Woman Evolve TV User Reviews

Woman Evolve TV
Woman Evolve TV
Woman Evolve Inc.

Top reviews

Quite the necessary Gift to the Body

SJR Chiiillle!!!! Listen Here if You don’t know already the Woman Evolve TV will bless your being! You will get more than an edifying word (& that alone is enough). There’s the Conference accessibility, Conversation, Real Talk, Encouragement, Laughter, Fashion, Devotion and The Delegation!!! What more is SJR going to do—I’m here for it!!! SJR and the Woman Evolve TV is EVERYTHING to modern day biblical womanhood! Chiiiilllle it will bless your life from 16 to 106!
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New User

I've just signed up for Women Evolve TV and all i can say is I'm addicted! After listening to one teaching (multiple times) I can't wait for the next one. I don't think I've ever been this "greedy" for the word. I needed this avenue to feed me especially while at work and on travel! Thank God for u!!!❤️❤️❤️. Looking forward to watching the conference on line😁 since I can't make it too Denver😩
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Thank you!!

I just wanted to inform you that there are people out here admiring everything you do! Not to judge you or give negative feedback, but to one day be like you! You’re a role model in my life, please continue to walk the pavement for woman like me! You’re my long lost best friend that I never knew but feel connected to by the most high! Thank you for your preaching, books, conference, podcasts, live videos and etc! I wish you nothing but GREATNESS! And thank you as well Mr. Toure’ Roberts you set a great example of an husband I plan to have one day!

Antanisha Hughes ❤️
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Amazing platform!

I absolutely love woman evolve TV!

Great platform to watch life changing content, Connect with sisters around the world and get insight in our sister + BFF in our heads, Pr. SJR!

LOVE IT! I definitely recommend you subscribe!

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