Response from developer
Hi, If you find any mistakes, please report that question by using "Report mistakes" function in 3-dot icons at upper right screen. We'll check and fix it immediately.
Easy to use
Response from developer
Thank you for your review! Please recommend our app to your friends, and don't hesitate to shoot us a note at support@abc-elearning.org if you have any questions.
Review of Accuplacer
Study tool
Response from developer
Thank you for your support all along. We will keep working to provide a good user experience.
This app is good
Response from developer
Thank you very much. Keep using our app!
So far so good
Response from developer
Thank you for your review. Enjoy our app and keep supporting us. If you have any feedback or suggestion, you could write to us at support@abc-elearning.org. We would love to hear from you.