Ultimate Wolf Simulator 2 User Reviews

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  • Suggestions

    Great game, but I’d like to suggest a few things. Perhaps if your wolf is pregnant they could have the possibility of having multiple pups in a litter? Since canines aren’t really known to give birth to just one baby, there could be a chance of having 1-3 pups per litter. And perhaps there could be other worlds to discover alongside the main world? For example, until you reach, say, level 25, you’re stuck in the main forest map with the main 4 bosses. But once you reach level 25 or so, you have the option to explore a whole new map with whole new bosses. Other possibilities of bosses could be: The Earth Spirit, the Wind Spirit, the Nature Spirit, and the Lightning Spirit. Their attacks:
    Earth Spirit: The ground lifts up in certain spots below you, carrying you up and then smashing you down dealing a good amount of damage.
    Wind Spirit: Heavy winds attempt to push you off the floating platform.
    Nature Spirit: Vines sprout from the ground, wrapping you up and constricting you like a snake, dealing a good amount of damage as well.
    Lightning spirit: Huge bolts of lightning shoot down from the sky, and if they strike you, they have a chance of paralyzing your wolf for 15-20 seconds.

    Now, I hope you liked my ideas, whoever’s reading this!
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  • Amazing, but an annoying glitch

    This is a great game and I highly recommend it. The graphics are great, and it runs well (with medium graphic options) and is a big improvement to past simulators.

    However I have come across a glitch which is not game breaking, but is very annoying. It’s that the wolf portraits ( that you use to switch what wolf you are playing as ) has glitched, so one of the wolves isn’t appearing, and there are two pictures of one wolf. Please fix this.

    Apart from this the game is great and I hope you will make higher quality versions of other sims e.g ultimate cat simulator. 😁
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  • Great, but too many bugs

    Overall, this game is a very good one! However, there are many bugs. It is understandable that there are going to be bugs in a newer game, but some of them are too large and too obvious to be looked over and affects the overall game. The boss battles in this game are several elemental spirits. So far, I have beat the earth and water spirit. But every time I come to the fire spirit, glitches occur. In the beginning i would get very close to killing the boss, I would turn and run back to heal a little, turn back and the boss starts over. I was still in complete range of the boos battle, and I was in the range of the bosses fire, but apparently not enough for the battle to continue after five seconds of wait? I continued to fight the boss, but each time I was about a quarter of the way from killing the fire spirit, the game reset. I would give the game benefit of the doubt and say it’s incompatible with my device, but I’ve tried it on several devices now and it does not change. Another glitch occurs after battles with smaller animals. After killing them, I am stuck on the camera setting that only is supposed to exist when a fight occurs. I tried turning on and off locked camera, going to a den, everything. The only way it works is if I leave the game and go back, but then I end up losing some of my game data? Again, this is a really fun game, but the glitches are VERY annoying.
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  • This Game Is Good!

    This game is awesome! I remember playing your Snake Sim and it blew me away! When I see this it just shows me how far you’ve come with your job. However, this definitely needs some fixes. The graphics are strange, it’s really laggy and it looks foggy, why? Was the foggy thing on purpose? If it was may you please make an option to turn it off? Also, sometimes my mate (MAH LEO BOI) doesn’t fight. I’m trying to breed with him but the trust is only at 31%. Your info says that you gain another’s trust by successfully hunting down prey together. If he doesn’t fight and gain my trust, how are we supposed to make pups or something? Everything else is perfect. I thank you for your time if you have read this review. It helps a lot, stay safe with the Coronavirus and I am praying for you guys! Thanks!!

    Edit: I got Leo and I to the right requirements for breeding. But it still says wolves’ relationship must be 70% of blah blah blah. You get it. Why? I’ve tried everything you could think of doing, but it still doesn’t work. Can you please fix this glitch. Thank you.
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  • Resources keep disappearing!!

    I love this game, I know it’s in its early stages and I think it’s great so far. However, sometimes when I open my phone, I cannot find any resources in the game. And sometimes they’re there, but now the resources are becoming harder and harder to bring back. The same thing happens in the ultimate lion simulator. I really want to build but the resources keep disappearing!!
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  • Awesome Game! Here is a Story based on my wolves!

