Diablo Immortal User Reviews

Diablo Immortal
Diablo Immortal
Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

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  • Great potential HORRIBLE CASH GRAB

    After playing beyond campaign and attempting to gear up. It would appear the only way to get anywhere is to PAY. I’ve played a plethora of mobile games and the in App Purchases can get a little wild. But, this one is just horrendously bad. There is always two ways to get to the top. Grind or pay. Not this one. With loot caps and crafting caps this game does not make the cut in my opinion. I was so excited about this game. Now I understand why this game was Boo’d in Blizzcon when it was announced. It’s the microtransactions that kill a great game. I think most would like to see some fairness for the folks that do not have deep pockets to have a chance. Stop the greed. Aside from that the game is aesthetically pleasing and smooth gameplay, good story. Thanks for reading :) I hope the devs are listening/reading to peoples reviews. UPDATE: calling it quits after playing this game for a month and now season 2 is out. I can clearly see it is another South Korean/Chinese wannabe diabloesk game. Only this one is Diablo. No more will to want to play. It’s a game you can NEVER be powerful and will be at the bottom. Unless you spend a grip of $$$. It’s repetitive too. Same things same dailies same spamming moves. This game is just Blah with smooth graphics.
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  • Pay to progress

    My original thoughts on this game was that it was fun and solid. Once I reached end game content progress halted. The system they set up is strictly paywall to progress forcing you to buy packs and currency to buy end game legendary gems. You get starter gems throughout but later realize the ones you need for builds to progress difficulty can only be purchased and the gems are random so it’s very much like playing a slot machine that is rigged. Players on the leaderboards have definitely spent a substantial amount to get the gear needed to be on them. Man people have done the math and it takes a large some of cash to get lucky enough to get the end game loot needed to progress.

    Even grinding becomes extremely slow and you need to run a single dungeon dozens of times to get a set piece which becomes obsolete a few paragon levels later. This is not a typical Diablo game in the sense end game is fun. The enemies scale with your level and does not leave you satisfied with the time you’ve spent on getting gear. This is definitely a cash grab and I now understand why it’s banned in some countries.

    I won’t be recommending this to anyone and have since stopped playing. I suggest Diablo fans wait until Diablo 4 is released and pass on this gambling simulator.
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  • Dollar Dollar Bills

    I wanted to like this game. I actually enjoyed it initially and wanted to support it. I’ve loved Diablo forever. The initial story was pretty decent, even though it just felt like playing D3 with minor changes in a not so great port. When you get into the later levels and realize leveling is slowed down, caps on loot drops, every little thing designed to push you into spending $, and buying power is the only real power, especially if you want to PVP on top of misleading or hidden odds and feeling like nothing more than a scam you’ll be over thinking the repetitive story is decent. The voice acting was good, that’s about the only positive thing I have left to say. After 3 weeks of grinding like mad and spending too much money just to get nothing in return I decided I’d had enough and even requested refunds from apple knowing I’d never get to play again. But even with all the predatory manipulation and hidden scam tactics in Immortal feeding and creating gambling addiction - apple refused refunds as well saying none of my issues were viable complaints. I guess Blizzard gets to cash in just as planned, and after 4 months on iPhone I’m going back to Google/Android ASAP, I’ve never in my life had such an absurdly poor experience over a mobile app or support.
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  • Set Items Deserve Essence Extract and Inherit

    I’m a day one player. I’m perfectly fine with whales and krakens buying thousands of dollars worth of Legendary crests to get max quality 5 star gems and then duking it out with each other to be the Immortal and nuking me in battlegrounds. I like the game and don’t aspire to be The Immortal. My most important piece of feedback is that I LOVE the Legendary essence extract and imbue system. I don’t know where or when my next upgrade is coming from, but I know that when (eventually after much grinding) I can use it and try out different builds for different things. But with green set items, I can’t do that and I hate it. You red pilled me with the legendary system. Do it for green set items please. Grinding Tomb of Fahir is tolerable about 15 times. After that, I want to be done for the week with Tomb of Fahir. But I feel like I have to keep doing Fahir because that is where my hands drop from. And when they finally drop after 50 runs, there is a very high chance the stats are too low to wear. And with how important getting Combat Rating up is, you basically must focus first on Combat rating instead of set bonus (doing half damage against monsters with 10 CR higher than you makes a 15% damage set buff meaningless if it’s combat rating is too low)
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  • Absolute Trash

    This game is the most stupid game I’ve ever played. I will tell you why from two different perspective. First of all, for those people who want to play this game without spending much, you will most likely get mild to severe depression within two weeks. The game is free to everyone so why would you end of getting a depression? Because you will realize your character is going to be trash no matter how much time you spend in this game. Ironically that’s also why this game is also garbage for people who spend several thousand dollars. I spend more than 5k in this game but I only play this game less than an hour a day. There’s no much to play other than grinding for legendary or set items but you will only get 2-3 of these in 1 hour and most of them are trash (with trash stats and magic skill). So like I said, it doesnt matter how long you play this game. For both f2w or p2w players, they have to continuously spend ridiculous amount of money to get stronger. Unless you want to spend over half million that you can spend in this game, I don’t recommend playing this game. This is purely made for Chinese and the Blizzard don’t and won’t care what Americans think about this game. If you want to give it a shot, do not spend anything, just hit level 60 and quit.
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  • Solid Foundation Ruined by Greed

    It’s unfortunate that Diablo Immortal has a horrible monetization system. The base gameplay is actually fun (it feels like a slightly worse variation of D3 when it comes to combat) but it lacks much of what makes a Diablo game good. The devs have installed soft/hard caps on many things in the game, which lock players from progressing in power. The only way to truly and continuously power up is by spending money.

