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  • Great app with a newfound glitch!!

    So I was reading empress simulation which I paid money for and two episodes so far 30-31 had huge Grey patches in the middle of them with monologue I couldn’t read?? If I’m paying for something I’d enjoy to read it I don’t know if it’s a glitch or not but I did refresh my soo and restart my phone! So I hope that I’ll be reimbursed otherwise I do love the app and have read many stories out of the past couple of months I’ve had this app I love it and have read tons of comics without flaw! I would’ve just directed this towards the manufactures but there’s no way to do that on the app? Definitely a design flaw. -Janel
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  • Worst Ever

    This app is the worst. You have to wait a day to read the next chapter of any series. And then you have to watch an ad before you can read any chapter, even when you have a ticket(they let you read more chapters at once). You are only "renting" those chapters so you lose access to them after like a week as well which is ridiculous. There is a bar at the top of each series that tells you when you can read the next chapter. There are some series that, even when the bar is full and says "Read Now", you cant read. 1 series im trying to read has a full bar but I have to wait, at 1st it was 3 days but now its 6, for the next chapter. That's even when I have a ticket which should allow me to read without waiting for the bar to full up again. Ive contacted support about it TWICE but have gotten no response. So there's that. You cant get help with issues you have with the app. Its super tedious and annoying to not be able to read more than 1 chapter a day without paying and to have to watch an ad to even do that. Avoid the trouble. Dont download this app.
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  • Ticket and coin system is pretty flawed

    The stories on the app are really amazing BUT like everyone on here had already stated, it’s not binge reader friendly. At first I liked the ticket system but it got kind of annoying after I started reading more stories. I could get maybe 2-3 tickets a day. However, once you spend your tickets you have like 8days to read or reread the previous chapter and then it expires and you have to pay it again. This is why I like WEBTOON more. We get free episodes a week and there’s a comment section to interact with other readers. Also a lot of the coin missions are a little sketchy or over priced, therefore getting coins is a little difficult. And the ones you get for free expire in only a couple of days. I had 8 free coins, used 5 and had 3 left with no way to get 2 more, so they expired. I’ll continue to use this app but I’ll be a little mad about it.
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  • Pretty good except..

    the app is really good and i like how you can receive a ticket everyday instead of having to buy coins but it’s really annoying for ‘binge reading’, you have to wait a week or so (from the comics ive read so far they’re all about a week, idk if it’s a shorter wait for other comics so sorry if i got that wrong) for a new page or chapter to come out. yes, i understand the illustrators have to draw each scene but they should wait for it to be finished so we can enjoy it in one take and not forget about what happened in the previous chapters. REALLY love this app tho :)
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  • GREAT APP! Though I do have a suggestion.

    The app is amazing! I get to read amazing comics and they all have some sort of suspense and I’m loving it! It has an amazing comic, it gives me a ticket everyday, I can do little games to earn coins. Everything seems fine but I would like to request a suggestion.

    When I go to the offerwall I can find some things so that way I can earn a coin. I wanted to suggest something for the offerwall that might help some people like me. My suggestion is to put a like a price bar. What I mean is that I wanted to ask if you can put a little bar somewhere so that way we can choose what price of coins we want for the task instead of having to keep searching for it. If you still don’t understand what I’m trying to say because I’m a bad explainer let me give you an example. For example, let’s say I wanna do a task from 1-3 price of coins, then it should show me all the tasks that are 1-3. I hope you can design a little slide button so we can move it to number we want or you can just put a search bar thing so we can type what number we want in the beginning to the end.

    If someone has already suggested this please put this in, and if you already have it please tell me where it is.
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  • Good, minor quibble

    Most comics you can actually read for free if you’re patient enough. However, it’s really annoying scrolling through my subscribed list and seeing ‘read now’ on many of them, only to click and find out it will actually be several days before I can rent it. It can’t be that I can read now if I pay to unlock because that applies to every comic all the time. It makes the alert distracting and unusable and I’ve ignored comics I actually can read because they’ve had the alert up for days.
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  • Ticket and bar system doesn’t work

    Ok so I have been having this problem where I try to read the next chapter of the comic I’m reading and it tells me I have to have either a ticket or a full bar in order to read. The problem is I not only have a full bar I also have two tickets yet it won’t allow me to read the next chapter. I haven’t had this app long and it worked fine the first couple of days yet now I have to wait days to read the one comic I was interested in because the app is glitched. If this was fixed I would give it a 5 star rating since the app seems like it would be enjoyable if it were fixed.
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  • Not very whale friendly, requesting point system for purchases

    I think i would consider myself a whale in other apps if i can drop $100 when theres a token/coin sale in other apps.

    This app has potential, but it’s pretty upsetting that the main reward system is based on tickets to rent chapters, that aren't even the most up to date chapter.

    They’re utterly useless for me, i have 25 tickets i dont even use. At least in other apps i get points for purchasing or batch unlocking chapters, and then i can use said points to unlock the latest paid chapters or get a discount on coins. Requesting pocket comics to do the same, or at least place an exchange system for large amounts of tickets to a few coins.
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  • Hooked but...

    Aye seen many comments before hand with this issue here’s how you think u
    Guys and make this better why can’t u guys do what VRV or tubi do and play 1 or 4 ads so we can keep reading the other chapters for free? I like I shouldn’t have for a 23 or 24 hrs wait before the gauge is full before I can start reading again like that’s a waste of time I minds well just delete the app and read webtoon cos it’s free without a catch like I understand ur trying to be different it’s just so annoying having to wait for a chapter or a gauge and getting coins requires BUYING COINS so that’s why til this problem is fixed Imma have to give this app a two star sorry it’s great but annoying....:p
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  • Good comic app

    Overall, I have one issue but still totally worth it.

    Enjoying the comics I’m reading, app is pretty clear on everything. I just have one issue. In the last update, they added missions to allow for people to get various prizes. But so far I’ve only gotten tickets as rewards, save for 1 day where I got coins. I think it’s disappointing I don’t ever get the chance to earn coins, especially since I can’t get coins any other way at this time except through the free coins. And because it’s a new feature, there’s nothing in the Q&A or whatever to explain the mission stuff.
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