Clubhouse User Reviews

Alpha Exploration Co.

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    It is ASTOUNDING to witness time and again Clubhouse’s BLATANT DISREGARD of the SAFETY of ITS USERS, ESPECIALLY FEMALE USERS. From its inception, this app HAS DONE NOTHING EFFECTIVE to KEEP PREDATORS, MISOGYNISTS, INCELS, NARCISSISTS, PSYCHOPATHS, SOCIOPATHS, RAPISTS, SEX TRAFFICKERS, CON ARTISTS, FRAUDS, BULLIES, STALKERS, RACISTS, and ALL OTHER TYPES OF ABUSIVE, MANIPULATIVE, DECEITFUL. THIEVING, DANGEROUS REPEAT OFFENDERS off the app. NOT A SINGLE EFFECTIVE THING. REPEAT OFFENDERS keep COMING BACK under different names, and literally everyone knows that it’s them. Meanwhile, all Clubhouse hq does is HARD SELL HOUSES. That’s ALL YOU SEE IN THE HALLWAYS NOW. Rooms hard selling houses, trying to rebrand the app after Clubhouse hq completely broke what was once a fun app that actually added value to people’s lives. It is now a wasteland, where the bottom feeders are now competing to be “influencers” and app “icons.” The weekly Clubhouse Town Hall rooms have had zero gender diversity for well over a year. It’s been all dudes awkwardly trying to be funny and clever, with the one token female perched on stage for appearances. Clubhouse, you are NOTHING WITHOUT YOUR VALUABLE USERS. I doubt anyone in your organization leadership is able to see that. Your toxic masculinity is just too firmly embedded in your psyche.
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  • They’re trying to destroy clubhouse

    **Update: Just discovered that even if you toggle off all the notification settings, you still get notifications when invited to a new house. And you can only Pause notifications temporarily. Obnoxious. I turned off Notifications for the app in my iPhone settings. Was about to delete it.**

    The Clubhouse team want this ship to sink. They know how infuriatingly obnoxious the notifications are. Can’t join a house without deep menu diving to turn off notifications? No global setting for turning off these notifications? Can’t set notifications for DMs only? No one actually believes this is a good idea. Just like the “friend bar” at the top of the screen — worst UI of any social media app, makes no sense. The devs got a lot of funding for this app, are probably gonna enjoy paying themselves a nice salary while pretending to be “improving” the app, but actually just want engagement to go down enough that they can justify selling it off and making some exit cash.
    Either that, or they are an arrogant bunch who had a bright idea that took off — and then they assumed that they are geniuses and are not willing to second guess their own decisions.
    Too bad. Clubhouse felt cute, might delete later.
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  • Too much arguing!

    When I first joined this app back in 2020, it was through exclusive invite only. Now that it has been opened up for anyone to join, it has been problematic. There are so many rumors on his app where folks are arguing and creating topics that are highly offensive. There’s so much disrespect from men to women and vice versa. I used to love that it had so many innovative people who were bringing information that I couldn’t find elsewhere but now it has turned into A cesspool of negativity. I also wanted to mention the ring around the person who is speaking is not bright enough they could be hundreds of people on the stage and you wouldn’t even know who is talking. I came on this app for business and now I am leaving
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  • Very clunky with voiceover as a blind user.

    When I was first introduced to this app, I found it to be workable with my screen reader. I was able to find rooms to get into and topics to join. However, since they introduced replays, and clubs, and people I might know on clubhouse, it has been an extremely cumbersome user experience for me. I find it near impossible to scroll through all of the recommendations and constantly get stuck on screens I have no desire to get stuck on, such as the aforementioned. I wish there was a way to filter out past replays, people I might know, clubs I'm not interested in in the slightest, and such overblown things. Furthermore, there is no better way than to scroll and hope one gets past all of the sludge in hopes of finding a room where I might talk. As it stands, I find the entire process far more vexing than helpful and have rarely used the app within the past year or so. Given the auditory nature of the app, it would seem to be well-suited to those of us who have no need for video communication. However, the frustration of the interface far outweighs the usefulness of the platform in general. I wish I could put up a better review, but I would rather be honest about my experience than lie and say the thing was great and that I spend all my waking hours on it. Alas, I cannot and what you have here is a review fraught with annoyance and disappointment. What seemed to be an enlightening experience has turned into a painful one.
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  • Children under 18 shouldn’t be allowed on app

    The minimum age was recently reduced from 17+ down to 12+ on app. This has made me and others very upset as a daily users of the app. Most of the content in the app isn’t safe or appropriate for minors to participate or interact in, as it’s mostly of mature nature. This is causing controversy and it will negatively affect the app due to all the risks this new change is bringing. No one wants to be constantly worried about a minor being present, especially when there is no way to tell the age of a person at first glance or any official identification verifiers. Predators will take advantage of this. What is the benefit of having kids involved in our space in the first place? I’m requesting for the minimum age to be reinstated to what it used to be or higher. Just develop a clubhouse Jr app for them where it will be a more controlled environment.
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  • Hazardous to your mental health.

