity, so I just wanted to try it out to know how it worked, but it’s been surprisingly charming! I love it now, but I swear, every day it’s another insane glitch. Rn it’s almost strobing my My Friends feed from the blurred out “Can’t see this until you post!” and remembering that I already posted. It takes forever to get to the posting page when the alert comes every time instead of showing up immediately, cutting down the amount of time you have to post yours in time, but you also really can’t post in time almost ever because it takes minutes to upload your post. But being able to see what your friends and family are all doing at the exact same moment in the day has been so endearing and just way more interesting than I thought it would be. I’ll keep doing it, but idk if I can keep recommending it to friends bc of how embarrassing the glitching is. Really makes it annoying to use.
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  • Novel, needs work but has great potential

    I love the idea of this app. Social media is a joke nowadays because we curate our posts to appeal to certain aesthetics and create a false reality of what our lives actually look like. Apps like instagram feed into mental illness, making you think you’re not doing enough because other people appear to be living these lavish lifestyles when most of us are spending most of our time just chilling and wearing comfy outfits and being “boring”.

    This app is great because it rebels against this guise of perfect lifestyles and aesthetics. You get a notification at any random point during the day and you’re encouraged to post within two minutes of receiving the notification. It gives a more realistic perspective of what your friends and acquaintances are actually doing on a daily basis and it feels so much more real. I love the idea of this app. This is where I want to see social media go from here.

    There are quite a few bugs that i’ve noticed which is normal for a newer social media app, but it’s nothing that im not willing to work around and wait for new updates to improve the smoothness of the platform, to work out the kinks. Once the app gets a little better in this sense, I would be more than willing to give 5 stars. Other than that, y’all are fighting the just fight. Keep it up.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, thanks for your honest feedback. Be assured that we're doing our best to fix all bugs. Keep enjoying the app.
  • Great app, needs some bug fixes

    I love this app, but recently it has been having some issues with posting that it needs to fix in order to retain its users. The app was working perfectly for the first month and a half I had it, but there have been a lot of issues in the past week. Maybe there has been a massive influx of users recently that have caused these issues, but it has seriously affected the quality of the app.

    For example, recently when I’ve posted, the app is stuck on the “uploading” task and I can only see the posts that people posted the previous day. Today, when I posted it showed me peoples posts from today but when I try to comment or react the posts revert to yesterdays and it says that I need to post a late be real to see the posts. I am not sure why this is happening but it needs to be fixed quickly or these issues will become tiring and prevent me from regularly using the app.
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  • Great idea, not great execution

    The premise of this app is really good and I’ve enjoyed using it. In terms of the features it offers, I really can’t complain. It’s a great way to keep up with friends you haven’t seen in a while without going through the pain of small talk.
    However, the app itself really needs work. Uploading BeReals can take up to 15 minutes even when the photo is taken on time, and when it finally does upload, it tells all your friends that you posted late. Writing captions and leaving comments on friends’ posts often avails nothing except error messages and has to be attempted several times. Also, launching the app from the “2 minutes to post a BeReal!” notification often takes me to my feed instead of the camera, so that I have to force quit and relaunch the app for the camera to appear, at which point I’ve lost maybe twenty seconds I could’ve used to take a photo.
    These issues don’t really stop me from enjoying BeReal, but I don’t want to leave a five-star review for an app which only works properly half the time. Once the issues are patched, I will update accordingly :)
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    Developer Response

    Hello, thanks for reaching out. We encountered some issues with our servers, but be assured, our technical team is working as fast as possible, to fix them. Thanks for your patience and for sticking with us!
  • Work ons

    Think the idea of this app is amazing and has a really good idea to it. But I have just realised after getting all my mates to download it doesn’t work for us. We are all located in New Zealand and you guys only have three time zone options, therefore all of the “random” notifications come through during the night and we can’t do them on time 🥺, would be great if there was a pacific time zone but I guess not . Thought I would let you know that you could have more people using the app if you were more accomodating to the. Rest of the world
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, thanks for reaching out. Please check out the time zones, we recently added East Asia :-)
  • Had its time

    I can’t speak for everyone, but as a Uni student, BeReal was great over Easter break because my friends and I could see what each other were doing. Now Easter break is over, the feed is less interesting and the network is still too new to have an enticing public section.

    I like the urgency of posting- I understand that it’s supposed to give people a healthier idea of what their friends are doing day-to-day, as apposed to mainstream social media which perpetuates users posting only the best, filtered and edited photos of themselves and their lives. This is done through an “on time” and “late” function, but it’s all sort of ruined because I have on more than one occasion sent the photo on time with 4G and full signal or full WiFi, only for the post to take 2+ hours to send. My friends have had similar issues.

    I hope this app can sort out some of its issues, because it’s a much healthier approach to social media- but my friends have started to stop posting and I fear that the hype is already on its way out.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, thanks for reaching out. We encountered some issues with our servers, but be assured, our technical team is working as fast as possible, to fix them. Thanks for your patience and for sticking with us!
  • Glitchy

    I enjoy the concept of the app, but there needs to be a way to allow users to reattempt to upload their photos due to bad service. When I tried to post my photo tonight, it was taking much longer than it should have. After a minute or two, it said that I uploaded the image, but the app kept glitching out. I closed the app to reboot it, and my selfie for today was still there but no longer appeared in my memories. Even though I can see what I posted today on my “My Friends” feed, I am unable to see my friends’ posts and the discover page because the app doesn’t think I posted.

    Isn’t there a possibility to save that photo as a draft for that exact moment in the event the app glitches out so we can attempt to post it again? That would keep the spirit of the app within the moment, but it is not our fault if our internet screws us over.

    While I’m here, I would also like to ask if it would be possible to add a privacy feature where you can set your images to public while setting your location view to friends only. Thanks for reading.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, thanks for reaching out. We encountered some issues with our servers, but be assured, our technical team is working as fast as possible, to fix them. Thanks for your patience and for sticking with us!

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