Random Dice User Reviews

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  • This game has so much potential, not quite realized.

    I don’t think I’ve ever stuck to one mobile game like this one before, and I know that means something. The game strikes a balance of luck and skill, a lot of that skill comes down to knowing how the luck works and how to build your deck around risk vs. reward mechanics, and overall knowledge of the dice in the game. There are some power plateaus around acquiring certain OP dice, but I have never felt that I needed to spend money (nor have I) to advance at a reasonable pace. Like a lot of the player base, their are some valid criticism. The servers, although recently greatly improved still seem very unstable and unpredictable in certain moments. The matchmaking can pair wildly different level of players, but in my opinion that keeps queue times lower which I’m okay with. My main criticism is the lack of detailed information on the dice numbers and mechanics. I think players should be able to see the effects and numbers of dice in more in depth ways. For example, what is the actual value of one 3-dot die compared to three 1-dot die? I have been able to deduce that there are big diminishing returns when you start to combine dice but I would like to know the values. I think this would advance the PvP scene and make players feel more skilled than luck. Thanks for the game!
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    Developer Response

    Hello, this is 111%. We are so glad to hear from you enjoying Random Dice. Currently, we are trying our best to improve many aspects of our game through our players' feedback! Please feel free to contact us and share any experience with us. We promise you to be a better Random Dice! Have a wonderful day:) Thank you.
  • The games pretty good.

    Don’t spend to much time looking at negative reviews, most of what Iv seen are from people who havnt made it far enough in the game to understand it, matchmaking could be a little better and their customer support doesn’t hardly exist, witch is odd bcuz when you buy something it doesn’t standardly give it to you until you get ahold of customer support😅, the games really fun when you first start. Because of that I can’t even think about giving it less then 3 stars however once you get more experienced balancing issues hurt enjoyablity bcuz legendarys are hard to get, sometimes even when you pay. The prices for things are pretty high and that’s awful since it’s the only way you can have more then a handful of legendarys your first month, Iv enjoyed this game a lot the last few months but since I haven’t gotten some of the more op dice the game doesn’t have the same enjoyment. The games so unbalanced even when you have good rng and your opponents have bad to play rng you can still lose the majority of your matchups depending on what they have
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  • Great game ~BUT~

    The game is a ton of fun, to the ppl who are saying there isn’t strategy, y’all need to get good. It’s all very aesthetically pleasing, and the pacing is alright.
    Too many of the dice are not nearly powerful enough to see any play. This makes arena more annoying than fun. In a similar vein, the typhoon dice just CARRIES people through arena. It’s absolutely busted, please nerf it. Also growth and summoner are a tier above basically any other dice purely based on how much SP they put you ahead by in the late game.
    Please make the legend dice easier to find/acquire. There are so many of them that it doesn’t make sense for them to be SO rare, and unless you already have some, getting to a high enough rank to get more/better ones is basically impossible, which means that you put together the best 5 dice you have and grind and grind and pray you open a legend, which gets too repetitive to be fun. And even then, there are good legends (blizzard, typhoon, joker) and terrible ones (supplant, hell, gun, holy sword, just to name a few).
    On that same note, mirror match needs to not be more expensive than the reward. Every single time someone enters a mirror match, the overall amount of gems among all players decreases, and that’s not cool, it makes it harder to progress.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, this is 111%. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with our game. We will do our best to reflect your meaningful ideas in future updates. In addition, we will reward you with more fun of Random Dice through continuous improvement in many aspects of our game! Thanks again for your feedback! Have a nice one :)
  • No customer support

    I would have given 2 stars except for the fact twice now I have tried to purchase dice packs and not received anything even though my was taken out of account. First time it took 7 days for them to respond and all I got was is there anything else, second time was 7 days ago and I still have not heard back from them(they do say it will take 7 days to respond). Match making is broke and if you want to advance you very much need to be cash player ( probably a couple hundred will do it, maybe a little more or less). There is no way to communicate in co-op mode to work as a team so more often then not you don’t get past level 30 ( and that is with cash dice). They don’t communicate with you very well on updates as well, they put fixed bugs often. I also had it not give trophies in pvp mode, not sure if they fixed it or not. It could be a good game to kill some time but it is clear to me they are just trying to get some cash. I am deleting game but wanted to make sure everyone knew to beware spending your cash, because you might not get items. Last thing there server is hit and miss, I have played a lot of games where the other player disconnects and sometimes it takes awhile to log in.
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  • Yep. Definitely random. Most like P2W, too

    Game seems unbalanced. I’ve found a single deck that got me an actual solid amount of wins that didn’t require legendaries. Mighty Wind, Iron, Infect, Mimic, and Sacrifice. There are some neat legendaries that have fun gimmicks, but the ones I finally managed to unlock; Landmine, Hell, and Holy Sword, seem almost useless. Sure the Mines pull through as a last resort but they’re useless once used up.
    I managed to hit Rank 8 but hit a roadblock because now, I hit the Legendary Meta decks. Growth and Assassin. Getting free upgrades while tearing your own deck apart. It throws your hopes of winning off the table if you don’t have decent legendaries.
    I haven’t spent a penny on this game. Watched plenty of ads. Played the events, coop, unlocked many a Card Box from coop. No legendaries. Card Boxes always say they have a chance of one, but never seen one. It’d probably give me another Landmine or some other useless legendary.
    This game will screw you. It’d be nice to have Assassin dice of my own and use them in coop, but PvP has been making it clear I have to pay up. Guess Rank 8 is that paywall. Only reason this gets 2 stars instead of 1 is because some wins were genuinely satisfying.
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  • This Game is... Random