    I downloaded the app for research thinking I would learn something new, interesting, and vibrant about cyber culture and intersectionality. What I’ve learned, and I am really sorry to say this, is that the app is full of individuals who are not credible experts in their field and are only interested in facilitating discussions for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest number of listeners and/or followers. For example if there’s a mass shooting or a prime minister suddenly resigns, your feed is ablaze of both with religious affirmation and NFT rooms sprinkled throughout. If you do decide to participate in discussions, please do so with caution (avoid grifter rooms) and make sure at least one of the moderators is an expert in their field. In my opinion, it’s an app full of echo chambers and unhealthy exchanges. I’m a psych major who listened for research purposes and I had to delete this app for my own safety. Maybe I’ll return who knows, but for now I’ve chosen easy breezy summer.
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  • UI Trouble

    As with any social media desperate for something – whatever that may be – Clubhouse is continually adjusting things that users never asked for; such as: making the friend list a one-dimensional, horizontal scrollable list which only shows a view of ~4-5 users (on my device) at any time, akin to Instagram’s Stories UI. In the case of Instagram, it’s incredibly obnoxious and trashy. It’s worse in the case of Clubhouse, because the list – which requires unnecessary amounts of scrolling – involves friends online or recently active. This is directly counter to how the app functioned since inception (as far as this user is aware of). The “old” design of the online / recently active list allowed for the viewing of many more friends per ‘screen’ – much less scrolling involved to achieve trivial information such as the answer to, “who’s online and may be available to talk?”

    An easy suggestion to the developers of Clubhouse is to *not* be inspired by examples from the dumpster, like Meta/Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google... Were the UI folks hired from a company like Meta? Is the excuse that this is “an experiment” ? I don’t know a single friend or person on CH that thinks the new UI change is any good. It’s not a “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” issue; it’s simply just terrible design. This is straightforward.
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  • Love but…

    This app is a game changer. Social media to the next level. I love it and so many features are amazing.

    Imagine having access to your favorite inspiration. Celebs, philosophers, performers, artists, business gurus, teachers, how to’s, friends…

    It’s amazing. That simple.

    💥 I suggest the creators look into “block” feature and it’s affects. It’s silly to me to not be able to hear a replay from someone I follow simply because someone who is block-happy went on stage at some point.

    It’s juvenile to block folks Willy bully but some people I want to listen to attract some trolls that are master blockers. Don’t like your face, block. Don’t like your bio, block. Don’t like what you said that one time. Block. Don’t like who you follow, block. Etc. silly stuff.

    Anyway. If it could be fixed that’d be awesome. People can block whoever they want but I should be able to listen to a replay even if some block-happy folks went on stage at some point.

    Also. If I follow someone and am in their room, and someone in that room has me blocked and goes on stage, if I get a phone call or have to hop off, I can’t get back into the room. Like why?

    Blocking is silly in my opinion. I simply unfollow fools that are trolls or nasty. That feature needs a revamp. Please. And thank you 😊!

    Other than that, this app is uber cool. Awesome for work time learning. Also amazing to participate and host rooms. I love it!!!!

    Thanks CH! You are my daily goto.
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  • The chat box problem / Club problem

    Despite amazing service and potential, somethings need to be improved. For example the problem of chat box. My archive is full of messages I no longer need and therefore wish to remove. There is also another remark. Since you can not follow a club anymore, it would have been great if I could put my clubs in order which suits my priorities. Or at least there was an option to turn on notifications of certain clubs instead of people. Because you might not be interested to all rooms a certain person joins, but you can be interested in the main subject of all rooms of a club. If that would be possible we can turn off people’s notifications that can be really annoying. So we don’t have to choose between notifications receiving so often and not receiving them at all.
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  • Decent but could use re-introduction to old features

    I like that I’m able to chat with friends on this app and especially being able to do it for free is a bonus. But the major complaint that I have and that many of my friends have is that with iOS you no longer can ping or invite people into a club that you’re in unless it’s open to the public. If it is closed and set to private you are no longer able to do that which is very frustrating and will eventually push me to deleting the app and returning to other platforms to poor chatting and communications. I suggest that the developer bring back that feature to iOS or else I will no longer recommend it to my friends and family and people that I talk to
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