Hot Lava User Reviews

Hot Lava
Hot Lava
Klei Entertainment Inc.

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  • The parents, dude

    Um…well, I love the art and the time it took to detail all the levels. don’t get me wrong, I love it. BUT WHAT THE FLUFF IS WRONG WITH THE PARENTS?!??!? One, you can hear them arguing on the basement level. Two, you can find bottles of BEER and ash TRAYS for smoking. IS THIS A KID GAME?! ARE YOU ISANE? Why don’t you just add O.J Simpson?!?!! That would make it better?! (I am so sorry right now I do truly love your work and I’m sure you worked hard on this and this might be based on your life but my DUDES!) Also, can you add some knock of FAMILY MATTERS? I want to see Steve Urkel up there,
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  • This game is AWESOME! 🔥

    I love this game! When I first got it, I was pretty bad at it, but I practiced a lot and it’s super fun! I love how you can unlock and buy stuff to customize your character, and you can choose which character to play. I like the challenge of this game too. There are also many maps to play with many courses. This game is really fun to play, but you have to get used to the controls first. I play on my iPad, and sometimes you accidentally don’t hit the jump button when you want to. Overall, this is a great game and you should definitely get it! 💯

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  • Ok but…

    The game has so many levels and cool objects and art but I wish there were more levels and that the last level on each one is chase the sister it is so hard she moves so fast and there are no check points when you fall on chase the sister you have to start over and they really rub it in your face when you fall it shows with your palm pointing up at the sky and your fingers pointing up. When you finish a level if you did not complete it fast enough you have to redo it before you can to the next level it is so frustrating.
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  • I’m not new..

    Hello there, I am McKinley, one or two years ago, I started without a controller. When I tried to play, it just wouldn’t function. So, basically I… uninstalled it. But, I’m back now! The game has had so much progress, from not even playable to, actually pretty fun. I just started an hour ago but I need rest.. Thanks for improving this game. I really hoped you would one day. You changed so much things, and now.. it’s a freaking, masterpiece! Good job. I know, one day you’ll have millions, or billions of players, and when that day comes, I’ll be apart of this game. From an old friend.
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  • A magnificent game, although? Please Read

    When I got this game it was the best game I ever played. Still to this day it is. Although when I first played the game I was able to play alongside my brother. Now it just doesn’t give me the option to play online multiplayer anymore. I tried uninstalling the app 7 times and I still didn’t get the online option. If you’re able to. Please get back to me so I can enjoy this fantastic game with my brother.
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  • Great game but could use a few more things

    So I have a few suggestions, So you know how there are things that you can put on your arms and chest or back? Well I was thinking that there could be things that you can put on your legs like how there is laser Night helmet and blue laser blade and laser Night armor, There should be A laser night accessory that can go on your legs etc. it would make the game a whole lot better
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  • Great game but a few problems

    This game is super great! I downloaded this game because a friend recommended it to me I love it! It really is nostalgic and super addictive. However there is one or two problems that I can’t quite get past in order to actually play the game first of all in the video they make it seem so easy to jump from place to place and slide on the slime walls but really in reality it’s quite hard to jump slide and do all of the cool stuff that is done and videos. Also there are levels that just don’t make sense I don’t know if it’s a glitch but no matter what I do I can’t get to get past the meat grinder level. the wall is literally blocked off it’s impossible to reach anything and the other worlds are super cool but it’s hard to collect anything in there except for mysteries which is kind of lame. Thanks for a great game and if you could fix these problems I think it would be the best Apple Arcade game.
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  • Fun!

    So… this is a pretty fun game. I just have one suggestion for the AR mode that would be nice.
    Would you guys look into options for removing the game controls on the screen for screen recording? There are times when I want to take a screenshot or video of an AR world that I’ve created, but the controls are in the way. It would be really great if I could somehow hide them for screen recordings or screenshots. I have several other games that allow me to do this and it’s really nice. Thanks!
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  • PLEASE READ!!!!!!!

    So I LOOOOVE THIS GAME!!!! But I got really ripped off here’s how. So I saved up for months to get a effect. And pinny and Ricky grossglobe was there so I didn’t like Ricky but his card said when he comes to play you get all the other grossglobes in hand! And I saw some other ones in a comic and I loved some of them!!! So I spent all my tickets on Ricky but guess what..nothin and now I’m stuck with no tickets and a effect I don’t like. Please give me a refund if you can because I love this game and I’d play more if I didn’t feel so bad about my choice because I thought it was literal. Thanks!
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  • Hot lava great 👍

    I love this game it has so many fun things to do and I am glad that there is a new update because I was getting bored I only have one complaint I can’t change my skin I am stuck in the same one, my sister has the same problem so I think that it is not just me. Other then that I think it is a great game I would have given it five stars but the skin thing through me off. I would still suggest for anyone to play this.
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