    This game has the potential to be a 5 star game, but there are to many game mechanics that really hold it back. This game is truly random, nothing about this game is skill, that needs some kind of change. Games last due to competitiveness, this game starts to have that until 1/5 dice you out in your deck never appears on the board or is the only one to appear and it’s aggravating because you can’t do anything to beat your opponent due to it. There are 3 legendary dice that if you have you win, growth, joker, and blizzard. These 3 dice will win many games and they take wayyyy to long to get. There are gem challenges in the game, they are wildly unfair. You pay 100 gems which take up to a week of playing everyday to get. You have the choice of 3 dice 5 different times and they could easily all be trash and hard to make a competent deck out of. The opponent you play against could just luckily have better dice and deck. Last issue is with matchmaking. The co-op pvp matchmaking is great, a mix between experienced and new players that you may have to carry. The matchmaking for the gem challenges are wildly unfair you could be a class 3 vs a class 14 which means they have won thousands of more trophies then you and have wildly more experience in game. This needs to change. If these issues can be worked around or fixed this will easily blow up and become a wildly successful and fun game.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, this is 111%. I am sorry to hear you've been experiencing a problem with our game's matchmaking system. Currently, we are working on improving it with many aspects through our data! Thank you so much for sharing your gaming experience. Wish you all the best:)
  • Awesome game but...

    The game is great. I love the concept and it isn’t so slow u get to spend years until you reach higher ranks, neither is it too fast it becomes pointless. A mobile game with no random ad pop ups (unless you choose to watch them for rewards which is a plus) and matchmaking system that pairs you with other players around the globe in a matter of seconds? Is this heaven? Absolutely wonderful, and on top of that the game itself is very much enjoyable. The only reason i gave a 4 star rating is the alliance matchmaking... being a level 9 guy that almost always gets paired with a level 1-3 players that don’t have enough experience to place their properly completely ruins alliance mode for me, and i end up carrying for the sake of getting as many cards as i can. Rarely do i get to be paired with other high level players and those are definitely very enjoyable. Once that matchmaking is fixed and say you get paired with players within 2 levels of your rank (in my case 7-11) i would gladly give the game a 5-star rating. Please fix the matchmaking ✌️
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  • Game insanely awesome

    I have played this game for almost 2 months and I love it, graphics and everything is fine. The game has its flaws like any other game but it is a great time killer for whenever you are bored, if you lose the rage is there which it pushes me to try and beat others on it, however on co-op mode it’s a hassle because sometimes you are not paired with people around you rank and it makes you play with low class people and that’s fine to because I was once someone at a low class but I can’t get passed round 30 and I get frustrated. The drop rate of legendary dices is average, one dices that do bothers me the most is the assassin dice whenever someone uses it on pvp, also the chances of getting the dice you want whenever you combined them either on co-op & pvp is so poor it’s makes the experience of the game poor other than that everything is good, which there were more changes to the game now but I’ll wait on them, thank you for the great game.

    P.s. the connection sometimes to the game is poor and whenever I leave the game for a few seconds and come back it has already quit the game or takes time to log back in
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    Developer Response

    Hello, this is 111%. We are so glad to hear from you enjoying Random Dice. Currently, we are trying our best to improve many aspects of our game through our players' feedback! Please feel free to contact us and share any experience with us. We promise you to be a better Random Dice! Have a wonderful day:) Thank you.
  • Game is fantastic, some small issues (FIXED!!!)

    Let me start by saying I’ve been glued to this game for the past week. I play alliance mode and I can’t tell you how many ads I’ve watched. I don’t have an issue with watching ads to play alliance since pvp is free and alliance gets you solid rewards consistently. I love the gameplay and the different dice. There could probably be a few more game modes, and maybe throw in some events that are free and temporary.

    The biggest issue I have, surprisingly enough, is with the sound. I usually play the game while listening to music. This usually isn’t a problem because I can just turn the music off in the settings. Wrong. The second you start an actual game, the music comes back, and it’s at about 75% when I check after the game. So basically you can’t turn off the music and have to deal with it if you have headphones/bluetooth/aux. if this would be fixed, it’s an easy 5 stars from me. Please fix this. I hate listening to my music in my car over the music in game. Thank you and please keep making great games!

    Edit: developers fixed the issue. The music no longer plays! Thank you guys so much!!!
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    Developer Response

    Hello, this is 111%. We apologize for any inconvenience while enjoying Random Dice. Please contact us through our in-game support system which can be found under [Menu - Settings - Customer Support] so that we can sit tight and solve the issue with you. We promise to do our best to keep up to be better Random Dice in the future. Love and peace!
  • Great game. Could use some upgrades

    This is a really fun game. And actually enjoy it very much. I don’t hardly ever rate or review app games. And I play different ones every month. But I will say I absolutely enjoy what this game has to offer! The ads aren’t bad in this game and don’t take away from the fun of it all. But I definitely would love to see this grow. But I would love to see if you can have new game modes. I mainly play co op and there are 2 feature I would love to see you guys add to this. 1 if it’s possible to have like a 4 player co-op which I personally think would be really fun. And 2 the biggest thing I would love to see you guys do is add friends or players. There has been several times I was match with both low and high ranking players and our decks just clicked and actually felt like we was working as a team and helping each other out. But when you lose you feel a small sadness because there is a small chance you can play with them again. So developers if you can and if you read my review. Would you guys answer if you thought or will add a friend feature and if so maybe messaging along with that? Or an alliance.
    Thank you; and I can’t wait to see the direction you guys take this game!
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    Developer Response

    Hello, this is 111%. We really appreciate you for enjoying Random Dice! If ever run into any issue, please contact us through FAQ, which can be found under [Menu - Settings - Customer Support]; we will get to you soon as possible. And also, we will try keeping up to be more fun Random Dice through constant improvement and updates! Thanks! :D

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