    Some of the design decisions are also really bad. They also made all content in the game require parties but given how awful the CP system is (none of your stats matter other then getting bigger numbers overall) it’s hard to find parties. Everyone is running around at different CP levels and given how CP is the only thing that matters it makes partying up a chore. The player base is leaving and finding parties for content is getting harder.

    This game had a lot of potential (on launch I had it at 5 stars) but greed and systems that prevent players from increasing power without spending money have ruined it. They don’t update the game with new events (we have one event coming after over a month and half) and the battle pass is the same every month. I recommend playing something else with better dev management (more frequent updates and content drops) and a better system that doesn’t prevent you from powering up without spending money.
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  • Buyers Remorse

    This game plays well as a mobile app. This is the reason for the high star rating. This game will take a few hours a day from you at very specific times of day if you are wanting to keep up with events and other players. For those who f2p this game provides loads of time for you to grind away in pve. For whales willing to spend thousands of dollars this game provides opportunities for you to destroy other players in pvp. (If xp wasnt tied to pvp I dont think I would have played my 3 games daily.) I’m more of a casual spender that put in $60 the first month. It wasn’t worth it imo. For the prices Blizzard charges you get very small and incremental increases in your combat rating. The monotony of the grind was very unrewarding. Like many players, I have been playing Diablo games since they first released the original. I am unimpressed by this iteration of the game. Blizzard has been on a path of being tone def to its player base for a very long time and it looks like the could care less about what they are doing as a business. I was hoping to rekindle my early years of playing Diablo but this wasn’t the case. I recommend checking out the game but also encourage players to pause before they spend their money. At this time I have uninstalled this game. Not sure that I will revisit it again.
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  • Great game but space issue concerns along with battery drain usage

    Decent gameplay. Dislike the fact of the monetization. Am f2p an have made it to paragon 37 (Dae) on worldstone server without spending a dime. Will admit it was a rough grind to progress. Also some quest an later difficulties require ya to be in a group of 4 as a minimum. Got stuck a few times with contracts an so on because nobody was doing same thing or I had them to be party leader instead of myself otherwise it would say that other member don’t meet reqs. Also not sure if this is a mobile concern, but get kicked countless times from server in middle of things. Annoying. I’d like to see trade expand, least inside warband. Yet fear it will be exploited like we have seen prior with drop hacks from ole D1 an D2. May I also suggest bot detection?? Lot of afk farmers. With all the pop ups.. ya can see if they actively playing or not already just from interaction. If no interaction, devour with an elite😏 Would be nice to hear some feedback on reviews so we can feel like someone is listening to the ones that pay for the content an in game purchases 🤓
    Also, the updates after maintenance is ridiculous. I have to basically spend 4hrs redownloading every single resource file again
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  • Will destroy your device, will steal you money.

    Precursor: your battery is rated for ‘X’ number of charge cycles. I have an iPhone 13 pro. This game consumed 60% of my battery in less than an hr. This means if I were to play 3 hrs a day, I would need to charge my phone 3 times a day on top of the normal everyday use of once every other day. This means I will be charging my phone 6 times more often. Which in turn means I will degrading my battery 6 times faster. so unless you plan on buying a new device every year, do not play this game on mobile. Edit: I played the game from release. I even put some money into the game, about $200 usd. But when I checked my bank account, they had charged me an extra $100 listing packs that I did not buy, nor did I receive. I put in a ticket for them to refund me. They told me that I need to go though apple as that’s who I made my purchases with. Apple was more than happy to refund me. Then my account get put into the negative and locked. My original support ticket is still open, so I ask why they locked my account. They tell me I charged back packs that I received. This is in the same ticket that they told me to do the refund in! I never received these packs. So I refunded everything. I don’t know if this issue was blizzards or netease, either way the game is not only predatory, but also actively trying to scam you.
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  • Good for a mobile game, PVP is for the rich.

    When comparing this to D2 or D3 this game is a travesty that’s gonna get people to hold up on getting D4 just cause of the heavy P2P mechanics and grinding caps. You should not bother with PVP in this game at all unless you’re gonna dual wield credit cards. If you stick with PVE you won’t need to break the bank much but grind caps will make you annoyed with progression slowdowns. Seriously Blizz, you completely missed the point of Diablo series that allured fans UNFETTERED GRINDING! PVE you will still need to whip out a credit card cause really the only thing that progresses a character is upgrading legendary gems which are only procurable to purchasing legendary crests in the store. That one legendary gem drop a month ain’t gonna fly.

    Diablo series has never been good with pvp historically and it only gets worse with immortal cause it’s purely “he who blows out credit cards the most wins.” I’ve spent 200 bucks and it feels like I haven’t done jack to my character. Just like every other mobile game out there. I kid you not if you wanna complete, not only do you need to spend but spend big. Like “buying a car big.”

    Overall this game is one of the best in the mobile market but has done irreparable damage to the title with supplementing grinding with spending.
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