Woodoku User Reviews

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  • Ads Ads and s’more Ads

    First and foremost, this game disappointingly has nothing to do with sodoku other than the board. It’s just a new take on Tetris. Also, it is clear that this game solely exists to generate ads. The owners make their money off of those ads and micro purchases. That means they must saturate the user with enough ads to get other companies interested in advertising on their product, but what that really means is the game will intentionally scuttle your progress in order to keep their average advertisement runs on the level. They only show you the next three pieces and then conveniently you get impossible combinations very quickly and lose: now you get an add. Play it again and they provide you with two or three possible moves before there are no more possible. Rinse and repeat until they very easily provide you with the exact combinations you need so you can advance.

    In the end it takes almost no skill to win or lose. It’s the random pieces generated by the application which are in line with them forcing you back to the ads and curbing your progress. Very disappointing overall.

    Bit of advice: force close the app whenever you win or lose to skip the ad. Start the app back up and you’ll be where you left off in much shorter time or even better, don’t install this game disguised as tracking software.
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  • Fun and addicting but they can’t seem to fix the bugs!

    I love these puzzles and I muttle my way through the freezing and crashing to finish a puzzle and move on. I don’t understand why I can’t listen to a podcast at the same time I’m doing the puzzles? I’ve asked support before and I never heard from them. It doesn’t seem like it would be too hard to fix this problem given the amount of complaints about this and it is your program!
    I feel the same way about your ads as the rest of the people. There are too many ads and I always get bumped off my podcast because of the audio of the ads! So back and forth I go! I just want to de-stress and work on my puzzle without having to work so hard to actually complete one without being interrupted by freezing and crashing.
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  • Great Brain Strategy Game

    Love this game so much. Such a great brain strategy practice and gets more and more challenging as you play (especially the journeys) which I’m grateful for. Love the good graphics without constantly flashing or creating “screen noise”, making it a good game to be challenging yet relaxing.

    The only thing I wish was different was the time allotment for the journeys. The levels sometimes take several attempts to complete/pass to the next and with busy life schedules, even playing a little bit everyday when I am able, I always run out of time before getting close to level 84 - which is a goal I’d like to achieve. I wanted to send TripleDotStudios an email rather than write it here in the review, but there is no contact info on the website unfortunately. Can Woodoku journeys be extended from 6 days to maybe 12? Or even 8 would be better. Please and thank you! 🙏🏽
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  • WHY Those ads??

    I will never understand why some devs insist on advertising the game with sequences that never Ever occur in the actual game. I'm sure this game is fine and fun, but they chose to show a completely different type of game in the advertisement, and since That was the game I'm interested in playing, I'm quite disappointed. I will continue to leave 1-star reviews for devs who do this; if you think people will like the Other game better, why don't you make That game instead of this one? Or if you think this game is better, why on earth would you advertise the other? Just advertise the game you made, please, not the game you wish you had made 🙄
    PS. The advertised game was more like a traditional puzzle where you have to fit in all the specific pieces, and it showed scoring and a "right" way and a "wrong" way. The actual game is much more like Tetris meets "match three," which is perfectly fine but not the type of game I like.
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  • Deceitful false advertisement

    I got an ad while using a different app of a diamond shaped puzzle and different shapes used to complete the diamond. It looked fun and entertaining so I clicked the ad to download the app. Once downloaded I opened the advertised Woodoku and was met with the standard 9x9 grid I thought perhaps if I played a couple it would offer the other shaped puzzles. Nope. All basic grid shapes. The puzzle doesn’t allow for you to completely fill the grid offering no satisfaction, instead it has point goal and section disappear which you refill until the point goal is met and it starts a new puzzle- similar to a sad version of Tetris. Also, there is a video ad between every single puzzle. I spent more time watching ads than playing the puzzles. After a few minutes of this I deleted the app and came to provide this review to hopefully same others some time and disappointment.
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  • This Game Could be Amazing, But…

    I absolutely love this game and play it often. Still, I find myself frustrated at the lack of basic features that would cost the developer nearly nothing to implement. Why are the puzzle pieces not more randomized? Why are the ads SO intrusive? There is, I’m sure a way to mute the sound without us having to turn our volume off. I enjoy playing while listening to podcasts or audiobooks and the ads not only interrupt but turn them off! Why hasn’t that been addressed? Why isn’t there an ad-free paid version or no ads upon successfully completing a level? Why aren’t the ways to dismiss the ads more obvious and not clickbait? Why haven’t you considered an undo feature knowing how often people complain about the jerky drag-and-drop that sometimes means a piece is mislaid? Why don’t you all listen?

    It’s clear the developers of this game are uninterested in what players have said time and again about this game. These things don’t feel hard to fix. I’d give it five stars if it weren’t for both the issues I and others have mentioned and the total absence of responsiveness by the developers. It’s sad to think you don’t care enough to listen.
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  • Fun, yet frustrating

    The game is fun and challenging. I just wish we could still attempt the daily challenge games if we miss days. I feel like that would be more fun. After reading some of the other reviews and see other players only have 45 levels to get through on their journey is a bit frustrating because every single journey I’ve had has had about 84 levels to get through in only 6 days. That’s not enough time and it eventually gets boring.

    The ads that advertised this game showed shapes you had to fill just right, but this game has absolutely no shapes. Add the shapes in. It’ll make for a more interesting level/game.

    I do wish there was an ad free option for this game because those do get annoying to watch every single time you want to go a new level after completion. I understand and appreciate that this game’s revenue is made off of showing ads, but I also feel like the amount of ads shown between levels is a bit much. If a player is able to complete the level they should be able to go to the next level without seeing an ad. But if they fail, then an ad is appropriate. But the ads do make it annoying when you’re trying to complete several levels at once in order to obtain as many rewards as possible within the six day journey period.
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  • Addictive & time consuming

    Love playing the games, however it could use some tweaking! The drag & drop on the pieces sometimes locks up for a few seconds & will drop the piece in a spot not intended. There are way too many long ads to watch between each retry. Some of the journeys are too long. But mostly the end of the journey puzzles are way too difficult to solve with the pieces given. The Journey to Japan is ridiculous and I spent way too many hours on re-trying to solve the puzzles. I just wanted to make it to the end!! It shouldn’t be so frustrating, it should just be fun. Great concept which is why I keep at it but come on guys, make it more fun! Also, the game will lock up after playing for a while so I just have to close it out & try later. A game for someone with lots of time on there hands.
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  • Great game….BUT

    Awesome game, each puzzle is different and works the brain as it should. Unfortunately the ridiculous amount of ADS takes the shine out of this game, not even an option to purchase AD-Free.
  • Wayyyy too many ads - deleted app

    There are many similar games with options to remove ads.

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