    One day, Silver and her mate, Diamond, where on their way to a lake for a fresh drink of water, when they heard the faint sound of branches cracking. CRACK! Went a branch, close to them. They prepared themselves for battle as a reddish wolf appeared in front of them, looking at them curiously. They settled and stared back. They sniffed each other, and Diamond nodded to Silver. Silver nodded at their cave, then back at the reddish wolf. The reddish wolf barked happily, and joined them in a lake drink. This new wolf was named Eclipse, who apparently had a taste, for well, everything! Each day, Eclipse brought back food at least 3 times a day! They raced and wrestled, fought side by side. Diamond felt as if Eclipse was a step-sister to him. Silver felt as if she was her daughter! They still live together, with Silver leading her pack to this day, living a happy life.
    If you like this, thanks! I’m not a really good writer, but I like to tell stories.
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  • Good, BUT...

    Alright, here we go. Wolf Simulator 2 is a very good game: Hugh quality, amazing hunting and tracking prey system, extremely accurate. But there is a glitch that I would like to address. I was fighting the Fire Spirit (having defeated the Earth Spirit and the Ice Spirit) and I was low on health, so I tried running away, but the button was broken. I died, and I was so close to defeating the boss. Also, with the dodge system, usually when you dodge you don’t take damage, but I still took damage!
    I am extremely angry, and I recommend you look further into this.
    Thank you for reading,

    - Fennic Fox Studios.
    Edit: It appears the bug has been fixed, or my skills just improved! If you did fix this, thanks so much! By the way, maybe make a Cat Simulator 2? Like where you can choose your cat breed and (natural) colours, and coat length! Maybe make it work a bit like Warrior Cats? If you could make this I would actually scream with joy lol, great game!
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  • My story as a wolf...

    When I was a cub,just a newborn, I was blind and deaf. A few days later when I could walk,see, and hear, I heard unusual sound’s. But when I saw what it was I was shaking with fright. My heart pounded fast. My mother ran and attacked what it was but ended up dying the animal was a bear. I rushed to my mom clawing her, yelping, barking, but until I finally realized she was dead. My father heard me and came running. When he saw my mother he paused. He was sad he didn’t want to look but he looked. The sight of mother’s dead body frightened me. My father took me in the den and gave me a kiss. He slept with me. I cuddled with him. The next morning was fun. Butterfly’s were flying, and my dad finally taught me how to hunt. Years passes and I was an adult my father said his last word to me: I love you son... then he left...

    Lesson: always be strong no matter what...
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  • Please do

    Please make a ultimate cat and dog 2 I love how realistic these ultimate games are and yes I
    Of course I absolutely love ultimate wolf 2 and ultimate loin 2 I love them I can not stop playing them and I hope it the creators read this so they can work on a new game and I am doing so good on the second wolf and loin ones I have just got ultimate loin 2 today and I already have a mate and another male and I can’t wait to get a cub and the gluten free games are great for role playing my wolf pack has a very brave leader named gray river and in my Lion pride the leaders name is Lion heart I had loin in his name cus he is a loin and if you have ever herd of the warrior books get them and I’m pretending that my wolf and lion pride are like the warrior books I’m only on the first book thou and I hope you did not X out of this cus it’s so long I just needed to let out my feelings for the game and how good it is and it has no blood if you wanted to now that and I hope you enjoyed reading this bye bye 🐺🦁
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  • Lots of bugs that make the game pretty aggravating.

    I’ve been playing for a while now and I’ve gotten up to about 3 puppies. I noticed a glitch when I had my first puppy, I could see it but I couldn’t play as it, the icon in the corner was replaced with another wolf and I had to banish the puppy and breed them again. When I got to three puppies the glitch happened again and I had to banish all 3, when I went to mate again to make the 3 puppies, the two wolves that always mated suddenly got their pack affinity all the way to 30% and resetting will not fix the glitch. There’s also a walking glitch when you pounce on prey, I pounced on a deer and the screen started freaking out, when I ran away I was walking backgrounds, or the wolf was anyways and the tail was glitching through the head. When prey die, or any animal in the game you can kill, their models go insane and mold the ground, and sometimes my pack members fall through the world and end up in water. The models also get crazy, specially the legs, when you enter small logs(specifically when your wolf is tall) also when climbing mountains the leg glitch happens no matter the height of your wolf. When looking for a pack member, sometimes wolves don’t even have statuses(like the blue status that means they’re friendly) these wolves usually always have the same texture or fur color and usually howl and don’t attack unless you growl at them. Please fix these things
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