Creaks User Reviews

Amanita Design s.r.o.

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  • Bravo👏🏻👏🏻

    I👏🏻LOVE👏🏻THIS👏🏻GAME👏🏻! The adventure, the puzzles, the comedy.... ALL OF IT! I enjoyed the creepy vibe. Not only was there a story within the story with the paintings, but the little side games was very amusing! I especially enjoyed that there wasn’t hints available. I loved that I had to figure it out without help. I could not put this game down at all. Even when I know I needed to, I wanted to keep going. Sometimes you had to though and come back because of the difficulty of the puzzle but that’s the thing. It always had me coming back and wanting more. I was very sad when I knew the ending was near. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication into perfecting this game.
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  • Absolutely Amazing

    I really loved the animation style and gameplay and found the story line quite nice. The puzzles were quite complex and really forced me to think before acting. Perhaps my favorite part was the background music and how it matched with the gameplay and especially the little twinkles that play every time I finished a task properly felt really rewarding, which was a welcome surprise in the world of gaming.

    My brother played it on our AppleTV as well and really enjoyed it, although he experienced quite a few crashes while playing, though nothing that messed up his gameplay as autosaving was frequent enough that he never lost any progress. On the PC side of things though, the game was flawless and I will be recommending it to any of my friends with Apple Arcade.
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  • I say yes

    This game is challenging and has puzzles that require logic and thinking. Don’t say, “I can’t beat this stage” because you might come up with something to do that you haven’t thought of before. Just get inspiration from other reviews. Some people who left the reviews have done all the stages and know what to do, so they would sometimes leave it in their review. It dosen’t get harder and harder. It just requires logic and puzzle solving skills. If you want an adventure game with sketched graphics and puts your logic and puzzle solving skills to the test, this is for you. Unless you are a coward because this game is kind of creepy. Living furniture? Monsters? Creaks? Scary music? Just one is okay, but all of them is not for the faint hearted. As long as you know ghosts don’t exist and your furniture will not come to life, you are fine to play this. Just don’t play this too much, you will believe everything there is in this game exists in real life if you do. But this is a fantasy game. Nothing in this game can happen in real life. Well, most of it. Play now!
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  • Delightful

    Easily my favorite game made by Amanita Design, and their previous games were not easy to beat! It’s their most ambitious game yet, with an amazing amount of content that feels like it will never end. Just when I’m starting to figure things out, a new mechanic is introduced that upends everything. The puzzles have a few tedious moments, but overall nothing is too easy or too hard. The art and story are magnificent, with a spooky atmosphere, plenty of hidden details, and no need for words. Can’t wait to see what they’re developing next!
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  • Simple yet magnificent

    A lot of Arcade games try to hit on console-level complexity only to deliver a “meh” experience. Creaks doesn’t do that: it takes a simple story with virtually no dialogue and beautifully tells it through a gorgeous art style, just-tough-enough puzzles and a uniquely textured soundtrack.

    In fact, I think textured pretty well describes the game overall: it’s essentially a 2-D scroller, but every corner of the world is hand-drawn and has a distinct “feel.” Puzzles and enemies never got repetitive, and instead struck a delicate balance of challenging and satisfying that kept me coming back for more.

    There’s whimsical humor in the tiny details of paintings and cinematics. The world truly feels expansive, with lore and mystery added with every level. Even the characters, none of whom utter a word, each feel distinct and, well, textured.

    This feels exactly like the kind of game that Apple Arcade promised to deliver when it launched. And boy, did it deliver on Creaks.
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  • Definitely the best Arcade game, to date

    When I started this game, I was rather dubious that I would like it. However, it really sucked me in, to the point that I ended up playing through the entire thing in under two days. I do wish it was longer, but you can’t really complain about that, given the cost of Arcade, and the number of titles you have access to. Even though some puzzles appear frustrating at first, the level of challenge is close to perfect, so that you feel a sense of accomplishment as you progress. It felt good to exercise the brain a little, and I enjoyed the weird art style. Highly recommended.
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  • I’m getting bored

    Huge fan of these devs. I bought into Apple Arcade just to play the previous release which did not disappoint and then ended my subscription. Today, I saw this game and immediately signed up again. Unfortunately, it’s not like the others. I’m iabout 30 minutes into the game and it’s becoming a little tiresome doing the same tasks over and over. And the controls are not perfect, it’s hard to stay consistent controlling direction and action. Additionally, although gorgeous, the desaturated environment makes it hard to see light switches, floor holes, and even the dogs. Playing on iPhone 11 Pro Max. It’s not terrible, just getting a bit repetitive.
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  • Best of Arcade so far

    I’ve loved Amanita for so long, and joined Arcade when I saw they had a new game. This one is so much fun and so thoughtful. It’s a great game for a new player, because they don’t try to trick you or hide anything. There are no alternate choices, you move straight through the game as you progress so you don’t have to wonder if you’ve missed anything. And there are no stupid ways to die, you don’t constantly fall off a cliff say, because you keep getting too close on accident. The game just keeps you from wasting time so you can devote all your thought to solving puzzles. And the puzzles are fabulous. They are so incredibly clever, I don’t know how people come up with this stuff. Every time you’re thinking “there’s no way!” But then you think of something you haven’t tried yet, and make progress. It’s a very consistent game - if you like it in the beginning, you’ll like it in the end, and it doesn’t necessarily get harder and harder as you go. Just more clever. It’s a very special game. The sound design and music are incredible. And best of all, like all of Amanita’s games, it’s a narrative on some level so it’s that much more emotional to actually finish it. I hope these developers are richly rewarded for their efforts and can publish again soon! Not soon enough!
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  • Amanita does it again.

    Seasoned gamers have played through variations of these button/switch/pressure-plate puzzle games before, but probably none quite like Creaks. Amanita brings excellent dynamic music, subtle humor, fantastic art, and coherent, wordless storytelling to the genre.

    I was a little unsure when I started the game because I thought it was going to be standard puzzle fair (and I am a bit burnt out on this genre of games) but I quickly became engrossed in the game's world. Every little detail captured my interest and really compelled me to finish.

    PS: This is my second favorite game by this team... I'm not sure how they could top Botanicula. (Definitely play that one, too!)
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  • First time reviewing a game

    I just finished creaks as it was my first Apple Arcade game. I have never been much of a gamer but this one was a lot of fun and entertaining! Also I loved the artwork, sound effects and story. It was like being in an Edward Gorey painting. I loved how it’s creepy in a fun way, and the puzzles were challenging enough but still easy to figure out once you saw the patterns. I love the music and how it would change positively once you reached the next point in the puzzle.. like a little extra clue you knew you were doing what you’re supposed to! 10/10 would play again.
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