Diablo Immortal User Reviews

Diablo Immortal
Diablo Immortal
Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

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  • Amazingly detailed and fun

    This game is beautifully done. The graphics are fantastic and the depth of the campaign and number of available quests/challenges is incredible. That all being said, there are loads of bugs causing audio cut-outs, others that cause frequent disconnects/reconnects (including DURING raids, which is obviously a major problem), others that cause the character to be unmovable, and many others (too many to mention here). Then there’s the largest problem of all, which is that Blizzard has implemented caps for XP and Battle Points for each day/week which cause players to be unable to level beyond a point without taking MASSIVE penalties in XP gains, all while allowing what many of us call “whales” to spend upwards of $50,000 real money to obtain 5-star legendary gems for all of their gear, boosting their resonance beyond 3000 and making them effectively invulnerable to all attacks, especially due to the fact that because of the caps we can’t level to a point that would allow us to output enough damage to stand a chance against such players. Blizzard needs to get rid of the caps and figure out some way to nerf the “whales”, because nobody wants to PVP against them because there is no chance you can win.
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  • Finally a mobile game done right!!

    End game is a little stagnant. You grind the same things over and over again which gets monotonous fast. I still enjoy the game and plan to give it a bit longer and see if they add anything that keeps me coming back for me… events, items to collect, crafting. Something besides grinding for a handful of gear.

    Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! This game is amazing!! I would say it’s great for a mobile game but it’s just great for a game, period! I have tried every mmorpg on the App Store looking for something to fulfill my gaming addiction after moving to an area with no internet and being unable to play world of Warcraft. Except satellite so… like I said no internet and every game has been severely lacking until this one. This game has everything. Great graphics, great items, lots to keep me busy. I’m not very far into it so I’m hoping endgame isn’t a letdown and I’m still able to find things to keep me busy but I have a good feeling about it. Oh and idk whose bright idea it was to keep autoplay out of it but I love you!!! I could have cried from happiness when I realized autoplay wasn’t gonna take over and leave me fighting to turn it off every few minutes. I genuinely think autoplay is the worst feature in any game. I’ll definitely be paying for the extra items and doing my part to keep this game funded! If this is the start I look forward to seeing the future of this game!!
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  • Best Mobile Game I’ve played yet!

    I gotta say I really love this game. I haven’t tried it yet on PC so I can’t speak for that aspect but for Mobile phones this game is phenomenal! It reminds me of playing WOW for the first time almost because there are so many players on doing stuff and that you can randomly meet and group up with. Fair warning I wouldn’t personally buy into the micro transactions bc some moron streamer tried to max a char in less than a month and wasted $25k like a moron in the process doing so. If you want to be completely maxed out on every single item and gem stupid fast and without it you won’t enjoy the game then definitely don’t play this. But if you loved Diablo 3 or others in the series and enjoy a good story and free to play Diablo style combat with just some amazing gear options and how you can swap gems and ranks of gear between items of the same slot without any cost instantly is fantastic. Extracting the legendary essence from awesome legendaries and then being able to reapply them over another legendary item’s skill of the same slot is amazing too…just gotta extract the legendary once and you can apply it as many times to new ones as you want. Honestly just amazing! I really love this game so far! I haven’t beaten the entire campaign just yet. Think I am at the last boss now but I’m like Paragon rank 8 already and it’s been a ton of fun!
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  • Hello

    This game is so great & fun you lv up kinda fast in the game & you don’t gotta spend money to have fun if you grind you can get everything that you need it takes time. I am happy we can play with a remote you can do a lot of things to lv up side mission other side mission the bar missions Dungeons rift can ya add more story to this game it would be nice another thing can ya put deferent mood in pvp would be great. Like regular team death match. Ones you get to lv60 the game gets even better more things to do you can play for hours & wont get bored at all. This game is not pay too win because nobody attacks you when you play outside the world and that’s a big plus everybody can get along no bullying other weaker players ya did a great job with that.. I think this is one of the best games to lv up fast when you grind you can spend money if you like… the only thing the prices is kinda expansive but you get alot off free good equipment & the battle pass is pretty good to spend the money on it. I have not had any problem just when my phone gets hot the game lags a little sometimes it don’t let me attack until a few seconds. The other great thing it do not attack by itself or is not auto play now that’s a big plus. Keep up the great work hopefully ya put more story moods to play thos was good.
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  • They could have made a lot of money but a lot wouldn’t have been enough

    Blizzard's web site has a statement of their values. Under "Gameplay First", it says: "Everything we do at Blizzard Entertainment is based on the success of the gaming experiences we provide our players. The goal of each discipline within the company -- be it art, programming or customer support -- is to make our games as fun as possible for as many people as we can reach."

    Diablo Immortal is a violation of that mission statement. This is a game where they made gameplay juuuuust good enough that you could witness the genuinely enjoyable gameplay you could get if you pay them money, constantly. The guys throwing down tons of money are getting the "games as fun as possible" experience. The guys not throwing money are getting a "games just good enough" experience. And what a shame. This is a well crafted, beautiful, and enjoyable game except for the ridiculously excessive monetization. I bought X-Com 1 & 2, and Civilization 6 for my iPad, happily. They devs of those games didn't have anything on their agendas but "make it awesome." Blizzard could have done that. They could have charged us what they'd have charged for a full Diablo game. They could have said, "the opening is free but each subsequent chapter is a purchase" (like Space Marshalls does). But instead they said, "all those really terrible PTW games out there?... let's see if we can out-do every one of them."
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  • Great game under the hood but…

    I’ve been playing Diablo since the early Diablo 2 days. Loved the franchise, spent many hours on the game. Diablo Immortal is a great game under the hood but it is very heavily predatory when it comes to micro transactions. Now, I haven’t yet ran into a paywall myself. I am paragon 17 as of writing this review and have my Necromancer pretty geared. I have only bought the season pass and I most definitely do not intend to spend money on crest.

