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  • The state of reality

    I am feeling at the bottom lows of my life at the moment. I am stuck here in Singapore and I can’t bring my wife back to Perth, Western Australia. We need God’s Divine Providence to allow us to live back in our matrimonial home. In Jesus name we pray.
  • Love

    This is the #1 thing God left His disciples to do. Of course other things are important, but love greatly satisfies my soul. I am truly still trying to find what God want me to do. No matter what I do or give it never seems enough. I know it is only in my head I guess. But why does it still linger? I know God will show me in His time because I have a problem with patience. Thus I feel God is teaching me patience along with whatever plans He has for me. The first thing I really feel deep in my soul is love Amen

    THE ONLY WAY I enjoy this life is knowing that God will always be there for me. And He has NEVER let me down. If you don’t know Jesus, our Savior whom God sent to be crucified so we may have a chance at life, the greatest thing you can ever do is ask God to send the Holy Spirit to you. No way will you regret it, you can only gain a new life if you want to live forever in the Kingdom with God. No one said it will be easy. But no matter what you go through in life call upon the Master to carry you when S you feel like you have no one else and God will ,I promise I be there in HIS time for you! God bless all and nothing but love here❤️❤️ Amen
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  • this is awesome and can possibly help repent sin

    this can repent sin and temptation and stop the devil. stop living for the world and say you will choose god later, CHOOSE HIM NOW. you know how many people make plans for tomorrow but dont make it to tomorrow? that happens everyday. you dont know the amount of people that have died living for the world before god or how many people die everyday. you would say ill choose god later but if those skys open. your soul will be ripped out and taken. fear god, for the seven trumpets and judgement day is terrifing, do you know noahs story? probably not but, ill tell you. months or weeks went and people started to forget god, so god told noah he would drown humanity and to build a boat and bring a pair of each animal with his family, and god gave him the blueprint and he built it. along with food. his neighbors heard the noise of animals coming in and shook their heads in disapproval. but little did they know they would drown it flooded for months and noah let out a bird. it came back with nothing. weeks later he did it again and it came back with a stick, noah knew the water was reducing. he did it again the the bird didnt come back. he opened the arks door and it was dry, note this it took months and months for it to dry. and god told him to release the animals.
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  • .

    I love this app it sends notification and it has so many messages prayers that u can pray everyday and I really love it and it reminds me to pray everyday and distract me from singing when it sends a notification it is amazing. commended a lot
  • Verses of the day

    I really love reading my verse of the day everyday. I try not to miss a day reading the verse of the day. When I read the verses it gives me joy, happiness, understanding & most of all, PEACE. I’m glad that I am able to read verses of the day. My hope is that you continue to share these verses. Thank you, Cornelia When I read the verses of the day, it really picks up my spirit. I can fill down and then once I read the verse, I’d look at life in a different perspective. So I will continue to read it as long as you provide it financially, I am a little low on funds. Once I get in a better financial situation, I will definitely send something to support the verses of the day. Thank you for providing these verses and have a blessed day. Cornelia.
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  • Serving Christ not man.

    This hit home for me. Serving has all rewards through Christ but no rewards with man. He is not of this world but satan is in control if I allow him to be but I am under the protection and the Blood Of Christ and chose Him over the worldly way. Father Hod, Jesus, thank you for standing next to me and taking my hand and guiding me on the righteous path because I was on the unrighteous road to eternal death. I wish to be with you and please you not man. Help me to be steadfast in my walk with you and always see you next to me. Thank you for carrying me when I could not walk, thank you for loving me still even when I was in sin, thank you for your forgiveness and love for me when i feel so unworthy. Thank you for calling me your daughter when I don’t deserve you but you say I am still loved by you. Help me to be better, according to your will Jesus , Father God.
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  • Helpful

    I was going through a lot with being laid off for 11 months . It was so hard to have hope and believe things would get better . I was mad at myself and people around me. But most of all the jobs I would apply to and keep getting rejected over 300 rejections. My unemployment ran out and and maxed out my credit card and my checking account was down low. I needed inspiration,motivation something that would help my mind and give me encouragement. So I came across this app and it made me realize how easy it is to believe in the positive as the same as the negative. We rather believe wholeheartedly in the negative as truth but the possibility of god we doubt. But all things are possible through god just trust that no matter what it looks like god with work it together for your good. Mo matter what man does or says to come against you .
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  • Deacon Leroy Handy

    At the present we are without a pastor. Our pastor went home to be with the Lord January 6, 2023. We have this young minister that has been preaching at our church since the passing of our pastor. This young preacher is anointed, and a gifted teacher. We members just love him. And I am encouraged through the scriptures that I have received thus far that God will give this young preacher to us for pastor. I am asking your staff to join with us in prayer asking God to grant our request of this young preacher for our pastor. Thank you, and may God bless. Thank God, and thank you for your prayers. As a result of yours and our prayers, the Lord grant our request. That young Man that I text you about is now our Pastor: his name Robert E. Gaines SR. He has been a God sent. We are so thankful to God for answering our prayers. The short time he has been there has given us hope and inspiration. We are so happy and hopeful for the future of Logtown Missionary Baptist Church. A church with a rich history, organized in 1865, and it has been on the march every since. Thank you for praying with us for God to give us this young man to us for a pastor. We are so blessed.
    Things are still going good. We are continuing to pray that God will continue to our pastor the visions for Logtown under his leadership. Satan is attaching the church on every hand, but we refuse to let him in to “steal, kill and destroy”. We rebuke him in the name of the Lord.
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  • Holy Bible

    I love this Bible study. I look forward to reading it every morning and reading it every night. And growing in the trivia knowledge. It is challenging and I love it when I know the answer.
  • Giving my praise

    Thanks for lifting me up. I give my thanks to to Savior and Jesus Christ for allowing me to read your scripture 🙏🏾 I think you, father God for waking me up to see another day watching over us through the night in Jesus name I pray Amen Thank u Jesus for another day Praying for all my children in the name of Jesus Forgive me for my sins Thank you Jesus for another day watch over my four children all my grandchildren sisters and brothers my children’s fathers all my family and friends continue to watch over me in the whole world Amen Lift all my children up in the blood of Jesus Keep me and and everyone lifted up in your name sake Help me Father God to get my finances together and keep allowing me to put food on our table Bless all my family Amen I pray 🙏🏾 Thank you Jesus for another day Lift my son in Law up Galand Lawis is Jesus name heal he’s leg touch my children and grandchildren Lay your hands on all my siblings me and my children’s fathers Amen Dear Lord stop my child from stealing from me and disrespecting me in your name sake I don’t need to be disrespected God I thank you for another day Amen I give my praise to you Father God to see this beautiful Sunday Thank you Jesus for watching over me and my children and grandchildren all my family and all over the world Amen
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