    Here’s the thing, if you just want to casually play and gear up your character, this games is just fine. If you are someone like me which don’t really care about pushing the leaderboards you can have a lot of fun without spending a penny. However, if you are a competitive player this is where the pay to win comes in. The game allows you to buy power with legendary gems which will significantly increase your progression in the leaderboard and make you stand out in PVP.

    To sum it up, this game is great when it comes to the gameplay and story. Probably one of the best mobile games you can play. However, the predatory micro transactions and ability to buy power is leaving a sour taste on peoples mouth. I wish this wasn’t the case since it overshadows the great game it is. I really enjoy this game and I wish Blizzard can address a lot of it’s p2w issues.
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  • It’s a good game

    Let me start with I love Diablo games and am haveing fun playing this one. There are critical review about the money you can spend in the game but in no way do you have to. I spent some already because I wanted some extra items and loot to help me level at the start but did I really need to no I didn’t. I buy plenty of PS5 games for 60+ and I don’t mind spending money on a game I like. This game is fun and you can play never spending any money and have fun. Does everyone need to have this idea that a company that wants to make money avoid actually making money because they don’t want to buy something. It’s tired out. I see way more games throw out 100’s of forced ads and crap in games this is a free game you can choose to play and enjoy with friends or by yourself in a Diablo style. If you want some little bonus perks of gems buy some or go hunting. Over all great game the only thing I wish is to change servers I didn’t realize I was locked in when I created my character it’s not a big deal but I would even pay for that option I don’t mind doing that. Play the game have a good time but don’t say it’s a bad game because they are offering micro transactions in a free game on a phone. Get the game you will enjoy it.
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  • If you liked Diablo 3 you’ll like this.

    Pros - The game play is surprisingly addictive, specially if you’re coming from Diablo 3. There’s a decent amount of things to do that will keep you busy for awhile. I don’t PVP so I don’t feel the need to pay 1000s of dollars to upgrade gems, I just enjoy the game play and Diablo is the only series I’ve ever enjoyed the grind of.

    Cons - they definitely want you to throw as much money at them as possible. I’m all for throwing a few bucks at a free to play game and support the creators but this is pretty ridiculous. I’m assuming there will be a new season every month and they’ll want you to rebuy everything you may have bought to advance each season. If it was just the battle pass I wouldn’t bat an eye but it’s crazy how much and how often they want you to spend money. And on top of alllll of that your cosmetics you buy or earn are attached to one character. Usually seasons in Diablo require new characters and characters are stuck to specific servers. So what’s the point of even buying the battle pass? It’s a shame. If they don’t make rewards account wide then I see most of the player base running back to Diablo 3.
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  • Unethical and greedy developers

    The game is great, looks absolutely beautiful. Game play is on point and is a looter paradise. Has everything you can expect from a Diablo game. BUT!!! Players beware, the game has a heavy pay to win aspect. You have to spend real money if you expect to become anything close to what you would become in D3 as far as power goes. The elder rifts only give viable loot if you provide legendary crests which are only obtained by spending money. Rare crests are obtained for free from daily rewards but only provide very trivial chances for upgrades. Challenge rifts only get harder with each increase in level but no significant increase in loot chance has been seen. Bounties are quick and easy and fun to do but only provide small amounts of gold on completion with a random blue or white item every so often. Beastiary has proven to be the best chance for legendary gear and battle pass xp but is extremely grindy and can only be done 3 times a day. Any money spent, and all time spent on one character is extremely exclusive to the character you have done it on. That means if you want to try a different character all the time and money spent is not carried over and you must buy everything again and spend more time to unlock features you already spent time to unlock. The disgusting amount of greed practiced in immortal is a horrible mess and blizzard should be ashamed of themselves.
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  • Screw this game and it's predatory microtransactions

    To be clear, I did not get far into this game, but early on I realized how boring it truly is and uninstalled. Gameplay is stale. You take Path of Exile and compare it to any recent Diablo game and it's easy to tell which developers are innovative and are enjoying their work. While this was expected to be mobile garbage, I did not expect this level of steaming pile of crap. And don't even get me started on the predatory microtransactions that permeate the experience. $110,000 to max out a SINGLE character!? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!? I urge the community to not put a single penny into this game. If you think for one second that Bobby and Blizz leadership aren't watching this game like a hawk to see how it does and then shoves in every possible microtransaction into Diablo 4 that they can get away with, then you need to reevaluate. Why Blizzard would release this trash heap after the media field day for their frat culture is beyond me. If you are someone who puts money into this game, and then turns around and ask what happened to the good games, you might want to take a look in the mirror. "But I just play for free." Don't even give them the satisfaction of play time. Time is our most valuable resource. Don't waste it here. AVOID THIS GAME LIKE THE PLAGUE!
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